
Defines functions ssnet_fit

Documented in ssnet_fit

#' Fit the Spike-and-Slab Elastic Net GLM with Intrinsic Autoregressive Prior
#' @importFrom rstan optimizing
#' @importFrom stats coef deviance predict sd
#' @importFrom survival Surv is.Surv
#' @importFrom glmnet glmnet
#' @importFrom BhGLM bglm
#' @param x Design, or input, matrix, of dimension nobs x nvars; each row is
#' an observation vector. It is recommended that \code{x} have user-defined
#' column names for ease of identifying variables. If missing, then
#' \code{colnames} are internally assigned \code{x1}, \code{x2}, ... and so
#' forth.
#' @param y Scalar response variable. Quantitative for
#' \code{family = "gaussian"}, or \code{family = "poisson"}
#' (non-negative counts). For \code{family = "gaussian"}, \code{y} is always
#' standardized. For \code{family = "binomial"}, \code{y} should be either a
#' factor with two levels, or a two-column matrix of counts or proportions
#' (the second column is treated as the target class; for a factor, the last
#' level in alphabetical order is the target class). For \code{family="cox"},
#' \code{y} should be a two-column matrix with columns named \code{'time'}
#' and \code{'status'}. The latter is a binary variable, with \code{'1'}
#' indicating death, and \code{'0'} indicating right censored. The function
#' \code{Surv()} in package survival produces such a matrix. When
#' \code{family = "multinomial"}, \code{y} follows the documentation for
#' \code{glmnet}, but it is preferred that \code{y} is a factor with two
#' or more levels.
#' @param family Response type (see above).
#' @param alpha A scalar value between 0 and 1 determining the compromise
#' between the Ridge and Lasso models. When \code{alpha = 1} reduces to the
#' Lasso, and when \code{alpha = 0} reduces to Ridge.
#' @param iar.prior Logical. When \code{TRUE}, imposes intrinsic autoregressive
#' prior on logit of the probabilities of inclusion. When \code{FALSE}, treats
#' probabilities of inclusion as unstructured.
#' @param offset A vector of length \code{nobs} that is included in the linear
#' predictor.
#' @param epsilon A positive convergence tolerance; the iterations converge
#' when \eqn{|dev - dev_old|/(|dev| + 0.1) < e}.
#' @param maxit An integer giving the maximal number of EM iterations.
#' @param init A vector of initial values for all coefficients (not for
#' intercept). If not given, it will be internally produced. If
#' \code{family = "multinomial"} and the same initializations are desired for
#' each response/outcome category then \code{init} can be a vector. If
#' different initializations are desired, then \code{init} should be a list,
#' each element of which contains a vector of initializations. The list should
#' be named according the response/outcome category as they appear in \code{y}.
#' @param init.theta A single value between 0 and 1 to initialize inclusion
#' probabilities. When parameter groups is 2 or more, can be a vector of
#' initial values for parameter inclusion probabilities. Default is 0.5 for
#' all parameters. Currently, it is not supported to have parameter-specific
#' initializations for inclusion probabilities. This may change in forthcoming
#' updates.
#' @param group A numeric vector, or an integer, or a list indicating the
#' groups of predictors. If \code{group = NULL}, all the predictors form a
#' single group. If \code{group = K}, the predictors are evenly divided into
#' groups each with K predictors. If group is a numberic vector, it defines
#' groups as follows: Group 1: \code{(group[1]+1):group[2]}, Group 2:
#' \code{(group[2]+1):group[3]}, Group 3: \code{(group[3]+1):group[4]}, ...
#' If group is a list of variable names, \code{group[[k]]} includes variables
#' in the k-th group. The mixture double-exponential prior is only used for
#' grouped predictors. For ungrouped predictors, the prior is
#' double-exponential with scale \code{ss[2]} and mean 0. Note that grouped
#' predictors when \code{family = "multinomial"} is still experimental, so
#' use with caution.
#' @param ss A vector of two positive scale values for the spike-and-slab
#' mixture double-exponential prior, allowing for different scales for
#' different predictors, leading to different amount of shrinkage. Smaller
#' scale values give stronger shrinkage. While the smaller of the two input
#' values will be treated as the spike scale, it is recommended to specify the
#' spike scale as the first element of the vector.
