
Defines functions HDOnePath hd.tvar hd.msvar hd.bvar hd

Documented in hd hd.bvar hd.msvar hd.tvar

#' @export
#' @title Historical decompositions
#' @param obj a fitted VAR model
#' @param ... currently not used
#' @return returns an S3 object with the historical decompositions
#' @references Benjamin Wong, Historical decompositions for nonlinear vector autoregression models, CAMA Working Paper 62/2017
#' @rdname hd
hd <- function(obj,...) UseMethod("hd")

#' @export
#' @rdname hd

hd.bvar <- function(obj,...){

  # Preliminary work
  nreps <- dim(obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha)[3]
  nT <- dim(obj$data_info$data)[1] - obj$general_info$nolags

  # lagdata
  lg <- lagdata(obj$data_info$data,intercept = obj$general_info$intercept,nolags=obj$general_info$nolags)

  # Declare variables to store historical decomposition
  HD <- 0

  for(ii in 1:nreps){

    # Create residuals
    resid <- lg$y - lg$x %*% obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha[,,ii]

    # Create covariance matrix
    covar <- t(chol(obj$mcmc_draws$Sigma[,,ii])) # Identification using Cholesky decomposition
    nVar <- dim(covar)[1]
    seqCovar <- array(0,dim=c(nVar,nVar,nT))
    seqCovar[,,] <- covar

    # Create companion matrix

      bta <- obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha[-c(1),,ii]


      bta <- obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha[,,ii]


    comp <- companionmatrix(bta,nolags=obj$general_info$nolags)
    nDim <- dim(comp)[1]
    seqCompanion <- array(0,dim=c(nDim,nDim,nT))
    seqCompanion[,,] <- comp

    # Create Historical decomposition

    HD <- HD + HDOnePath(seqCompanion,resid,seqCovar)


  HD <- HD/nreps

    timestamps <- time(obj$data_info$data)
    timestamps <- timestamps[-c(1:obj$general_info$nolags)]

    timestamps = NULL

  retlist <- structure(list(hd=HD,varnames=colnames(obj$data_info$data),date=timestamps),class="histdecomp")


#' @export
#' @rdname hd

hd.msvar <- function(obj,...){

  regimes <- obj$mcmc_draws$regimes
  nreps <- dim(obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha)[4]
  nT <- dim(regimes)[1]

  lg <- lagdata(obj$data_info$data,intercept = obj$general_info$intercept,nolags=obj$general_info$nolags)
  HD <- 0

  for(ii in 1:nreps){

    if(ii %% 10 == 0){

    resid    <- array(0,dim=c(nT,obj$data_info$no_variables))
    seqCovar <- array(0,dim=c(obj$data_info$no_variables,obj$data_info$no_variables,nT))
    seqAlpha <- array(0,dim=c(obj$data_info$no_variables*obj$general_info$nolags,obj$data_info$no_variables*obj$general_info$nolags,nT))

    # Create sequence for variance-covariance matrix and companion matrices dependent on regime
    for(jj in 1:nT){

      seqCovar[,,jj] <- t(chol(obj$mcmc_draws$Sigma[,,regimes[jj],ii]))
      tmp_Alpha <- obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha[,,regimes[jj],ii]
      resid[jj,] <- lg$y[jj,] - lg$x[jj,] %*% tmp_Alpha


        tmp_Alpha <- tmp_Alpha[-c(1),]

      seqAlpha[,,jj] <- companionmatrix(tmp_Alpha,nolags=obj$general_info$nolags)


    # Get historical decomposition for one path
    HD <- HD + HDOnePath(seqAlpha,resid,seqCovar)


  HD <- HD/nreps

    timestamps <- time(obj$data_info$data)
    timestamps <- timestamps[-c(1:obj$general_info$nolags)]

    timestamps = NULL

  retlist <- structure(list(hd=HD,varnames=colnames(obj$data_info$data),date=timestamps),class="histdecomp")


