The default initialization for UMAP uses the eigenvectors of a normalized graph Laplacian of the sparse affinity matrix. This normally works well except when:

An alternative to using the spectral initialization is to use PCA, although depending on the scaling of your input variables, this could lead to a quite spread-out initial set of coordinates, which can be hard to optimize. For the related technique t-SNE, Kobak and Berens recommend scaling the PCA results so that the standard deviation for each dimension is 1e-4. You can get that behavior in uwot by using init = "spca".

You don't need to worry about disconnected components when attempting to use spectral initialization: if uwot detects more than one component in the affinity graph, it will fall back to using the "spca" initialization automatically.

However, using PCA ignores the information in the affinity matrix that might be useful for initialization: for example, when using supervised UMAP or mixing different types of distance metrics. And conceptually, using the affinity matrix has a lot of appeal. Dzwinel and co-workers describe a very fast multi-dimensional scaling-like method called ivhd which generates a connected graph, by only knowing only a few neighbor and non-neighbor points and pretending the target distances are 0 and 1, respectively. Similar theoretical support for this is given by Linderman and co-workers. On the basis of this work, I have implemented an "approximate global" spectral method of initialization: which is a very minor modification of the standard spectral initialization:

You can get this behavior in uwot with init = "agspectral".

Another option for a connected graph is to use a variation on the normalization used in the graph Laplacian to get something close to Laplacian Eigenmap with init = "laplacian". In Luxburg's spectral clustering tutorial (PDF) this form of normalization is recommended over that used in the init = "spectral" normalization.

If all else fails, you can use random initialization. In the spirit of generosity, uwot offers two types of random initialization. The first is that used by UMAP, which uses a random uniform distribution between -10 and +10 along each axis. You can get this with init = "rand". Alternatively, there is the method favoured by LargeVis (and used by default with lvish), which is to use a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation 1e-4. This is also the method used by t-SNE. You can get this by setting init = "lvrand".

To summarize your options:

# Default initialization: use spectral initialization if possible
# falling back to scaled PCA if multiple components are found in the graph
embedding <- umap(data)

# same as the above
embedding <- umap(data, init = "spectral")

# use scaled PCA
embedding <- umap(data, init = "spca")

# use an "approximate global" spectral initialization that should be applicable
# even under conditions where "spectral" fails and has to use spca
embedding <- umap(data, init = "agspectral")

# use a Laplacian Eigenmap style initialization, which will also fall back to
# spca if it has to
embedding <- umap(data, init = "laplacian")

# use random initialization, UMAP style
embedding <- umap(data, init = "rand")
# use random initialization, t-SNE/LargeVis style
embedding <- umap(data, init = "lvrand")

Below, we'll explore the effect of these settings. For more details on the datasets, see the examples page.

Apart from changing init, mainly default settings where used, except using pca = 100, which is necessary with high dimensional datasets for the Annoy-based nearest neighbor search to complete in a reasonable time. An exemplary command using the iris dataset and "agspectral" initialization:

iris_umap <- umap(iris, pca = 100, init = "agspectral")

Spectral vs SPCA

Below are some examples of using either the scaled PCA initialization or a spectral approach. On the first row, the left-hand image is the result of using init = "spca", and the right-hand image is init = "agspectral". On the second row, the left-hand image is for init = "spectral". and the right-hand image is init = "laplacian". Some datasets don't have the second row of images, because with the settings used here, they generate more than one component in the graph, and therefore both init = "spectral" and init = "laplacian" would fall back to the same results as seen with init = "spca".


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: iris spca|iris agspectral


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: s1k spca|s1k agspectral s1k spectral|s1k laplacian


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: oli spca|oli agspectral oli spectral|oli laplacian


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: frey spca|frey agspectral frey spectral|frey laplacian


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil20 spca|coil20 agspectral


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil100 spca|coil100 agspectral


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: mnist spca|mnist agspectral mnist spectral|mnist laplacian


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: fashion spca|fashion agspectral fashion spectral|fashion laplacian


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: kuzushiji spca|kuzushiji agspectral kuzushiji spectral|kuzushiji laplacian


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: norb spca|norb agspectral


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: tasic2018 spca|tasic2018 agspectral


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: macosko2015 spca|macosko2015 agspectral macosko2015 spectral|macosko2015 laplacian

SPCA init_sdev

As mentioned earlier, the init = "spca" settings scales the PCA initialization to have a standard deviation of 1e-4, as recommended by Kobak and Berens. This value is taken from the t-SNE initialization, so if it seems arbitrary, at least it has a history of being quite successful on its side. But for MNIST, one of the clusters has been broken up, and this wasn't seen with the spectral initialization. I repeated the embedding with a different seed (results not shown) and again saw a split cluster, so probably this wasn't due to bad luck with the random number generator.