#' @param Warning Logical. If \code{TRUE}, shows the error messages of not
#' convergence and identifiability.
#' @param adjmat A data.frame or matrix containing a "sparse" representation
#' of the neighbor relationships. The first column should contain a numerical
#' index for a given location. Each index will be repeated in this column for
#' every neighbor it has. The indices for the location's neighbors are then
#' specified in the second column. Any additional columns are ignored.
#' @param iar.data A list of output from \code{\link{mungeCARdata4stan}} that
#' contains the necessary inputs for the IAR prior. When unspecified, this is
#' built internally assuming that neighbors are those variables directly above,
#' below, left, and  right of a given variable location. \code{im.res} must be
#' specified when allowing this argument to be built internally. It is not
#' recommended to use this argument directly, even when specifying a more
#' complicated neighborhood stucture; this can be specified with the
#' \code{adjmat} argument, and then internally converted to the correct format.
#' @param opt.algorithm One of \code{c("LBFGS", "BFGS", "Newton")}. This
#' argument determines which argument is used to optimize the term in the EM
#' algorithm that estimates the probabilities of inclusion for each parameter.
#' Optimization is performed by \code{optimizing}.
#' @param tau.prior One of \code{c("none", "manual", "cauchy")}. This argument
#' determines the precision parameter in the Conditional Autoregressive model
#' for the (logit of) prior inclusion probabilities. When \code{"none"}, the
#' precision is set to 1; when "manual", the precision is manually entered by
#' the user; when \code{"cauchy"}, the inverse precision is assumed to follow
#' a Cauchy distribution with mean 0 and scale 2.5. Note that at this stage of
#' development, only the \code{"none"} option has been extensively tested, so
#' the other options should be used with caution.
#' @param tau.manual When \code{tau.prior = "manual"}, use this argument to
#' specify a common precision parameter.
#' @param plot.pj When \code{TRUE}, prints a series of 2D graphs of the prior
#' probabilities of inclusion at each step of the algorithm. This should NOT
#' be used for 3D data.
#' @param im.res A 2-element vector where the first argument is the number of
#' "rows" and the second argument is the number of "columns" in each subject's
#' "image". Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param p.bound A vector defining the lower and upper boundaries for the
#' probabilities of inclusion in the model, respectively. Defaults to
#' \code{c(0.01, 0.99)}.
#' @param stan_manual A \code{stan_model} that is manually specified.
#' Especially when fitting multiple models in succession, specifying the
#' \code{stan} model outside this "loop" may avoid errors.
#' @param print.iter Logical. When \code{TRUE}, prints a quite excessive
#' amount intermediate output for every iteration. Default is (obviously)
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @inheritParams glmnet::glmnet
#' @return The fitted model for the spike-and-slab elastic net. An object of
#' class \code{c("elnet", "glmnet"}.
#' @note Currently, the \code{ssnet()} \code{im.res} can only handle 2D data.
#' Future versions may allow images to be 3D. However, the function will work
#' given any appropriately specified neighborhood matrix, whatever the
#' original dimension. Use Cox models with caution as we have not yet
#' validated their extension.
#' @note While the type.multinomial option is included, it is only valid for
#' traditional elastic net models. Thus far we have only extended the
#' spike-and-slab models for grouped selection.
ssnet_fit <- function(
    family = c("gaussian", "binomial", "multinomial", "poisson", "cox"),
    offset = NULL,
    epsilon = 1e-04,
    alpha = 0.95,
    type.multinomial = "grouped",
    maxit = 50,
    init = rep(0, ncol(x)),
    init.theta = 0.5,
    ss = c(0.04,0.5),
    Warning = FALSE,
    group = NULL,
    iar.prior = FALSE,
    adjmat = NULL,
    iar.data = NULL,
    tau.prior = "none",
    tau.manual = NULL,
    stan_manual = NULL,
    opt.algorithm = "LBFGS",
    p.bound = c(0.01, 0.99),
    plot.pj = FALSE,
    im.res = NULL,
    print.iter = FALSE
  if (plot.pj == TRUE &
      ("sim2Dpredictr" %in% utils::installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
    stop("Cannot plot p_j without package sim2Dpredictr. \n")

