
December 31 2018 Updated timings, keeping better track of versions numbers.

To get a feel for the performance of uwot, here are some timings for processing the MNIST dataset, compared with some other methods. I wouldn't take them very seriously, but they show that uwot is competitive with other methods.

|Package |Version|Arguments|Time| |--------|-------|---------|----| |Rtsne|0.15|partial_pca = TRUE|14m 13s| |openTSNE (Python)|0.3.0-py37h830ac7b_1000|n_jobs=4| 6m 4s| |openTSNE (Python)|0.3.0-py37h830ac7b_1000|n_jobs=4, negative_gradient_method="bh"| 17m 56s| |FIt-SNE (C++)|1.0.0|nthreads = 4|2m 43s| |FIt-SNE (C++)|1.0.0|nthreads = 4 + PCA to 50D|1m 11s| |LargeVis (C++)|feb8121|-threads 4|12m 43s| |largeVis (R package)|e51871e|save_neighbors = FALSE, save_edges = FALSE, threads = 4|33m 58s| |uwot::lvish||n_threads = 4, n_sgd_threads = 4| 5m 52s| |UMAP (Python)|0.3.7-py37_1000||1m 25s| |umap (R package)|09f6020|method = "naive"| 9m 14s| |uwot||n_threads = 0| 3m 11s| |uwot||n_threads = 4| 2m 0s| |uwot||n_threads = 4, approx_pow = TRUE| 1m 24s| |uwot||n_threads = 4, approx_pow = TRUE, n_sgd_threads = 4| 1m 16s| |uwot||n_threads = 4, approx_pow = TRUE, pca = 50| 48s|

Some notes on how these numbers were generated: I ran this on a Windows machine, using R 3.5.2 and Python 3.7.0. The official LargeVis implementation was built with Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition and may not be properly optimized (the VS solution is available in my fork).

For R packages, the MNIST data was downloaded via the snedata package. For Python packages, the sklearn.datasets.fetch_mldata('MNIST original') was used. The LargeVis source code contains a MNIST example with the data already present.

For FIt-SNE, I used the provided Windows binary via the R wrapper (and hence used the MNIST data from the snedata package). The reported time for second FIt-SNE entry in the table and includes the 13 seconds it takes to reduce the dimensionality to 50 via PCA, using irlba (this is the same package and dimension reduction used by Rtsne and the last reported time for uwot).

The default openTSNE uses the same FFT approach that FIt-SNE does, so I don't know why it's much slower, apart from the use of the numpy version of FFT rather than the FFTW library, but my understanding was that it shouldn't make much difference with a dataset the size of MNIST. Perhaps this is a Windows thing.

For uwot, the bottleneck with typical settings is the nearest neighbor search, which is currently provided by Annoy, whereas the Python implementation uses pynndescent, a nearest neighbor descent approach.

On the optimization side of things, uwot defaults are conservative. Using approx_pow = TRUE uses the fastPrecisePow approximation to the pow function suggested by Martin Ankerl. For what I think seem like typical values of b (between 0.7 and 0.9) and the squared distance (0-1000), I found the maximum relative error was about 0.06. However, I haven't done much testing, beyond looking to see that results from the examples page are not obviously worsened. Results in the table above with approx_pow = TRUE do show a worthwhile improvement.

Using n_sgd_threads with more than 1 thread will not give reproducible results, but should not behave any worse than LargeVis in that regard, so for many visualization needs, this is also worth trying.

jlmelville/uwot documentation built on May 20, 2024, 1:29 a.m.