#' @export
#' @rdname hd

hd.tvar <- function(obj,...){

  nreps <- dim(obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha)[4]
  reg_length <- dim(obj$mcmc_draws$regimes)[1]
  regimes <- obj$mcmc_draws$regimes
  lg <- lagdata(obj$data_info$data, intercept = obj$general_info$intercept, nolags = obj$general_info$nolags)

  # cut off some of the data from to make the regime draws and lagged data the same length
  cut_off <- dim(lg$x)[1] - reg_length
  xdata <- lg$x[-c(1:cut_off),]
  ydata <- lg$y[-c(1:cut_off),]

  # Start historical decomposition
  HD <- 0
  for(ii in 1:nreps){

    if(ii %% 10 == 0){
    resid    <- array(0,dim=c(reg_length,obj$data_info$no_variables))
    seqCovar <- array(0,dim=c(obj$data_info$no_variables,obj$data_info$no_variables,reg_length))
    seqAlpha <- array(0, dim=c(obj$data_info$no_variables*obj$general_info$nolags,obj$data_info$no_variables*obj$general_info$nolags,reg_length))

    for(jj in 1:reg_length){

      tmp_Alpha <- obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha[,,regimes[jj]+1,ii]
      resid[jj,] <- ydata[jj,] - xdata[jj,] %*% tmp_Alpha


        tmp_Alpha <- tmp_Alpha[-c(1),]

      seqAlpha[,,jj] <- companionmatrix(tmp_Alpha,nolags=obj$general_info$nolags)

      # Maybe identification: currently only cholesky
      tmp_sigma <- t(chol(obj$mcmc_draws$Sigma[,,regimes[jj]+1,ii]))
      seqCovar[,,jj] <- tmp_sigma


    # Get Historical decomposition for one path
    HD <- HD + HDOnePath(seqAlpha,resid,seqCovar)

  HD <- HD/nreps

    timestamps <- time(obj$data_info$data)
    nT <- dim(obj$data_info$data)[1]
    cut_off <- nT-reg_length
    timestamps <- timestamps[-c(1:cut_off)]


    timestamps = NULL


  retlist <- structure(list(hd=HD,varnames=colnames(obj$data_info$data),date=timestamps),class="histdecomp")


# function to calculate the historical decomposition for one path
# F <- sequence of companion matrices
# U <- sequence of reduced form residuals
# C <- sequence of identified covariance matrices
HDOnePath <- function(Fr,U,C){

  # Create 'structural structural shocks'
  nT   <- dim(U)[1]
  nVar <- dim(U)[2]

  eps  <- array(0,dim=c(nT,nVar^2))
  HDtemp <- array(NaN,dim=c(nVar^2,nT))
  bigeye <- array(0,dim=c(nVar,dim(Fr)[1]))
  bigeye[1:nVar,1:nVar] <- diag(1,nVar)

  for(ii in 1:nT){

    eps[ii,] <-   as.vector(pracma::repmat(pracma::mldivide(C[,,ii],U[ii,]),nVar,1))


  HDtemp[,1] <- as.vector(C[,,1]) * eps[1,]

  for(jj in 2:nT){
    Ftrack <- diag(1,dim(Fr)[1])
    HDtemp[,jj] <- as.vector(C[,,jj]) * eps[jj,]

    for(kk in (jj-1):1){

      Ftrack <- Ftrack %*% Fr[,,kk+1]
      tmp1 <- as.vector(bigeye %*% Ftrack %*% t(bigeye) %*% C[,,kk]) * eps[kk,]
      HDtemp[,jj] <- HDtemp[,jj] + tmp1


  HD <- array(NaN,dim=c(nVar,nVar,nT))
  for(ii in 1:nVar){

    repma <- seq(ii,nVar^2,by=nVar)
    HD[ii,,] <- HDtemp[c(repma),]



joergrieger/bvar documentation built on July 3, 2020, 5:34 p.m.