  ss <- sort(ss)
  prior.scale <- ss[length(ss)]

  if (family == "cox") {
    intercept <- FALSE
  } else {
    intercept <- TRUE

  x0 <- x
  if (intercept == TRUE) {
    x0 <- cbind(1, x)

  if (family == "multinomial") {
    multinomial <- TRUE
    # convert y to factor for multinomial regression
    if (is.factor(y) == FALSE) {
      y <- as.factor(y)
  } else {
    multinomial <- FALSE

  d <- prepare(
    x = x0,
    intercept = intercept,
    prior.mean = 0,
    prior.sd = 1,
    prior.scale = prior.scale,
    prior.df = 1,
    group = group,
    multinomial = multinomial,
    outcome.cats = y
  x <- d$x
  prior.scale <- d$prior.scale
  group <- d$group
  group.vars <- d$group.vars
  ungroup.vars <- d$ungroup.vars
  prior.scale <- prior.scale/autoscale(x, min.x.sd = 1e-04)
  gvars <- unlist(group.vars)

  if (intercept == TRUE) {
    x <- x[, -1]
    prior.scale <- prior.scale[-1]

  # initialize inclusion probabilities
  theta <- p <- rep(init.theta, length(gvars))
  names(theta) <- names(p) <- gvars

  # internal initialization
  if (is.null(init) == TRUE) {
    for (k in seq_len(5)) {

      if (family == "cox") {
        ps <- min(ss[1] + (k - 1) * 0.01, 0.08)
      } else {
        ps <- ss[1] + (k - 1) * 0.01

      f <- glmnet::glmnet(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        family = family,
        offset = offset,
        alpha = 0.95,
        lambda = 1/(nrow(x) * ps),
        standardize = TRUE
      if (family == "multinomial") {
        b <- f$beta
        bn <- dplyr::bind_cols(b)
        if (any(bn != 0))
      } else {
        b <- as.numeric(f$beta)
        if (any(b != 0))
  } else {
    if (family == "multinomial") {
      if (is.list(init) == TRUE) {
        b <- init
      } else {
        b <- list()
        for (i in seq_len(length(unique(y)))) {
          b[[i]] <- init
    } else {
      b <- as.numeric(init)

  # initialization of parameter vector for each response/outcome category
  if (family == "multinomial") {
    for (i in seq_len(length(b))) {
      names(b[[i]]) <- colnames(x)
      b[[i]] <- ifelse(b[[i]] == 0, 0.001, b[[i]])
      init <- b
    names(b) <- levels(y)
  } else {
    names(b) <- colnames(x)
    b <- ifelse(b == 0, 0.001, b)
    init <- b

  if (print.iter == TRUE) {
    cat("Initialization complete. \n")

  devold <- 0
  conv <- FALSE

  # begin algorithm
  for (iter in seq_len(maxit)) {
    if (family == "multinomial") {
      scale_p <- update_scale_p_mn(
        b0 = b,
        ss = ss,
        theta = theta,
        alpha = alpha
      prior.scale <- scale_p$scale
      p <- scale_p$p
      names(prior.scale) <- colnames(x)
      names(p) <- colnames(x)
    } else {
      out <- update_scale_p(
        b0 = b[gvars],
        ss = ss,
        theta = theta,
        alpha = alpha
      prior.scale[gvars] <- out[[1]]
      p <- out[[2]]

    if (print.iter == TRUE) {
      cat("Prior scales/p_j updated for iteration ", iter, "\n")
      cat("Estimated p for iteration ", iter, "\n")
      cat("Estimated prior scales for iteration ", iter, "\n")

    if (plot.pj == TRUE) {
      if (is.null(im.res) == TRUE) {
        stop("Require image dimensions, im.res, to produce image plot. \n")
      cat("The number of non-zero parameters is ", length(b[b != 0]), "\n")
        B = p,
        im.res = im.res,
        binarize.B = FALSE,
        B.incl.B0 = FALSE

