
Defines functions prt_trim

Documented in prt_trim

#' Trim tracks to start and end outside barrier
#' @param trkpts Simple Feature points ('sf', 'sfc_POINT'/'sfc_MULTIPOINT') that represent
#' track points. Order is accepted as is and the bounding box of trkpts should be within
#' the bounding box of the barrier polygon.
#' @param barrier Simple Feature polygon ('sf', 'sfc_POLYGON'/'sfc_MULTIPOLYGON')
#' representing the barrier feature. Should be the same barrier as supplied to the
#' `prt_visgraph()` function.
#' @return
#' @export
prt_trim <- function(trkpts, barrier) {
  stopifnot("trkpts must be a simple feature collection with geometry type 'POINT' or 'MULTIPOINT" =
              inherits(trkpts %>% st_geometry(), 'sfc_POINT') |
              inherits(trkpts %>% st_geometry(), 'sfc_MULTIPOINT')
  trkpts <- sf::st_cast(trkpts, 'POINT')
  barrier_intersect <- sf::st_intersects(trkpts, barrier) %>%
    purrr::map_lgl(~ length(.x) > 0)

  if (sum(barrier_intersect) == 0) {

  head_start <- 1
  tail_end <- length(barrier_intersect)

  if (min(which(barrier_intersect == TRUE)) == 1) {
    # warning(paste0("Path starts within vector mask, first ",
    #                min(which(barrier_intersect == 0)) - 1,
    #                " observations removed"))
    head_start = min(which(barrier_intersect == FALSE))
  if (max(which(barrier_intersect == 0)) < length(barrier_intersect)) {
    # warning(paste("Path ends within vector mask, last ",
    #               length(barrier_intersect) - max(which(barrier_intersect == 0)),
    #               " observations removed"))
    tail_end <- max(which(barrier_intersect == 0))

  trkpts <- trkpts[head_start:tail_end,]

jmlondon/pathroutr documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 6:09 p.m.