todo on venndir


Note the official TODO was moved to










Convert from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to sf equivalent






Bugs observed

Feature enhancements






Venn section labeling bugs


usability of custom changes

low usability for item labeling

new label preset

usability of custom label placement


vignette on fonts

From user testing and feedback, there are issues around font display. For example, pdf() output sometimes displays no text labels, while png() does display the text labels. We think this issue is due to the fontfamily argument and/or family parameter referencing a font that is not present on the user environment.

R fonts are sort of a nightmare. There are fonts for several different output devices, and they are not always consistent.

Choosing a font that does not represent Unicode characters will result in directional arrows being shown as blank squares, something like []. This issue is usually caused by one or two issues:

Both the above must be valid for Unicode arrows to be displayed.

The vignette should describe several different scenarios and potential workarounds. Include example with Cairo package and CairoFonts().


visual issue

Currently the main count label font is always the same color as the main set label font, even when the main set label is outside and the main count label is inside the polygon. Visually this is only a problem when the polygon fill is a dark color, and the outside background is a light color (usually white). When this happens, the count label inside the polygon is black on a dark color, and is very difficult to read.

The best current workaround is to use poly_alpha=0.2 which should force the Venn fill to be pale enough that black labels are clearly visible.

A refactor is required to store the main set name label color separate from the main count label. This change can be done two ways:

  1. adding a row in label_df, which will also allow specifying the set name fill and box independent from the count fill and box.
  2. adding a column to venn_spdf for font color, note this step does not allow the outside set name label to have different fill and box outline than the inside count label, if desired.

Looks like option 1 is preferable.




prepare for R-shiny

fixed bugs version


interfacing with VennDetail

interfacing with DESeq2/edgeR

add vignette showing more visual options

make displaying items labels easier

polish label coordinates inside/outside

Combine individual labels into one cohesive label

COMPLETE for base R plots. TODO: for any label associated with a line segment, use degree_to_adj() to help place the label at the correct edge of the line segment. one option is simply to create one label, but text alignment for two column output would be difficult. * prototype using one label for fill/border, and expand the buffer size so it includes the other labels.

DONE: Update Rmarkdown README.Rmd and venndir_gene_expression.Rmd

DONE: small features for version

DONE: refactor label position

Design idea: Four label types: set, overlap, count, items

Data storage:


DONE: update polygon_label_outside() for multiple labels

features for wider roll-out

make render_venndir() work for ggplot2 output

Miscellaneous items

option to place set names at periphery of Venn circles

improve item label efficiency

make output compatible with plotly (or something interactive)

venn meme function

example of displaying items in large label box beside the Venn diagram

display fully "closed" Venn counts

item labels

label_polygon_fill() with relative buffer scale_width

label_polygon_fill() extra features

missing counts warning

consider refactoring "base R plot" to use "grid graphics"

refactor venn count label styling

calculate concordance coefficient

Completed items

DONE: option to move count labels outside the polygon

DONE: refactor venndir output

The changes below are DONE.

jmw86069/venndir documentation built on June 15, 2024, 1:52 p.m.