
Defines functions bvar

Documented in bvar

#' @title Estimate a bayesian vector autoregressive model.
#' @param mydata the time series used for estimating the VAR model
#' @param priorObj a S3-object containing information about the prior
#' @param stabletest logical, flag to test whether a draw is stable or not
#' @param nreps number of draws for the mcmc sampler
#' @param burnin number of burnin-draws
#' @param nthin thinning parameter
#' @return returns an S3 object of the class "bvar" with the following fields
#' `general_info` list with general information about the model
#' `intercept` whether the model has an intercept or not
#'  `nolags` number of lags in the model
#'   `nreps` total number of draws
#'   `burnin` number of burn-in draws
#'   `nthin` the thinning parameter
#'   `data_info` information about the data
#'   `type` type of the data object (can be ts, xts or matrix)
#'   `var_names` variable names
#'   `mydata` the data itself
#'   `mcmc_draws` the draws from the mcmc algortithm
#'   `Alpha` an (K * p + Intercept) x K x (nreps - burnin) / nthin matrix with the draws for the VAR-coefficients. With K being the number of variables, p the number of lags and Intercept is 1 if the model has an intercept and 0 otherwise.
#'   `Sigma` an K x K x (nreps - burnin) / nthin - matrix with the draws of the Variance-Covariance matrix
#'   `additional_info` an array of length (nreps - burnin) / nthin of lists with any additional information returned by the posterior.
#' @seealso \code{\link{msvar}} for regime switching models, \code{\link{tvar}} for threshold models and \code{\link{favar}} for factoraugmented models.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats frequency
#' @importFrom stats is.ts
#' @importFrom stats ts
#' @details
#' This function is the main function to estimate a bayesian VAR model for the TxK series mydata. To estimate a bayesian VAR model to user first has to initialize a prior and select the parmameters for it and submit it to the bvar-function. Internally, bvar first initializes the mcmc-algorithm by calling the function initialize_mcmc then at every subsequent iteration calls the function draw_posterior using the results from the previous posterior draw and the variables Alpha and Sigma return posterior draws of the coefficients and the variance-covariance matrix respectively. All other results are stored in a list named addInfo.
#' It should be noted that the data submitted to the bvar function and the prior have to be the same. The logical parameter stabletest tells the function whether to check if a draw of coefficients is stable, i.e. if the largest eigenvalue of the companion matrix smaller than 1. Furthermore, the parameters nreps, burnin and nthin determine the number of mcmc-draws and the how many of the draws are retained. The number of retained draws is (nreps - burnin)/nthin.

bvar <- function(mydata,priorObj,stabletest = FALSE, nreps = 15000, burnin = 5000, nthin = 1){

  # Declare Variables

  K    <- ncol(mydata)
  Time <- nrow(mydata)
  obs  <- Time - priorObj$nolags
  constant <- 0
  if(priorObj$intercept) constant <- 1

  # Variables for storage
  storevar   <- floor( ( nreps - burnin ) / nthin )
  addInfo    <- array(list(),dim=c(storevar))
  Alphadraws <- array(NA,dim=c(K * priorObj$nolags + constant,K,storevar))
  Sigmadraws <- array(NA,dim=c(K,K,storevar))

  # Initialize MCMC algorithm
  tmp <- lagdata(mydata, nolags = priorObj$nolags, intercept = priorObj$intercept)
  draw <- initialize_mcmc(priorObj,tmp$y,tmp$x)

  # start the MCMC sampler

  for(ireps in 1:nreps){

    if(ireps %% 1000 == 0){

      cat("draw no.",ireps,"\n")


    draw <- draw_posterior(priorObj, tmp$y, tmp$x, previous = draw, stabletest = stabletest)

    if(ireps > burnin){

      if( (ireps - burnin) %% nthin == 0){

        Alphadraws[,,( ireps - burnin ) / nthin] <- draw$Alpha
        Sigmadraws[,,( ireps - burnin ) / nthin] <- draw$Sigma
        addInfo[[(ireps - burnin) / nthin]] <- draw$addInfo




  # Store values

  general_information <- list(intercept = priorObj$intercept,
                              nolags    = priorObj$nolags,
                              nreps     = nreps,
                              burnin    = burnin,
                              nthin     = nthin)

  # Information about the data

  if(sum(class(mydata) == "xts") > 0){

    tstype = "xts"
    var_names = colnames(mydata)

  else if(sum(class(mydata) == "ts") > 0){

    tstype = "ts"
    var_names = colnames(mydata)

  else if(is.matrix(mydata)){

    tstype = "matrix"
    var_names = colnames(mydata)


  data_info <- list(type         = tstype,
                    var_names    = var_names,
                    data         = mydata,
                    no_variables = K)

  draw_info <- list(Alpha = Alphadraws,
                    Sigma = Sigmadraws,
                    additional_info = addInfo )

  # Return information
  ret_object <- structure(list(general_info = general_information,
                               data_info    = data_info,
                               mcmc_draws   = draw_info ),
                          class = "bvar")


joergrieger/bvar documentation built on July 3, 2020, 5:34 p.m.