
Defines functions mkOptimLog processLogger subsetByCategory subsetByMessage subsetByPattern plotScore rollingMax copyMhData plotShuffles plotParamEvolutionMsg boundValuesDf boundValues loadMhLog plotParamEvolution

Documented in boundValues boundValuesDf copyMhData loadMhLog mkOptimLog plotParamEvolution plotParamEvolutionMsg plotScore plotShuffles processLogger rollingMax subsetByCategory subsetByMessage subsetByPattern

###### Plotting functions

numColname <- 'PointNumber'

#' Plot the value of a parameter along the optimisation process
#' Plot the value of a parameter along the optimisation process. 
#' The color scale is the objective score. Useful to check the behavior of the optimisation process.
#' @param logMh an mhData object
#' @param paramName the exact name of one of the model parameters
#' @param objLims optional bounds to apply to the objective function value prior to plotting (e.g. c(0,1) for Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency)
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' logFileName <- 'F:/path/to/419016_IhacresClassic_19390101_19481231.csv'
#' logSce <- loadMhLog(logFileName)
#' logMh <- new("mhData",
#'    data= logSce,  
#'    fitness = "NSE.logbias",
#'    messages = "Message", 
#'    categories = "Category")
#' geomOps <- subsetByMessage(logMh)
#' d <- plotParamEvolution(geomOps, 'Tq', objLims=c(0,1))
#' d
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plotParamEvolution <- function(logMh, paramName, objLims=NULL, title="Evolution of parameter values", xlab="Logged point", ylab=paramName) {
  d <- boundFitness(logMh, objLims)
  ggplot(d, aes_string(x = numColname, y = paramName, colour=logMh@fitness)) + 
    geom_point() + labs( title=title, x=xlab, y=ylab) +
    scale_colour_continuous(low="blue", high="red")

#' Load a CSV log file of an optimisation
#' Load a CSV log file of an optimisation
#' @param fn the file name of the CSV
#' @return a data frame, as loaded with read.csv, and an added column 'PointNumber'
#' @export
loadMhLog <- function(fn) {
  x <- read.csv(fn)
  x[[numColname]] <- 1:nrow(x)

#' min/max bound numeric values 
#' min/max bound numeric values 
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param lim a num vector of the min/max limits to apply, for instance c(0, 1)
#' @return a numeric vector
#' @export
boundValues <- function(x, lim=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(lim)) {
    return(pmax( lim[1], pmin( x, lim[2])))
  } else {

#' min/max bound a column in a data frame
#' min/max bound a column in a data frame
#' @param x a data frame
#' @param colname a character vector, name of the column to bound
#' @param lim a num vector of the min/max limits to apply, for instance c(0, 1)
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
boundValuesDf <- function(x, colname, lim=c(0,1)) {
  x[[colname]] <- boundValues(x[[colname]], lim)

#' Plot the value of a parameter along the optimisation process
#' Plot the value of a parameter along the optimisation process. 
#' The color scale is the message associated with the point, for instance a geometric transformation. 
#' An example message is 'Contracted point in the subcomplex' for the Shuffled complex algorithm. 
#' Useful to check the behavior of the optimisation process.
#' @param logMh an mhData object 
#' @param paramName the exact name of one of the model parameters
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' logFileName <- 'F:/path/to/419016_IhacresClassic_19390101_19481231.csv'
#' logSce <- loadMhLog(logFileName)
#' logMh <- new("mhData",
#'    data= logSce,  
#'    fitness = "NSE.logbias",
#'    messages = "Message", 
#'    categories = "Category")
#' geomOps <- subsetByMessage(logMh)
#' d <- plotParamEvolutionMsg(geomOps, 'Tq')
#' d
#' # If there is overplotting, one can use facets to have a clearer view of the optimiser behavior
#' d + facet_wrap( as.formula(paste("~", geomOps@@messages, sep=' ')) )
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plotParamEvolutionMsg <- function(logMh, paramName) {
  x <- logMh@data
  ggplot(x, aes_string(x = numColname, y = paramName, colour=logMh@messages)) + 
    geom_point() + ggtitle("Evolution of parameter values") + xlab("Logged point") + ylab(paramName) 

#' Facetted bi-parameter scatter plots of the value of a parameter along the optimisation process
#' Plot the value of a parameter along the optimisation process. 
#' The color scale is the objective score. Useful to check the behavior of the optimisation process.
#' @param logMh an mhData object 
#' @param x the exact name of one of the model parameters
#' @param y the exact name of a second model parameter
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
plotShuffles <- function(logMh, x, y, objLims=NULL) {
  d <- boundFitness(logMh, objLims)
  ggplot(d, aes_string(x=x, y=y, colour=logMh@fitness)) + 
    geom_point() + ggtitle("Population at shuffling stages") + xlab(x) + ylab(y) +
    facet_wrap( as.formula(paste("~", logMh@categories, sep=' ')) ) +
    scale_colour_continuous(low="blue", high="red")

# ggsave(d, file=file.path(outputDir, shortFileName), height = 12, width = 16)

#' A copy constructor for mhData objects
#' A copy constructor for mhData objects
#' @param src the object to use as a source for the object member values.
#' @param newData a data frame
#' @return mhData object
#' @export
copyMhData <- function( src, newData ) {
   data= newData,  
   fitness = src@fitness,
   messages = src@messages, 
   categories = src@categories)

#' Rolling max function
#' Rolling max function
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return the rolling maximum over the input vector
#' @export
rollingMax <- function(x) {
  result <- x
  for ( i in 2:length(x)) {
    result[i] = max(x[i],result[i-1], na.rm=TRUE)

