  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = FALSE

HNSW for nearest neighbors

The Hierachical Navigable Small World (HNSW) method for finding approximate nearest neighbors is a popular due to its speed and good performance. A header-only C++ implementation by the HNSW authors can be found at hnswlib, and R-bindings are available in the package RcppHNSW.

If you would like to use HNSW for nearest neighbor search, uwot now integrates with RcppHNSW as an optional dependency. You just need to install the RcppHNSW package:


uwot will now be able to use it if you set nn_method = "hnsw", e.g.

# doesn't use HNSW
iris_umap <- umap(iris)

# does use HNSW
iris_umap_hnsw <- umap(iris, nn_method = "hnsw")

MNIST example

For a more involved example we'll use the MNIST digits data set for this article, for which you will need to install the snedata package from GitHub:

# install.packages("pak")

# or
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("jlmelville/snedata")

Then, download the MNIST dataset (this requires access to the internet), and we will split the data into the traditional training/test split used with this dataset.

mnist <- snedata::download_mnist()
mnist_train <- head(mnist, 60000)
mnist_test <- tail(mnist, 10000)

mnist is a dataframe where the first 768 columns contain the pixel data for each image, and the last column is a factor Label, which contains the digit the image represents.

UMAP on training data with HNSW

As noted above, you only need to use nn_method = "hnsw" to use HNSW. But I am going to also set some other non-default parameters:

mnist_train_umap <-
    nn_method = "hnsw",
    batch = TRUE,
    n_epochs = 500,
    n_sgd_threads = 6,
    ret_model = TRUE,
    verbose = TRUE
UMAP embedding parameters a = 1.896 b = 0.8006
Converting dataframe to numerical matrix
Read 60000 rows and found 784 numeric columns
Building HNSW index with metric 'l2' ef = 200 M = 16 using 6 threads
Finished building index
Searching HNSW index with ef = 15 and 6 threads
Finished searching
Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 6 threads with target n_neighbors = 15
Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using RSpectra)
Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 1239066 positive edges using 6 threads
Using method 'umap'
Optimizing with Adam alpha = 1 beta1 = 0.5 beta2 = 0.9 eps = 1e-07
0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
Optimization finished

UMAP on test data

You don't need to specify the use of HNSW for transforming new data, the model contains the necessary information. So we can just use the umap_transform as normal:

mnist_test_umap <-
    X = mnist_test,
    model = mnist_train_umap,
    n_sgd_threads = 6,
    verbose = TRUE
Read 10000 rows and found 784 numeric columns
Processing block 1 of 1
Finished searching
Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 6 threads with target n_neighbors = 15
Initializing by weighted average of neighbor coordinates using 6 threads
Commencing optimization for 167 epochs, with 150000 positive edges using 6 threads
Using method 'umap'
Optimizing with Adam alpha = 1 beta1 = 0.5 beta2 = 0.9 eps = 1e-07
0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

Plotting the results

Let's plot the embeddings to make sure that HNSW is giving us useful results. I will use ggplot2, and the Polychrome package to create a set of distinct colors for each digit.

install.packages(c("ggplot2", "Polychrome"))

This gives a palette of 10 colors following a recipe that is a bit like that in the Python glasbey package:

palette <- as.vector(Polychrome::createPalette(
  length(levels(mnist$Label)) + 2,
  seedcolors = c("#ffffff", "#000000"),
  range = c(10, 90)

Now we can plot the training and test data, which I will do in two separate plots.

  data.frame(mnist_train_umap$embedding, Digit = mnist_train$Label),
  aes(x = X1, y = X2, color = Digit)
) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 1.0) +
  scale_color_manual(values = palette) +
  theme_minimal() +
    title = "MNIST training set UMAP",
    x = "",
    y = "",
    color = "Digit"
  ) +
  theme(legend.position = "right") +
  guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5, alpha = 1)))
  data.frame(mnist_test_umap, Digit = mnist_test$Label),
  aes(x = X1, y = X2, color = Digit)
) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 1.0) +
  scale_color_manual(values = palette) +
  theme_minimal() +
    title = "MNIST test set UMAP",
    x = "",
    y = "",
    color = "Digit"
  ) +
  theme(legend.position = "right") +
  guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5, alpha = 1)))

MNIST training data

MNIST test set

The training set embedding looks like a very typical UMAP-on-MNIST result, and the test clusters are all in the right place relative to the training set. So we can celebrate victory and a successful use of HNSW.

