
#' @title Load OHSDI study
#' @details
#' This function loads an OHDSI study results from disk file.
#' @param file	(Optional) Name of local file to place results; makre sure to use forward slashes (/)
#' @param verbose Logical: print R object names that are loaded
#' @return
#' A list of class type \code{OhsiStudy} that contains all saved study objects
#' @export
loadOhdsiStudy <- function(file,
													 verbose = FALSE) {

	if (missing(file)) file <- getDefaultStudyFileName()

	# Return list of results
	tmp <- new.env()
	load(file, envir = tmp, verbose = verbose)
	result <- mget(ls(tmp), envir = tmp)
	class(result) <- "OhdsiStudy"
	return (result)

#' @title Save OHDSI study
#' @details
#' This function saves an OHDSI study to disk file.  All objects are written using \code{\link{save}}
#' format and can be read back from file at a later time by using the function \code{\link{loadOhdsiStudy}}.
#' @param list	A list of R objects to save to disk file.
#' @param file	(Optional) Name of local file to place results; makre sure to use forward slashes (/)
#' @param compress Logical or character string specifying the use of compression. See \code{\link{save}}
#' @param includeMetadata Logical: include metadata about user and system in saved file
#' @export
saveOhdsiStudy <- function(list,
													 compress = "xz",
													 includeMetadata = TRUE) {

	if (missing(list)) {
		stop("Must provide object list to save")

	if (missing(file)) file <- getDefaultStudyFileName()

	if (includeMetadata) {
		metadata <- list()

		metadata$r.version <- R.Version()$version.string
		info <- Sys.info()
		metadata$sysname <- info[["sysname"]]
		metadata$user <- info[["user"]]
		metadata$nodename <- info[["nodename"]]
		metadata$time <- Sys.time()
		assign("metadata", metadata, envir = parent.frame()) # place in same environment as named objects
		list <- c(list, "metadata")

	save(list = list,
			 file = file,
			 envir = parent.frame(1),
			 compress = compress)

#' @keywords internal
invokeSql <- function(fileName, dbms, conn, text, use.ffdf = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)  {

	parameterizedSql <- SqlRender::readSql(system.file(paste("sql/","sql_server",sep=""),
	renderedSql <- SqlRender::renderSql(parameterizedSql)$sql
	translatedSql <- SqlRender::translateSql(renderedSql,
																					 sourceDialect = "sql server",
																					 targetDialect = dbms)$sql
	if (use.ffdf) {
		return (DatabaseConnector::dbGetQuery.ffdf(conn, translatedSql,
																							 quiet = quiet))
	} else {
		return (DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, translatedSql))

#' @title Email results
#' @details
#' This function emails the result CSV files to the study coordinator.
#' @return
#' A list of files that were emailed.
#' @param from     Return email address
#' @param to			(Optional) Delivery email address (must be a gmail.com acccount)
#' @param subject  (Optional) Subject line of email
#' @param dataDescription A short description of the database
#' @param file	(Optional) Name of local file with results; makee sure to use forward slashes (/)
#' @export
email <- function(from,
									file) {

	if (missing(from)) stop("Must provide return address")
	if (missing(dataDescription)) stop("Must provide a data description")

	if (missing(to)) to <- getDestinationAddress()
	if (missing(subject)) subject <- getDefaultStudyEmailSubject()
	if (missing(file)) file <- getDefaultStudyFileName()

	if(!file.exists(file)) stop(paste(c("No results file named '",file,"' exists"),sep = ""))

		result <- mailR::send.mail(from = from,
															 to = to,
															 subject = subject,
															 body = paste("\n", dataDescription, "\n",
															 						 sep = ""),
															 smtp = list(host.name = "aspmx.l.google.com",
															 						port = 25),
															 attach.files = file,
															 authenticate = FALSE,
															 send = TRUE)
		if (result$isSendPartial()) {
			stop("Unknown error in sending email")
		} else {
				"Sucessfully emailed the following file:",
				paste("\t", file, sep = ""),
				paste("to:", to)
	}, error = function(e) {
			"Error in automatically emailing results, most likely due to security settings.",
			"Please manually email the following file:",
			paste("\t", file, sep = ""),
			paste("to:", to)
jmbanda/LearningEffectiveCTP documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:51 p.m.