
createEntry = function(fileCon, progTbl, affilTbl, authorTbl, otherTbl, titleTbl, abstractTbl, row,
                       isTalk = TRUE){
    thisSubID = progTbl$subID[row]

    day = progTbl$day[row]
    stream = progTbl$stream[row]
    programmeID = progTbl$programmeID[row]
    time = progTbl$time[row]

    rooms = c("Narrabeen", "Gunnamatta", "Bundeena", "Mantra")
    days = paste0(c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday"), " ", 27:30, "<sup>th</sup>")

    fmtTime = function(tm){
      hr = floor(tm / 100)
      mins = tm %% 100

      sprintf("%d:%s",hr, str_pad(as.character(mins), 2, "left", "0"))

    keynotes = c(88,91,92,93,94,12)
    morningKeynotes = c(88,91,92,94)
    keynote = FALSE

    if(thisSubID %in% keynotes){
      keynote = TRUE
      writeLines(sprintf("<p style=\"color:white;background-color:#ed2d2d;text-align:center\">Keynote: %s %s %s</p>", days[day], fmtTime(time), rooms[4]), fileCon)
      writeLines(sprintf("<p style=\"background-color:#ccccff;text-align:center\">%s %s %s</p>",
                           days[day], fmtTime(time), rooms[stream]), fileCon)

    theTitle = titleTbl %>% filter(subID == thisSubID)

    if(grepl("Alzheimer'S", theTitle$title)){
      theTitle$title = gsub("'S", "'s", theTitle$title)

    writeLines(sprintf("## %s {-}", theTitle$title), fileCon)

    speaker = authorTbl %>% slice(authorID = progTbl$authorID[row])

    if(nrow(speaker) == 0){

    speakerAffiliation1 = affilTbl %>% slice(affilID = speaker$affilID1)
    speakerAffiliation2 = if(!is.na(speaker$affilID2)){
      affilTbl %>% slice(affilID = speaker$affilID2)

    affiliation = if(is.na(speakerAffiliation2)){
      paste(speakerAffiliation1$affiliation, "and", speakerAffiliation2$affiliation)

    # tocEntry = if(keynote){
    #   if(tex){
    #     sprintf("\\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{%s \\textbf{Keynote}: %s, %s \\emph{%s}}",
    #             fmtTime(time),
    #             speaker$author,
    #             affiliation,
    #             theTitle$title)
    #   }
    # }else{
    #   if(tex){
    #     sprintf("\\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{%s %s: %s, %s \\emph{%s}}",
    #             fmtTime(time),
    #             rooms[stream],
    #             speaker$author,
    #             affiliation,
    #             theTitle$title)
    #   }
    # }
    # if(tex){
    #   writeLines(tocEntry, fileCon)
    # }

    writeLines("<p style=\"text-align:center\">", fileCon)

    authors = otherTbl %>%
      filter(subID == thisSubID) %>%
      select(otherID, authorID) %>%

    authorDetails = authorTbl %>% right_join(authors, by = "authorID")

    affil1 = authorDetails %>%
      left_join(affilTbl, by = c("affilID1" = "affilID")) %>%
      select(affilID1, affiliation) %>%
      rename(affilID = affilID1)

    affil2 = authorDetails %>%
      left_join(affilTbl, by = c("affilID2" = "affilID")) %>%
      select(affilID2, affiliation) %>%
      rename(affilID = affilID2)

    affiliationNumbers = unique(c(affil1$affilID[!is.na(affil1$affilID)],
    affiliations = affilTbl %>% slice(affilID = affiliationNumbers)
    numAffiliations = length(affiliationNumbers)

    numAuthors = nrow(authorDetails)

    s = if(numAffiliations == 1){
      m = cbind(match(affil1$affilID, affiliationNumbers),
                match(affil2$affilID, affiliationNumbers))
      afString = function(x){
        if(!is.na(x[1]) && is.na(x[2])){
      ms = apply(m, 1, afString)

      sprintf("%s^%s^", authorDetails$author, ms)

    authorLine  = if(numAuthors == 1){
      paste0(s, "<br />")
    }else if(numAuthors == 2){
      paste0(paste(s, collapse = " and "), "<br />")
      paste0(paste0(s[-numAuthors], collapse = ", "), ", and ", s[numAuthors], "<br />", sep="")

    writeLines(authorLine, fileCon)

    affilLine = if(numAffiliations == 1){
      paste0(affiliations$affiliation, "<br />")
      paste0(sprintf("^%d^%s<br />", 1:numAffiliations, affiliations$affiliation))
    writeLines(affilLine, fileCon)
    writeLines("</p>", fileCon)

    abstract = abstractTbl %>% filter(subID == thisSubID)