    # update inclusion probabilities
    if (iar.prior == FALSE) {
      if (family == "multinomial") {
        theta <- update_ptheta_group2(
          group.vars = group.vars,
          p = p,
          p.bound = p.bound
        # names(theta) <- colnames(x)
        names(theta) <- gvars
        if (print.iter == TRUE) {
          cat("Grouped theta estimates iteration " , iter, "\n")

      } else {
        theta <- update_ptheta_group2(
          group.vars = group.vars,
          p = p,
          p.bound = p.bound
    } else {
      # "smooth" estimates when iar.prior = TRUE
      theta <- max_q2_iar(
        iar.data = iar.data,
        p = p,
        opt.algorithm = opt.algorithm,
        tau.prior = tau.prior,
        tau.manual = tau.manual,
        stan_manual = stan_manual,
        p.bound = p.bound
      if (print.iter == TRUE) {
        cat("Raw conditional priors for iteration ", iter, "\n")
        cat("IAR conditional priors for iteration ", iter, "\n")

    if (print.iter == TRUE) {
      cat("Inclusion probabilties updated for iteration ", iter, "\n")

    # define penalty factors for glmnet
    Pf <- 1/(prior.scale + 1e-10)
    if (print.iter == TRUE) {
      cat("Penalty factors for iteration ", iter, "\n")

    f <- glmnet::glmnet(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      family = family,
      offset = offset,
      alpha = alpha,
      penalty.factor = Pf,
      lambda = sum(Pf)/(nrow(x) * ncol(x)),
      standardize = FALSE,
      type.multinomial = type.multinomial
    if (family == "multinomial") {
      b.list <- f$beta
      b.list2 <- list()
      for (i in seq_len(length(b.list))) {
        b.list2[[i]] <- as.numeric(b.list[[i]])
        names(b.list2[[i]]) <- colnames(x)
      names(b.list2) <- names(b.list)
      b <- b.list2
    } else {
      b <- as.numeric(f$beta)
      names(b) <- colnames(x)

    if (print.iter == TRUE) {
      cat("Parameter estimates for iteration ", iter, "\n")
      cat("Q1 updated for iteration ", iter, "\n")

    dev <- deviance(f)
    if (print.iter == TRUE) {
      cat("Deviance at iteration ", iter, " is ", dev, "\n")
    if (abs(dev - devold)/(0.1 + abs(dev)) < epsilon & iter > 5) {
      conv <- TRUE
    else devold <- dev
  if (Warning & !conv)
    warning("algorithm did not converge", call. = FALSE)
  f$x <- x
  f$y <- y
  f$family <- family
  f$ss <- ss
  if (family == "multinomial") {
    f$coefficients <- b
  } else {
    f$coefficients <- as.numeric(coef(f))
    names(f$coefficients) <- rownames(coef(f))
    f$linear.predictors <- predict(f, newx = x, type = "link",
                                   offset = offset)
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    De <- function(mean = 0, scale = 0.5, autoscale = TRUE) {
      if (any(scale < 0)) {
        stop("'scale' cannot be negative")
          prior = "de",
          mean = mean,
          scale = scale,
          autoscale = autoscale

    f$dispersion <- BhGLM::bglm(
      y ~ f$linear.predictors - 1,
      start = 1,
      prior = De(mean = 1, scale = 0),
      verbose = FALSE
  f$iter <- iter
  f$prior.scale <- prior.scale
  f$penalty.factor <- Pf
  f$group <- group
  f$group.vars <- group.vars
  f$ungroup.vars <- ungroup.vars
  f$p <- p
  f$ptheta <- theta
  f$init <- init
  if (family != "multinomial") {
    f$aic <- deviance(f) + 2 * f$df
  f$offset <- offset
  f$iar.data <- iar.data
  f$stan_manual <- stan_manual
  f$opt.algorithm <- opt.algorithm
  f$epsilon <- epsilon
  f$alpha <- alpha
  f$tau.prior <- tau.prior
jmleach-bst/ssnet documentation built on March 4, 2024, 5:04 p.m.