
context("More'-Thuente Line Search")

# This test uses input parameters, directions and step sizes from using the MT
# line search with a few steps of the CG solver. The expected values come
# from plugging the input values into Dianne O'Leary's Matlab code (running
# under GNU Octave).

expect_step <- function(actual, x, f, df, alpha, nfev, tolerance = 1e-4) {
  expect_equal(actual$step$par, x, tolerance = tolerance)
  expect_equal(actual$step$f, f, tolerance = tolerance)
  expect_equal(actual$step$df, df, tolerance = tolerance)
  expect_equal(actual$step$alpha, alpha, tolerance = tolerance)
  expect_equal(actual$nfn, nfev)

step <- function(x, f, df, alpha, nfev) {
  list(x = x, step = list(f = f, df = df, alpha = alpha), nfev = nfev)

rfn <- rosenbrock_banana$fr
rgr <- rosenbrock_banana$grr

mtls <- function(fn, gr, x, pv, alpha, c1, c2) {
  cvsrch(phi = make_phi(fn, gr, x, pv),
          step0 = make_step0(fn, gr, x, pv), alpha = alpha, c1 = c1, c2 = c2)

# Parameter and directions chosen from a few steps of conjugate gradient
x0 <- c(-1.2, 1)
f0 <- fcn(x0)$f
g0 <- fcn(x0)$g
pv0 <- -g0
res0 <- mtls(rfn, rgr, x = x0, pv = pv0, alpha = 1, c1 = 1e-4, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res0, x = c(-1.0303, 1.0693), f = 4.1281, df = c(-0.86028, 1.55311), alpha = 7.8714e-004, nfev = 6)

x1 <- c(-1.03029258270995, 1.06926833358777)
s1 <- c(0.678778732193672, -1.62718724997206)
stp1 <- 0.00787140154406528
res1 <- mtls(rfn, rgr, x = x1, pv = s1, alpha = stp1, c1 = 1e-4, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res1, x = c(-0.93490, 0.84058), f = 3.8557, df = c(-16.3785, -6.6899), alpha = 0.14054, nfev = 4)

x2 <- c(-0.93489630395067, 0.840581721692583)
s2 <- c(82.9831095090807, -152.976612631312)
stp2 <- 0.00130231474391321
res2 <- mtls(rfn, rgr, x = x2, pv = s2, alpha = stp2, c1 = 1e-4, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res2, x = c(-0.76937, 0.53543), f = 3.4498, df = c(-20.924, -11.298), alpha = 0.0019947, nfev = 3)

x3 <- c(-0.769366362439548, 0.535432759557588)
s3 <- c(59.9425114374444, -60.6311467768195)
stp3 <- 0.00117660074175633
res3 <- mtls(rfn, rgr, x = x3, pv = s3, alpha = stp3, c1 = 1e-4, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res3, x = c(-0.296074, 0.056704), f = 1.7756, df = c(-6.2583, -6.1913), alpha = 0.0078958, nfev = 6)

x4 <- c(-0.296074462080688, 0.056703557347149)
s4 <- c(-6.82297041222129, 19.4228817957819)
stp4 <- 0.0579510137782484
res4 <- mtls(rfn, rgr, x = x4, pv = s4, alpha = stp4, c1 = 1e-4, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res4, x = c(-0.307592, 0.089491), f = 1.7124, df = c(-3.2454, -1.0244), alpha = 0.0016881, nfev = 2)

## These tests are designed to reproduce the data in Tables 1-6
## of the More'-Thuente paper. They do so apart from a small number of minor
## differences (what value differs and when are indicated by comments before the
## test). Note that the values here are also reproduced by the Matlab code by
## O'Leary, i.e. where the R result differs from the published data in the
## original More'-Thuente paper, so does the Matlab code.

# Table 1
pv1 <- -f1$gr(0)/abs(f1$gr(0))
res11 <- mtls(fn = f1$fn, gr = f1$gr, x = 0, pv = pv1, alpha = 1e-3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res11, x = 1.3650, f = -0.35333, df = -0.0091645, alpha = 1.3650, nfev = 6)
res12 <- mtls(fn = f1$fn, gr = f1$gr, x = 0, pv = pv1, alpha = 1e-1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res12, x = 1.4414, f = -0.35349, df = 0.0046645, alpha = 1.4414, nfev = 3)
res13 <- mtls(fn = f1$fn, gr = f1$gr, x = 0, pv = pv1, alpha = 1e1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res13, x = 10, f = -0.098039, df =  0.0094195, alpha = 10, nfev = 1)
res14 <- mtls(fn = f1$fn, gr = f1$gr, x = 0, pv = pv1, alpha = 1e3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res14, x =  36.888, f = -0.027070, df = 7.3169e-004, alpha = 36.888, nfev = 4)

# # Table 2
pv2 <- -f2$gr(0)/abs(f2$gr(0))
# # gradient 7.1e-9
res21 <- mtls(fn = f2$fn, gr = f2$gr, x = 0, pv = pv2, alpha = 1e-3, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res21, x = 1.5960, f = -2.6214, df = 3.8113e-009, alpha = 1.5960, nfev = 12)
# gradient 10e-10 could be a typo in the paper and should be 1.0e-10?
res22 <- mtls(fn = f2$fn, gr = f2$gr, x = 0, pv = pv2, alpha = 1e-1, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res22, x = 1.5960, f = -2.6214, df = 1.0106e-010, alpha = 1.5960, nfev = 8)
res23 <- mtls(fn = f2$fn, gr = f2$gr, x = 0, pv = pv2, alpha = 1e1, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res23, x = 1.5960, f = -2.6214, df = -4.9725e-009, alpha = 1.5960, nfev = 8)
res24 <- mtls(fn = f2$fn, gr = f2$gr, x = 0, pv = pv2, alpha = 1e3, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res24, x = 1.5960, f = -2.6214, df = -2.3091e-008, alpha = 1.5960, nfev = 11)