    # if(tex){
    #   abstractLine = gsub("&","\\\\&", abstract$abstract)
    #   abstractLine = gsub("%","\\\\%", abstractLine)
    #   abstractLine = gsub("~","\\\\~", abstractLine)
    #   writeLines(abstractLine, fileCon)
    # }else{
    writeLines(abstract$abstract, fileCon)
    writeLines("<p class=\"pagebreak\"></p>", con = fileCon)

  }else{ #it's a poster
    thisSubID = progTbl$subID[row]

    #if(thisSubID == 90) browser()

    theTitle = titleTbl %>% filter(subID == thisSubID)

    if(grepl("Alzheimer'S", theTitle$title)){
      theTitle$title = gsub("'S", "'s", theTitle$title)

    writeLines(sprintf("## %s {-}", theTitle$title), fileCon)

    speaker = authorTbl %>% slice(authorID = progTbl$authorID[row])
    speakerAffiliation1 = affilTbl %>% slice(affilID = speaker$affilID1)
    speakerAffiliation2 = if(!is.na(speaker$affilID2)){
      affilTbl %>% slice(affilID = speaker$affilID2)

    affiliation = if(is.na(speakerAffiliation2)){
      paste(speakerAffiliation1$affiliation, "and", speakerAffiliation2$affiliation)

    writeLines("<p style=\"text-align:center\">", fileCon)

    authors = otherTbl %>%
      filter(subID == thisSubID) %>%
      select(otherID, authorID) %>%

    authorDetails = authorTbl %>% right_join(authors, by = "authorID")

    affil1 = authorDetails %>%
      left_join(affilTbl, by = c("affilID1" = "affilID")) %>%
      select(affilID1, affiliation) %>%
      rename(affilID = affilID1)

    affil2 = authorDetails %>%
      left_join(affilTbl, by = c("affilID2" = "affilID")) %>%
      select(affilID2, affiliation) %>%
      rename(affilID = affilID2)

    affiliationNumbers = unique(c(affil1$affilID[!is.na(affil1$affilID)],
    affiliations = affilTbl %>% slice(affilID = affiliationNumbers)
    numAffiliations = length(affiliationNumbers)

    numAuthors = nrow(authorDetails)

    s = if(numAffiliations == 1){
      m = cbind(match(affil1$affilID, affiliationNumbers),
                match(affil2$affilID, affiliationNumbers))
      afString = function(x){
        if(!is.na(x[1]) && is.na(x[2])){
      ms = apply(m, 1, afString)

      sprintf("%s^%s^", authorDetails$author, ms)

    authorLine  = if(numAuthors == 1){
      paste0(s, "<br />")
    }else if(numAuthors == 2){
      paste0(paste(s, collapse = " and "), "<br />")
      paste0(paste0(s[-numAuthors], collapse = ", "), ", and ", s[numAuthors], "<br />", sep="")

    writeLines(authorLine, fileCon)

    affilLine = if(numAffiliations == 1){
      paste0(sprintf("%s%s", affiliations$affiliation, "<br />"))
        paste0(sprintf("^%d^%s%s", 1:numAffiliations, affiliations$affiliation, "<br />"))
    writeLines(affilLine, fileCon)
    writeLines("</p>", fileCon)

    abstract = abstractTbl %>% filter(subID == thisSubID)
    writeLines(abstract$abstract, con = fileCon)
    writeLines("<p class=\"pagebreak\"></p>", con = fileCon)
jmcurran/ISBAR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:04 a.m.