


#' DML Tuning with k-NN.
#' A tune function for a distance metric learning algorithm, using k-NN score as metric.
#' @param The string with the name of the DML Algorithm to tune. Select it from the items in the list `dml`.
#' @param X array-like (N x d), training vector, where N is the number of samples, and d is the number of features.
#' @param y array-like (N), labels vector, where N is the number of samples.
#' @param n_neighbors Number of neighbors for k-NN.
#' @param dml_params Additional keyword parameters for the distance metric learning algorithm, specified in a named list.
#' @param tune_args A named list woth the parameters of the DML algorithm to tune. Each key has to be a keyword argument of the DML.
#'                  The associated values have to be lists containing all the desired values for the tuning parameters.
#' @param n_folds Number of folds for cross validation.
#' @param n_reps Number of cross validations to do.
#' @param verbose Boolean. If True, a console log will be printed.
#' @param seed Integer. The seed used by the random number generator
#' @param ... Additional keyword arguments for k-NN.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#'         - results: A dataframe whose entries are all the cases considered for the tune parameters, and with a single column
#'                    that shows the cross validation score for each case.
#'         - best_performance: A pair with the best case obtained, together with its corresponding score.
#'         - best_dml: The DML Algorithm object that obtained the best result in the tuning.
#'         - detailed_results: A named list whose keys are all the possible cases, and each entry is the cross validation table for the
#'           corresponding case, containing the scores for every fold.
#' @export
tune_knn <- function(dml, X, y, n_neighbors, dml_params, tune_args, n_folds = 5, n_reps = 1, verbose=FALSE, seed=NULL, ...){
  l = pre_tuners_$tune_knn(dml = pydml[[dml]], X = data.matrix(X), y = as.array(as.integer(y)), n_neighbors = as.integer(n_neighbors), dml_params = dml_params, tune_args = tune_args,
                              n_folds = as.integer(n_folds), n_reps = as.integer(n_reps), verbose = verbose, seed = as.integer_or_null(seed), ... = ...)
  l[[3]] = rinitialize(l[[3]])

#' DML Tuning.
#' Tune function for a distance metric learning algorithm, allowing as metrics the algorithm metadata,
#' times and k-NN scores.
#' @param The string with the name of the DML Algorithm to tune. Select it from the items in the list `dml`.
#' @param X array-like (N x d), training vector, where N is the number of samples, and d is the number of features.
#' @param y array-like (N), labels vector, where N is the number of samples.
#' @param dml_params Additional keyword parameters for the distance metric learning algorithm, specified in a named list.
#' @param tune_args A named list woth the parameters of the DML algorithm to tune. Each key has to be a keyword argument of the DML.
#'                  The associated values have to be lists containing all the desired values for the tuning parameters.
#' @param The metrics to evaluate. If string, it must be a key of the metadata() function of the DML Algorithm,
#'        or 'time'. In this last case, the elapsed fitting time will be returned as a metric.
#'        If int, the metric will be the k-NN score, where k is the specified int.
#' @param n_folds Number of folds for cross validation.
#' @param n_reps Number of cross validations to do.
#' @param verbose Boolean. If True, a console log will be printed.
#' @param seed Integer. The seed used by the random number generator
#' @param ... Additional keyword arguments for k-NN.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#'         - results: A dataframe whose entries are all the cases considered for the tune parameters, and with a single column
#'                    that shows the cross validation score for each case.
#'         - best_performance: A pair with the best case obtained, together with its corresponding score.
#'         - best_dml: The DML Algorithm object that obtained the best result in the tuning.
#'         - detailed_results: A named list whose keys are all the possible cases, and each entry is the cross validation table for the
#'           corresponding case, containing the scores for every fold.
#' @export
tune <- function(dml, X, y, dml_params, tune_args, metrics, n_folds = 5, n_reps = 1, verbose=FALSE, seed=NULL, ...){
  metrics = numeric.as.integer(metrics)
  l = pre_tuners_$tune(dml = pydml[[dml]], X = data.matrix(X), y = as.array(as.integer(y)), dml_params = dml_params, tune_args = tune_args, metrics = metrics,
                              n_folds = as.integer(n_folds), n_reps = as.integer(n_reps), verbose = verbose,
                              seed = as.integer_or_null(seed), ... = ...)
  l[[3]] = rinitialize(l[[3]])

#' The tune algorithms global list.
#' This list contains all the tune functions.
dml_tune = list()

.init_tune <- function(){
  tune_ <<- dml_tune
  for(key in names(pre_tuners_)){
    console.log(paste("Adding R-Tune ",toString(key),"..."))
    tune_[[key]] = get(key)
  dml_tune <<- tune_
jlsuarezdiaz/rDML documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:35 a.m.