Could the standard deviation of the input be to blame? Although this setting works well with t-SNE, the normalization involved in that method may mean that the sort of gradients seen at those distances are quite different from those used with UMAP. To test this, below are results using a larger standard deviation. Results on the left use:

iris_umap <- umap(iris, init = "spca", init_sdev = 0.01)

and those on the right:

iris_umap <- umap(iris, init = "spca", init_sdev = 1)


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: iris spca1e-2|iris spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: s1k spca1e-2|s1k spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: oli spca1e-2|oli spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: frey spca1e-2|frey spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil20 spca1e-2|coil20 spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil100 spca1e-2|coil100 spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: mnist spca1e-2|mnist spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: fashion spca1e-2|fashion spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: kuzushiji spca1e-2|kuzushiji spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: norb spca1e-2|norb spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: tasic2018 spca1e-2|tasic2018 spca1


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: macosko2015 spca1e-2|macosko2015 spca1

Results are much better with a larger value for init_sdev. As the typical standard deviation of a spectral initialization for these datasets is in the range of 1-5, using init_sdev = 1, seems like a good place to start.

Random Initialization: rand

Below are two results each from using random initialization, so you can get a sense for how much variation you can expect from getting lucky or not with the initialization.

# left-hand plots used this seed
# right-hand plots used this seed
# set.seed(42)
iris_umap <- umap(iris, init = "rand")


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: iris rand1|iris rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: s1k rand1|s1k rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: oli rand1|oli rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: frey rand1|frey rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil20 rand1|coil20 rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil100 rand1|coil100 rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: mnist rand1|mnist rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: fashion rand1|fashion rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: kuzushiji rand1|kuzushiji rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: norb rand1|norb rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: tasic2018 rand1|tasic2018 rand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: macosko2015 rand1|macosko2015 rand2

Broken-up clusters are again observed, although the prevalence is increased. I tried repeating these embeddings with init_sdev = 1, but that didn't help.

Random Initialization: lvrand

And here is the result of using random initialization in the t-SNE/LargeVis style, which use a Gaussian distribution over a much smaller initial range of coordinate values. Will it make much difference?

# left-hand plots used this seed
# right-hand plots used this seed
# set.seed(42)
iris_umap <- umap(iris, init = "lvrand")


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: iris lvrand1|iris lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: s1k lvrand1|s1k lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: oli lvrand1|oli lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: frey lvrand1|frey lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil20 lvrand1|coil20 lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: coil100 lvrand1|coil100 lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: mnist lvrand1|mnist lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: fashion lvrand1|fashion lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: kuzushiji lvrand1|kuzushiji lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: norb lvrand1|norb lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: tasic2018 lvrand1|tasic2018 lvrand2


| | | :----------------------------:|:--------------------------: macosko2015 lvrand1|macosko2015 lvrand2

No, it doesn't make a huge difference. MNIST still has an issue with split clusters. And increasing the init_sdev value doesn't really help. What did help was increasing the n_neighbors parameter. With n_neighbors = 150, the MNIST clusters were correctly reconstituted.


The default spectral initialization does a good job, and the fallback to scaled PCA is also fine, as long as you set the init_sdev = 1. From uwot version, these are the default initialization settings.

As far as I can see, the init = "agspectral" settings also work well. There's not much difference between them and the init = "spectral" results when spectral initialization succeeds, and it has the added advantage that it shouldn't ever have to fall back to the scaled PCA approach. That means it might give a more relevant initialization than PCA (e.g. with supervised UMAP). The Laplacian Eigenmap initialization gives results that are very similar to the spectral initialization. If spectral initialization is causing problems (e.g. suffering from numeric issues that cause it to take too long), I would probably look at the agspectral settings before Laplacian Eigenmaps, as it is more likely to converge easily and it doesn't need a single-component graph to work. That said, the agspectral approach is entirely my own invention, whereas a Laplacian Eigenmaps is a published technique, so you may have more confidence in the latter (I don't blame you).

The random initializations are probably the least good choice. With default settings, you run a sizable risk of splitting up clusters. This can be ameliorated by increasing the n_neighbors parameter, but this increases the run time and other methods don't seem as sensitive to these issues.

jlmelville/uwot documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 11:17 a.m.