
## some specialized scripts to get things from couchdb

## now I've converted to a proper R package, of sorts

##' get vds wim pairs from couchdb
##' get the design doc vds/pairRData for the passed in year
##' The result will be the paired vds_id and wim_ids, suitable for use.
##' The advantage of this routine is that the couchdb file *might*
##' contain more up to date information about the usability of vds or
##' wim data, compared to the postgresql data table that does not
##' contain any information on how good the data is.
##' @title get.vds.wim.pairs
##' @param year the year
##' @param trackingdb the db to check, the usual "vdsdata\%2ftracking"
##' is default goto db here
##' @return a data frame with year, vds_id, wim_id, doc
##' @author James E. Marca
get.vds.wim.pairs <- function(year,trackingdb='vdsdata%2ftracking'){
    view_query <- list(
       ,'endkey' =list(paste(year+1))

    docs <- rcouchutils::couch.allDocs(db=trackingdb
                                      ,include.docs = FALSE)
    rows <- docs$rows
  records <- sapply(rows,function(r){
      ## parse out wim info
      x = r$key[[3]]
      m <- regexec("^wim\\.([0-9]+)\\.([NSEW])",x)
      wim.info <- regmatches(x,m)[[1]]
      return (list('year'=as.numeric(r$key[[1]]),
  ## convert to a dataframe
  df.pairs <- data.frame(year=unlist(records[1,])

##' get vds wim pair for a WIM site from couchdb
##' get the design doc wim/pairRData for the passed in year
##' The result will be the paired vds_id and wim_id, or nothing
##' @title get.vds.paired.to.wim
##' @param year the year
##' @param site_no the wim site number
##' @param direction the direction
##' @param trackingdb the db to check, the usual "vdsdata\%2ftracking"
##' is default goto db here
##' @return a data frame with year, vds_id, wim_id, doc
##' @author James E. Marca
##' @export
get.vds.paired.to.wim <- function(year,
    cdb.wimid <- paste('wim',site_no,direction,sep='.')

    view_query <- list(
        'endkey' =list(year,paste(cdb.wimid,'\ufff0',sep='')),

    docs <- rcouchutils::couch.allDocs(db=trackingdb
                                      ,include.docs = FALSE)

    rows <- docs$rows
    records <- sapply(rows,function(r){
        ## fix things up a bit
        x = r$key[[3]]
        m <- regexec("^wim\\.([0-9]+)\\.([NSEW])\\.vdsid\\.(\\d+)\\.",x)
        wim.info <- regmatches(x,m)[[1]]
        return (list('year'=as.numeric(r$key[[1]]),
  ## convert to a dataframe
  df.pairs <- data.frame(year=unlist(records[1,])

##' get RData view
##' I sometimes store RData as attachments to docs in couchdb
##' @title get.RData.view
##' @param vdsid the VDS id
##' @param year the year
##' @param trackingdb defaults to 'vdsdata/tracking'
##' @return the files, which is the rows from the view Actually right
##' now as I write this documentation, I forget what this actually
##' returns.
##' @author James E. Marca
get.RData.view <- function(vdsid,year,trackingdb='vdsdata%2ftracking'){
    docs <- rcouchutils::couch.allDocs(
           ,'endkey' =list(paste(year),paste(vdsid,'\ufff0%5d',sep=''))
      , view='_design/vds/_view/pairRData'
      , include.docs = FALSE)
    rows <- docs$rows
    files <- sapply(rows,function(r){
        return (r$key[[3]])

##' Record unmet imputation conditions in CouchDB
##' Rather than skipping a detector and moving on, instead write in
##' couchdb tracking database why the detector could not be imputed
##' I can't find where this is actually used at the moment.
##' @title couch.record.unmet.conditions
##' @param year the year
##' @param vdsid the id
##' @param condition some string or list describing what is wrong
##' @param db the couchdb to save into, defaults to vdsdata\%2ftracking
##' @return the result of calling couch.set.state
##' @author James E. Marca
couch.record.unmet.conditions <- function(year,vdsid,condition,
  problem <- list()
  print(paste('unmet condition',condition))
  problem[condition] <- 'unmet'
jmarca/calvad_rscripts documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:50 p.m.