# Table 3
pv3 <- -f3$gr(0)/abs(f3$gr(0))
res31 <- mtls(fn = f3$fn, gr = f3$gr, x = 0, pv = pv3, alpha = 1e-3, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res31, x = 1.0, f = -0.011160, df = -5.1440e-005, alpha = 1.0, nfev = 12)
res32 <- mtls(fn = f3$fn, gr = f3$gr, x = 0, pv = pv3, alpha = 1e-1, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res32, x = 1.0, f = -0.011160, df = -1.9224e-004, alpha = 1.0, nfev = 12)
res33 <- mtls(fn = f3$fn, gr = f3$gr, x = 0, pv = pv3, alpha = 1e1, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res33, x = 1.0, f = -0.011160, df = -1.9892e-006, alpha = 1.0, nfev = 10)
res34 <- mtls(fn = f3$fn, gr = f3$gr, x = 0, pv = pv3, alpha = 1e3, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.1)
expect_step(res34, x = 1.0, f = -0.011160, df = -1.5789e-005, alpha = 1.0, nfev = 13)

# Table 4
pv4 <- -f4$gr(0)/abs(f4$gr(0))
# alpha = 0.08
res41 <- mtls(fn = f4$fn, gr = f4$gr, x = 0, pv = pv4, alpha = 1e-3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res41, x = 0.085, f = 0.99901, df = -6.8531e-005, alpha = 0.085, nfev = 4)
res42 <- mtls(fn = f4$fn, gr = f4$gr, x = 0, pv = pv4, alpha = 1e-1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res42, x = 0.1, f = 0.99901, df = -4.9330e-005, alpha = 0.1, nfev = 1)
res43 <- mtls(fn = f4$fn, gr = f4$gr, x = 0, pv = pv4, alpha = 1e1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res43, x = 0.34910, f = 0.999, df = -2.9195e-006, alpha = 0.34910, nfev = 3)
res44 <- mtls(fn = f4$fn, gr = f4$gr, x = 0, pv = pv4, alpha = 1e3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res44, x = 0.8294, f = 0.999, df = 1.6436e-005, alpha = 0.8294, nfev = 4)

# Table 5
pv5 <- -f5$gr(0)/abs(f5$gr(0))
res51 <- mtls(fn = f5$fn, gr = f5$gr, x = 0, pv = pv5, alpha = 1e-3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res51, x = 0.075011, f = 0.99138, df = 1.9025e-004, alpha = 0.075011, nfev = 6)
res52 <- mtls(fn = f5$fn, gr = f5$gr, x = 0, pv = pv5, alpha = 1e-1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res52, x = 0.07751, f = 0.99139, df = 7.3935e-004, alpha = 0.07751, nfev = 3)
res53 <- mtls(fn = f5$fn, gr = f5$gr, x = 0, pv = pv5, alpha = 1e1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res53, x = 0.073142, f = 0.99138, df = -2.5691e-004, alpha = 0.073142, nfev = 7)
res54 <- mtls(fn = f5$fn, gr = f5$gr, x = 0, pv = pv5, alpha = 1e3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res54, x = 0.076159, f = 0.99139, df = 4.4913e-004, alpha = 0.076159, nfev = 8)

# Table 6
pv6 <- -f6$gr(0)/abs(f6$gr(0))
res61 <- mtls(fn = f6$fn, gr = f6$gr, x = 0, pv = pv6, alpha = 1e-3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res61, x = 0.9279, f = 0.99139, df = 5.2203e-004, alpha = 0.9279, nfev = 13)
res62 <- mtls(fn = f6$fn, gr = f6$gr, x = 0, pv = pv6, alpha = 1e-1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res62, x = 0.92615, f = 0.99138, df = 8.3588e-005, alpha = 0.92615, nfev = 11)
res63 <- mtls(fn = f6$fn, gr = f6$gr, x = 0, pv = pv6, alpha = 1e1, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res63, x = 0.92478, f = 0.99138, df = -2.3788e-004, alpha = 0.92478, nfev = 8)
res64 <- mtls(fn = f6$fn, gr = f6$gr, x = 0, pv = pv6, alpha = 1e3, c1 = 0.001, c2 = 0.001)
expect_step(res64, x = 0.92440, f = 0.99139, df = -3.2498e-004, alpha = 0.92440, nfev = 11)

# The above tests don't enter the code path where the function is modified much. The
# tests below do exercise that part.
res4m <- mtls(fn = f4$fn, gr = f4$gr, x = 1, pv = -f4$gr(1)/abs(f4$gr(1)), alpha = 1, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.9)
expect_step(res4m, x = 0.99615, f = 0.99913, df = 0.032049, alpha = 0.0038522, nfev = 6)
res5m <- mtls(fn = f5$fn, gr = f5$gr, x = 1, pv = -f5$gr(1)/abs(f5$gr(1)), alpha = 1, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.9)
expect_step(res5m, x = 0.99599, f = 0.99914, df = 0.038284, alpha = 0.0040126, nfev = 6)
res6m <- mtls(fn = f6$fn, gr = f6$gr, x = 1, pv = -f6$gr(1)/abs(f6$gr(1)), alpha = 1, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.9)
expect_step(res6m, x = 0.95655, f = 0.99157, df = 0.016504, alpha = 0.043447, nfev = 4)
jlmelville/rcgmin documentation built on May 19, 2019, 12:47 p.m.