to_basic.GeomTextBox: Basic function for GeomTextBox compatibility with ggplotly

to_basic.GeomTextBoxR Documentation

Basic function for GeomTextBox compatibility with ggplotly


Basic function for GeomTextBox compatibility with ggplotly


to_basic.GeomTextBox(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...)


data, prestats_data, layout, params, p

arguments used by the ggplot2 infrastructure.


additional arguments are passed along


Note that this function is still being tested, but is intended to be used with ggplot2 output from render_venndir() so it can be used with plotly::ggplotly().

See Also

Other venndir plotly: to_basic.GeomRichText()

jmw86069/venndir documentation built on June 15, 2024, 1:52 p.m.