
# jamba random utilities

#' Lightweight method to check if an R package is installed
#' Lightweight method to check if an R package is installed
#' There are many methods to test for an installed package,
#' this function represents possibly the most gentle and rapid
#' approach. It simply calls `system.file(package="")`,
#' which checks in the context of the active R session
#' and uses the relevant `.libPaths()`.
#' This approach does not use `require()` because that actually
#' loads the package, which can take time and resources.
#' This approach also does not use `installed.packages()`
#' which can also take substantial time if many packages
#' are installed on a system.
#' @family jam practical functions
#' @return `logical` indicating whether each value in `x`
#'    represents an installed R package.
#' @param x `character` string of package or packages to test.
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @examples
#' check_pkg_installed("methods")
#' check_pkg_installed(c("jamba",
#'    "multienrichjam",
#'    "venndir",
#'    "methods",
#'    "blah"))
#' @export
check_pkg_installed <- function
   if (length(x) == 0) {
   sapply(x, function(i){
      nchar(system.file(package=i)) > 0

#' Match unique vector values against itself
#' Match unique vector values against the full vector
#' This function matches unique vector values to the full vector.
#' This step may be commonly performed to subset another R object
#' for example.
#' @family jam practical functions
#' @param x `vector`
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored
#' @export
match_unique <- function
jmw86069/jamba documentation built on June 12, 2024, 10:28 a.m.