
Defines functions VARMAauto

Documented in VARMAauto

#' Computes autocovariances of VARMA
#' @param phi  Array of dimension m x m x p of VAR coefficients, e.g.,
#'			phi <- array(cbind(phi1,phi2,...,phip),c(m,m,p))
#' @param	theta  Array of dimension m x m x q of VMA coefficients, e.g.,
#'			theta <- array(cbind(theta1,theta2,...,thetaq),c(m,m,q))
#' @param	sigma  An m x m covariance matrix of white noise
#' @param maxlag   Final lag of autocovariance needed.
#' @return 	The autocovariances at lags 0 through maxlag,
#'    as array of dimension m x m x (maxlag+1)
#' @export

VARMAauto <- function(phi,theta,sigma,maxlag)

	#	VARMAauto
	# 	    Copyright (C) 2017  Tucker McElroy
	#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	#    (at your option) any later version.
	#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	#    GNU General Public License for more details.
	#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	#    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

	################# Documentation #####################################
	#	Purpose: computes autocovariances of VARMA
	#	Background: function computes autocovariances of VARMA (p,q) from lag zero
	#		to maxlag, with array inputs phi and theta.  VARMA equation:
	#	(1 - phi[1]B ... - phi[p]B^p) X_t = (1 + theta[1]B ...+ theta[q]B^q) WN_t
	#	Note: for absent VAR or VMA portions, pass in NULL
	#	Inputs:
	#		phi: array of dimension m x m x p of VAR coefficients, e.g.,
	#			phi <- array(cbind(phi1,phi2,...,phip),c(m,m,p))
	#		theta: array of dimension m x m x q of VMA coefficients, e.g.,
	#			theta <- array(cbind(theta1,theta2,...,thetaq),c(m,m,q))
	#		sigma: m x m covariance matrix of white noise
  #   maxlag: final lag of autocovariance needed.
	#	Outputs:
	#		autocovariances at lags 0 through maxlag, as array of dimension m x m x (maxlag+1)

  polymulMat <- function(amat,bmat)
    p <- dim(amat)[3]-1
    q <- dim(bmat)[3]-1
    N <- dim(amat)[2]

    r <- p+q
    bmat.pad <- array(0,c(N,N,r+1))
    for(i in 1:(q+1)) { bmat.pad[,,i] <- bmat[,,i] }
    cmat <- array(0,c(N,N,r+1))
    cmat[,,1] <- amat[,,1] %*% bmat.pad[,,1]
    if(r > 0) {
      for(j in 2:(r+1))
        cmat[,,j] <- amat[,,1] %*% bmat.pad[,,j]
        if(p > 0) {
          for(k in 1:min(p,j-1))
          { cmat[,,j] <- cmat[,,j] + amat[,,k+1] %*% bmat.pad[,,j-k] } }
      } }


Kcommut <- function(vect,m,n)

m <- dim(sigma)[2]
p <- 0
q <- 0
if (length(phi) > 0) p <- dim(phi)[3]
if (length(theta) > 0) q <- dim(theta)[3]
Kmat <- apply(diag(m^2),1,Kcommut,m,m)

if (q == 0) { gamMA <- array(sigma,c(m,m,1)) } else
	temp <- polymulMat(array(cbind(diag(m),matrix(theta,m,m*q)),c(m,m,q+1)),
	flip <- aperm(theta,c(2,1,3))[,,q:1,drop=FALSE]
	gamMA <- polymulMat(temp,array(cbind(matrix(flip,m,m*q),diag(m)),c(m,m,q+1)))
gamMA <- gamMA[,,(q+1):(2*q+1),drop=FALSE]
gamMAvec <- matrix(gamMA,m^2*(q+1),1)

if (p > 0)
	Amat <- matrix(0,nrow=m^2*(p+1),ncol=m^2*(2*p+1))
	Amat <- array(Amat,c(m^2,p+1,m^2,2*p+1))
	Arow <- diag(m^2)
	for(i in 1:p)
		Arow <- cbind(-1*diag(m) %x% phi[,,i],Arow)
	for(i in 1:(p+1))
		Amat[,i,,i:(i+p)] <- Arow
	newA <- array(matrix(Amat[,1:(p+1),,1:p],m^2*(p+1),m^2*(p)),c(m^2,p+1,m^2,p))
	for(i in 1:(p+1))
		for(j in 1:p)
 			newA[,i,,j] <- newA[,i,,j] %*% Kmat
	Amat <- cbind(matrix(Amat[,,,p+1],m^2*(p+1),m^2),
			matrix(Amat[,,,(p+2):(2*p+1)],m^2*(p+1),m^2*(p)) +

	Bmat <- matrix(0,nrow=m^2*(q+1),ncol=m^2*(p+q+1))
	Bmat <- array(Bmat,c(m^2,q+1,m^2,p+q+1))
	Brow <- diag(m^2)
	for(i in 1:p)
		Brow <- cbind(Brow,-1*phi[,,i] %x% diag(m))
	for(i in 1:(q+1))
		Bmat[,i,,i:(i+p)] <- Brow
	Bmat <- Bmat[,,,1:(q+1)]
	Bmat <- matrix(Bmat,m^2*(q+1),m^2*(q+1))
# modification suggested by A. Roy
#	Binv <- solve(Bmat)
#	gamMix <- Binv %*% gamMAvec
	gamMix <- solve(Bmat,gamMAvec)
	if (p <= q) gamMixTemp <- gamMix[1:((p+1)*m^2)] else
		gamMixTemp <- c(gamMix,rep(0,(p-q)*m^2))
	# gamARMA <- solve(Amat) %*% gamMixTemp
	gamARMA <- solve(Amat, gamMixTemp)
	gamMix <- array(matrix(gamMix,m,m*(q+1)),c(m,m,q+1))
	gamARMA <- array(matrix(gamARMA,m,m*(p+1)),c(m,m,p+1))
} else
	gamARMA <- array(gamMA[,,1],c(m,m,1))
	if (q == 0) { gamMix <- array(sigma,c(m,m,1)) } else
		gamMix <- array(gamMA[,,1:(q+1)],c(m,m,q+1))

if (maxlag <= p)
	gamARMA <- gamARMA[,,1:(maxlag+1)]
} else
	if (maxlag > q) gamMix <- array(cbind(matrix(gamMix,m,m*(q+1)),
	for(k in 1:(maxlag-p))
		len <- dim(gamARMA)[3]
		acf <- gamMix[,,p+1+k]
		if (p > 0)
			temp <- NULL
			for(i in 1:p)
				temp <- rbind(temp,gamARMA[,,len-i+1])
			acf <- acf + matrix(phi,m,m*p) %*% temp
		gamARMA <- array(cbind(matrix(gamARMA,m,m*len),acf),c(m,m,len+1))

jlivsey/sigex documentation built on March 20, 2024, 3:17 a.m.