


rho <- 0.8

rnormcor <- function(x,rho) rnorm(1, rho*x, sqrt(1-rho^2))

x <- rnorm(10000) 

y <- sapply(x, rnormcor, rho=rho)


rnormcorV <- function(x, rho){
#   powerNeg <- function(x, p) (abs(x)^(1/p)) * sign(x)
#   dist <- rho - 0.5
#   steps <- qpois(dist, lambda=6)
  y <- sapply(x, rnormcor, rho=rho)

y2 <- rnormcorV(x, rho)


y3 <- rnormcorV(x, 0.8)

cor(x, y3)


library(lattice) # for splom
library(car)     # for vif

# number of observations to simulate
nobs = 100

# Using a correlation matrix (let' assume that all variables
# have unit variance
M = matrix(c(1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.5,
             0.7, 1, 0.95, 0.3,
             0.7, 0.95, 1, 0.3,
             0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 1), nrow=4, ncol=4)

# Cholesky decomposition
L = chol(M)
nvars = dim(L)[1]

# R chol function produces an upper triangular version of L
# so we have to transpose it.
# Just to be sure we can have a look at t(L) and the
# product of the Cholesky decomposition by itself


t(L) %*% L

# Random variables that follow an M correlation matrix
r = t(L) %*% matrix(rnorm(nvars*nobs), nrow=nvars, ncol=nobs)
r = t(r)

rdata =
names(rdata) = c('resp', 'pred1', 'pred2', 'pred3')
jknowles/datasynthR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:42 a.m.