Venndir-class: Venndir class

Venndir-classR Documentation

Venndir class


Venndir class


This object is intended to contain all the required data to produce a venndir figure. The components in this object can be edited.


  • jps: JamPolygon containing the set polygons (usually the full circle or ellipse corresponding to each set in setlist), and the overlap polygons. Where an overlap does not exist, the polygon coordinates will be empty, or will have entirely NA values for "x" and "y".

  • label_df: data.frame containing detailed information about where to place Venn labels in the figure, what font to use, color, and items (when items are necessary for the figure). The "x" and "y" coordinates define the location of each label inside the polygon, the "x_offset" and "y_offset" are added to those coordinates to define the label position outside the polygon.

  • setlist: list with the setlist used to create the Venn overlaps. Previously this data could be inferred from label_df which was tedious.

See Also

Other JamPolygon: JamPolygon-class, add_orientation_JamPolygon(), area_JamPolygon(), bbox_JamPolygon(), buffer_JamPolygon(), check_JamPolygon(), check_Venndir(), eulerr_to_JamPolygon(), farthest_point_JamPolygon(), find_venn_overlaps_JamPolygon(), has_point_in_JamPolygon(), intersect_JamPolygon(), label_fill_JamPolygon(), label_outside_JamPolygon(), label_segment_JamPolygon(), labelr_JamPolygon(), minus_JamPolygon(), nearest_point_JamPolygon(), plot,JamPolygon,missing-method, plot.JamPolygon(), point_in_JamPolygon(), polyclip_to_JamPolygon(), sample_JamPolygon(), split_JamPolygon(), union_JamPolygon(), update_JamPolygon()

jmw86069/venndir documentation built on June 15, 2024, 1:52 p.m.