#' Plots a custom view of the fitness (defaults: max score so far)
#' Plots a custom view of the fitness (defaults: max score so far)
#' @param logMh an mhData object 
#' @param FUN a function to apply to the 'fitness' column as specified by the mhData object
#' @return ggplot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' logFileName <- 'F:/path/to/419016_IhacresClassic_19390101_19481231.csv'
#' logSce <- loadMhLog(logFileName)
#' logMh <- new("mhData",
#'    data= logSce,  
#'    fitness = "NSE.logbias",
#'    messages = "Message", 
#'    categories = "Category")
#' geomOps <- subsetByMessage(logMh)
#' geomOps <- copyMhData( geomOps, boundValuesDf(geomOps@@data, geomOps@@fitness, c(0,1)))
#' d <- plotMaxScore(geomOps)
#' d
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plotScore <- function(logMh, FUN=rollingMax) { 
  x <- logMh@data
  maxObj <- data.frame(FUN(x[[logMh@fitness]]))
  names(maxObj) <- logMh@fitness
  maxObj[[numColname]] <- x[[numColname]]
  ggplot(maxObj, aes_string(x=numColname, y=logMh@fitness)) + 
    geom_line() + ggtitle("Best score evolution") + xlab('Logged point') + ylab('Fitness score') 
    # +
    # ylim(c(min(maxObj[[logMh@fitness]]), max(maxObj[[logMh@fitness]]) + 0.05))

#' Subset a data frame based on string pattern matching
#' Subset a data frame based on string pattern matching on one of its character columns. Uses the function \code{\link{str_detect}}
#' @param x the data frame
#' @param colname column name
#' @param pattern a pattern suitable for use by \code{\link{str_detect}}, for instance 'Initial.*|Reflec.*|Contrac.*|Add.*'
#' @return a data frame. Unnecessary levels have been dropped from factor columns.
#' @import stringr
#' @export
subsetByPattern <- function(x, colname, pattern) {
  criterion <- x[[colname]]
  # Fix for https://github.com/csiro-hydroinformatics/mhplot/issues/1  for R 4.0+
  criterion <- as.factor(x[[colname]])
  lvls = levels(criterion)
  if(is.null(criterion)) stop('Subsetting vector is not a factor')
  indices <- criterion %in% lvls[stringr::str_detect(lvls, pattern)]

#' Subset an mhData object based on string pattern matching
#' Subset an mhData object based on string pattern matching on the column for 'messages'
#' @param logMh an mhData object 
#' @param pattern a pattern suitable for use by \code{\link{str_detect}}, for instance 'Initial.*|Reflec.*|Contrac.*|Add.*'
#' @return an mhData object 
#' @export
subsetByMessage <- function(logMh, pattern='Initial.*|Reflec.*|Contrac.*|Add.*') {
  copyMhData(logMh, subsetByPattern(logMh@data, logMh@messages, pattern))

#' Subset an mhData object based on string pattern matching
#' Subset an mhData object based on string pattern matching on the column for 'categories'
#' @param logMh an mhData object 
#' @param pattern a pattern suitable for use by \code{\link{str_detect}}, for instance 'Initial.*|Reflec.*|Contrac.*|Add.*'
#' @return an mhData object 
#' @export
subsetByCategory <- function(logMh, pattern='Initial.*|Shuffling.*') {
  copyMhData(logMh, subsetByPattern(logMh@data, logMh@categories, pattern))

#' Extract information from an optimisation logger
#' Extract information from an optimisation logger. This retrieves data and transforms it into a format more amenable to visualisation.
#' @param optimizer the instance of the optimizer
#' @param fitness the name of the fitness score that was used for the optimisation, e.g. 'NSE'
#' @param messages column name with the content log (messages from optimisation steps)
#' @param categories column name with the category of the message (e.g. informative or warnings, etc.)
#' @return an object for graphing through the 'mh' package functions
#' @export
processLogger <- function(optimizer, fitness = "NSE", messages = "Message", categories = "Category") {
  calibLogger <- clrGet(optimizer, 'Logger')
  if(is.null(calibLogger)) stop("no logger is associated with the optimizer")
  d <- mh::getLoggerContent(calibLogger)
  d$PointNumber = 1:nrow(d)
  mkOptimLog(d, fitness=fitness, messages=messages, categories=categories)

#' Extract information from an optimisation logger
#' Extract information from an optimisation logger. This retrieves data and transforms it into a format more amenable to visualisation.
#' @param logDataFrame a data frame, extracted from an optimisation logger with mh::getLoggerContent 
#' @param fitness the name of the fitness score that was used for the optimisation, e.g. 'NSE'
#' @param messages column name with the content log (messages from optimisation steps)
#' @param categories column name with the category of the message (e.g. informative or warnings, etc.)
#' @return an object for graphing through the 'mh' package functions
#' @export
mkOptimLog <- function(logDataFrame,fitness = "NSE", messages = "Message", categories = "Category")
  dfNames <- names(logDataFrame)
  checkValidName <- function(x, name) {
    if(!(fitness %in% dfNames)) {
      d <- paste(dfNames, collapse=', ', sep=', ')
      stop(paste0('specified string "', x, '" for "', name, '" not found in data frame names: ', d))
  checkValidName(fitness, 'fitness')
  checkValidName(messages, 'messages')
  checkValidName(categories, 'categories')
    data= logDataFrame,
    fitness = fitness,
    messages = messages,
    categories = categories))
jmp75/mhplot documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 9:31 p.m.