HNSW parameters

umap has a number of parameters that can be set to control the behavior of nearest neighbor search with its default method, Annoy, namely n_trees and search_k. These are not used when nn_method = "hnsw" is set. Instead, you can control the behavior of the HNSW index by passing a list of arguments as nn_args. For HNSW, you can set:

For example you could do something like:

iris_umap <- umap(iris, nn_method = "hnsw", 
                  nn_args = list(M = 12, ef_construction = 64, ef = 20))

Using RcppHNSW Directly

The nn_method = "hnsw" is a new feature in uwot. In previous versions, you could still make use of HNSW neighbors but you would need to work with RcppHNSW directly. The rest of this article shows you how to do this, and can be used as a way to understand how RcppHNSW works and how to use external nearest neighbor data with uwot.

Preparing the data

Our starting point is still mnist_train and mnist_test. As a reminder, these are dataframes with both the numerical pixel intensities of the images as well as the Label factor describing the number the digit represents.

We won't use the labels for calculating nearest neighbors, and in fact RcppHNSW is a bit more fussy than uwot. It only wants numerical matrix data only for input, so we will define a function to convert the dataframe to a matrix containing only the numerical data and then generate the matrices we need.

df2m <- function(X) {
  as.matrix(X[, which(vapply(X, is.numeric, logical(1)))])

mnist_train_data <- df2m(mnist_train)
mnist_test_data <- df2m(mnist_test)

Using RcppHNSW

Now load RcppHNSW:


Time to build an index using the training data. The default settings for hnsw_build are perfectly good for MNIST, so we'll go with that. I recommend using as many threads as you can for this stage. Here I use 6 threads:

mnist_index <- hnsw_build(mnist_train_data, n_threads = 6)

MNIST training data k-nearest neighbors

Now we will query the index with the training data to find the k-nearest neighbors of the training data. Note that in this case we built the index with the same data that we are querying it with.

As with the index building, we can get good performance with default settings, but it's recommended to use as many threads as you can. The searching should be substantially faster than the index building, though. The only other extra parameter we need is to specify the number of neighbors we want. In uwot, the default number of neighbors is 15, so we shall use that for the k parameter:

mnist_train_knn <-
    k = 15,
    n_threads = 6

There is a separate article on uwot's nearest neighbor format but the good news is that the output format from RcppHNSW is already in the right format for uwot (this is not a coincidence: I created and maintain the RcppHNSW package). Nonetheless, let's take a look at the output, which is a list of two matrices:

[1] "idx"  "dist"

The first matrix, idx, contains the indices of the nearest neighbors for each point in the training data. The second matrix, dist, contains the distances to the nearest neighbors. Let's take a look at the dimensions of these matrices:

lapply(mnist_train_knn, `dim`)
[1] 60000    15

[1] 60000    15

So we have 60,000 rows, one for each point in the training data, and 15 columns, one for each nearest neighbor. Let's take a look at the first few rows and columns of each matrix:

mnist_train_knn$idx[1:3, 1:3]
     [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
[1,]    1 32249  8729
[2,]    2   640 51122
[3,]    3 54198 46129
mnist_train_knn$dist[1:3, 1:3]
     [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
[1,]    0 1561.472 1591.601
[2,]    0 1020.647 1100.529
[3,]    0 1377.631 1541.127

For the k-nearest neighbors of a dataset, it's often a convention that the nearest neighbor of any item is the item itself, which is why the nearest neighbor of the first item has the index 1, and the distance is zero. Not all nearest neighbor packages follow this convention, but uwot does, so we're good.

