
## RUnit Test Driver for Package(s) rmincIO/rmincIO.extras
## Note 1: Some of the code below was borrowed from the Rcpp package.
## Note 2: To run these from the R command prompt, try ...
##        library(rmincIO.extras)
##        mainUnitTestFile <- file.path(system.file("unitTests", package="rmincIO.extras"), "runTests.R")
##        source(mainUnitTestFile)
## Note 3: To run a specific test from a specific file, try ...
##          library(RUnit)
##          library(rmincIO.extras)
##          absFileNameDir <- file.path(system.file("unitTests", package="rmincIO.extras"))
##          absFileName <- file.path(absFileNameDir, "runit.mincInfo_class.R")
##          // run all test functions starting with "^test.+"
##          testResult <- runTestFile(absFileName, testFuncRegexp = "^test.+")
##          // run only test function "test.runitTest"
##          testResult <- runTestFile(absFileName, testFuncRegexp = "^test.runitTest$")
##          printTextProtocol(testResult)

pkg <- "rmincIO.extras"

if( ! require( "inline", character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE ) ){
    stop( "The inline package is required to run rmincIO.extras unit tests" )

if( compareVersion( packageDescription( "inline" )[["Version"]], "" ) < 0 ){
    stop( "rmincIO.extras unit tests need at least the version of inline" )

if(require("RUnit", quietly = TRUE)) {

    is_local <- function(){
    	if( exists( "argv", globalenv() ) && "--local" %in% argv ) return(TRUE)
    	if( "--local" %in% commandArgs(TRUE) ) return(TRUE)
    if (is_local() ) path <- getwd()

    library(package=pkg, character.only = TRUE)
    if(!(exists("path") && file.exists(path)))
        path <- system.file("unitTests", package = pkg)

    ## --- Testing ---

    ## Define tests
    testSuite <- defineTestSuite(name=paste(pkg, "unit testing"), dirs = path
                                 #     , testFileRegexp = "Dummy"

    if (interactive()) {
        cat("Now have RUnit Test Suite 'testSuite' for package '", pkg,
            "' :\n", sep='')
        cat('', "Consider doing",
            "\t  tests <- runTestSuite(testSuite)", "\nand later",
            "\t  printTextProtocol(tests)", '', sep="\n")
    } else { ## run from shell / Rscript / R CMD Batch / ...

        ## Run
        tests <- runTestSuite(testSuite)

        output <- NULL

        process_args <- function(argv){
            if( !is.null(argv) && length(argv) > 0 ){
                rx <- "^--output=(.*)$"
                g  <- grep( rx, argv, value = TRUE )
                if( length(g) ){
                    sub( rx, "\\1", g[1L] )

         # R CMD check uses this
        if( exists( "rmincIO.unit.test.output.dir", globalenv() ) ){
            output <- rmincIO.unit.test.output.dir
        } else {

            ## give a chance to the user to customize where he/she wants
            ## the unit tests results to be stored with the --output= command
            ## line argument
            if( exists( "argv",  globalenv() ) ){
                ## littler
                output <- process_args(argv)
            } else {
                ## Rscript
                output <- process_args(commandArgs(TRUE))

        if( is.null(output) ) {         # if it did not work, use parent dir
            output <- ".."              # as BDR does not want /tmp to be used

        ## Print results
        output.txt  <- file.path( output, sprintf("%s-unitTests.txt", pkg))
        output.html <- file.path( output, sprintf("%s-unitTests.html", pkg))

        printTextProtocol(tests, fileName=output.txt)
        message( sprintf( "saving txt unit test report to '%s'", output.txt ) )

        ## Print HTML version to a file
        ## printHTMLProtocol has problems on Mac OS X
        if (["sysname"] != "Darwin"){
            message( sprintf( "saving html unit test report to '%s'", output.html ) )
            printHTMLProtocol(tests, fileName=output.html)

        ##  stop() if there are any failures i.e. FALSE to unit test.
        ## This will cause R CMD check to return error and stop
        err <- getErrors(tests)
        if( (err$nFail + err$nErr) > 0) {
        	data <- Filter(
        		function(x) any( sapply(x, function(.) .[["kind"]] ) %in% c("error","failure") ) ,
        		tests[[1]]$sourceFileResults )
        	err_msg <- sapply( data,
        	function(x) {
        		raw.msg <- paste(
        			sapply( Filter( function(.) .[["kind"]] %in% c("error","failure"), x ), "[[", "msg" ),
        			collapse = " // "
        		raw.msg <- gsub( "Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) : \n", "", raw.msg, fixed = TRUE )
        		raw.msg <- gsub( "\n", "", raw.msg, fixed = TRUE )
        	msg <- sprintf( "unit test problems: %d failures, %d errors\n%s",
        		err$nFail, err$nErr,
        		paste( err_msg, collapse = "\n" )
        	stop( msg )
        } else{
            success <- err$nTestFunc - err$nFail - err$nErr - err$nDeactivated
            cat( sprintf( "%d / %d\n", success, err$nTestFunc ) )

} else {
    cat("R package 'RUnit' cannot be loaded -- no unit tests run\n",
        "for package", pkg,"\n")
jnikelski/rmincIO.extras documentation built on May 19, 2019, 2:58 p.m.