MNIST test set query neighbors

We will also need the test set neighbors, so let's do that now. We are not going to build an index with the test set, but instead we will query each test set item against the training set index:

mnist_test_query_neighbors <-
    k = 15,
    n_threads = 6,
    verbose = TRUE

The output is the same format as for the training set neighbors, so there should be no surprises here:

lapply(mnist_test_query_neighbors, `dim`)
[1] 10000    15

[1] 10000    15

Here are the first few indices and distances for the test set:

mnist_test_query_neighbors$idx[1:3, 1:3]
      [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
[1,] 53844 38621 16187
[2,] 28883 49161 24613
[3,] 58742 46513 15225
mnist_test_query_neighbors$dist[1:3, 1:3]
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
[1,]  676.5841  793.9868  862.6766
[2,] 1162.9316 1211.8445 1285.9285
[3,]  321.6629  332.4635  341.0484

Remember that we queried the test set against the training set, so the test set indices don't get a chance to be neighbors of themselves. Consequently, also the nearest neighbor distances are not zero.

Using HNSW k-nearest neighbors with UMAP

We are now ready to use the HNSW k-nearest neighbors with uwot.

UMAP on training data with HNSW knn

UMAP works on the nearest neighbor graph, so if you pass it pre-computed nearest neighbor data, you don't actually need to give it any other data. To do so:

The other parameters are the same as those we used before with nn_method = "hnsw", so see above for a description.

mnist_train_umap <-
    X = NULL,
    nn_method = mnist_train_knn,
    batch = TRUE,
    n_epochs = 500,
    n_sgd_threads = 6,
    ret_model = TRUE,
    verbose = TRUE
UMAP embedding parameters a = 1.896 b = 0.8006
Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 6 threads with target n_neighbors = 15
Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using irlba)
Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 1239236 positive edges using 6 threads
Using method 'umap'
Optimizing with Adam alpha = 1 beta1 = 0.5 beta2 = 0.9 eps = 1e-07
0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
Optimization finished
Note: model requested with precomputed neighbors. For transforming new data, distance data must be provided separately

Nothing very exciting is in the output, except that notice the last line of output reminding us that if we want to transform new data we better have generated neighbors for that data too. And we did, so we're ok.

Transforming the test data

Let us now transform the test data using the UMAP model we just created. There are far fewer nobs to twiddle when transforming new data as that is mainly baked into the UMAP model. Again, we pass X = NULL as we don't need the original test set data, and pass the test set nearest neighbor data as the nn_method parameter. We also need to pass the UMAP model we just created.

mnist_test_umap <-
    X = NULL,
    model = mnist_train_umap,
    nn_method = mnist_test_query_neighbors,
    n_sgd_threads = 6,
    verbose = TRUE
Read 10000 rows
Processing block 1 of 1
Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 6 threads with target n_neighbors = 15
Initializing by weighted average of neighbor coordinates using 6 threads
Commencing optimization for 167 epochs, with 150000 positive edges using 6 threads
Using method 'umap'
Optimizing with Adam alpha = 1 beta1 = 0.5 beta2 = 0.9 eps = 1e-07
0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

At this point we could visualize the data again, but you can take my word for it that it looks just like the nn_method = "hnsw" approach.


To summarize, to use HNSW with uwot do the following:

To use RcppHNSW directly for UMAP do the following:

To transform new data, do the same thing with the following additions and modifications:

You also don't need to keep the original data around once you have the neighbors, so you can set X = NULL when running umap and umap_transform. But that data can still be useful for initialization. For example if you want to use a PCA-based initialization then you will need to keep your original data around. But it's not necessary with the default settings for umap.

jlmelville/uwot documentation built on May 20, 2024, 1:29 a.m.