
#' @include misc.R

#' Leabra unit (neuron) class
#' This class simulates a biologically realistic neuron (also called unit) in
#' the Leabra framework. When you use the layer class, you will see that a
#' \link{layer} object has a variable (field) \code{units}, which is a list of
#' unit objects.
#' @references O'Reilly, R. C., Munakata, Y., Frank, M. J., Hazy, T. E., and
#'   Contributors (2016). Computational Cognitive Neuroscience. Wiki Book, 3rd
#'   (partial) Edition. URL: \url{http://ccnbook.colorado.edu}
#' @references Have also a look at
#'   \url{https://grey.colorado.edu/emergent/index.php/Leabra} (especially the
#'   link to the 'MATLAB' code) and \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leabra}
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for calculating neuron
#'   activation changes.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' u <- unit$new() # creates a new unit with default leabra values
#' print(u) # a lot of private values
#' u$v # private values cannot be accessed
#' # if you want to see alle variables, you need to use the function
#' u$get_vars(show_dynamics = TRUE, show_constants = TRUE)
#' # let us clamp the activation to 0.7
#' u$activation
#' u$clamp_cycle(0.7)
#' c(u$activation, u$avg_s, u$avg_m, u$avg_l)
#' # activation is indeed 0.7, but avg_l was not updated, this only happens
#' # before the weights are changed, let us update it now
#' u$updt_avg_l()
#' c(u$activation, u$avg_s, u$avg_m, u$avg_l)
#' # seems to work
#' # let us run 10 cycles with unclamped activation and output the activation
#' # produced because of changes in conductance
#' u <- unit$new()
#' cycle_number <- 1:10
#' result <- lapply(cycle_number, function(x)
#'                  u$cycle(g_e_raw = 0.5, g_i = 0.5)$get_vars())
#' # make a data frame out of the list
#' result <- plyr::ldply(result)
#' # plot activation
#' plot(result$activation, type = "b", xlab = "cycle", ylab = "activation")
#' # add conductance g_e to plot, should approach g_e_raw
#' lines(result$g_e, type = "b", col = "blue")
#' @field activation Percentage activation ("firing rate") of the unit, which is
#'   sent to other units, think of it as a percentage of how many neurons are
#'   active in a microcolumn of 100 neurons.
#' @field avg_s Short-term running average activation, integrates over avg_ss (a
#'   private variable, which integrates over activation), represents plus phase
#'   learning signal.
#' @field avg_m Medium-term running average activation, integrates over avg_s,
#'   represents minus phase learning signal.
#' @field avg_l Long-term running average activation, integrates over avg_m,
#'   drives long-term floating average for self-organized learning.
#' @field unit_number Number of unit in layer, if the unit is not created within
#'   a layer, this value will be 1.
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new()}}{Creates an object of this class with default
#'   parameters.}
#'   \item{\code{cycle(g_e_raw, g_i)}}{Cycles 1 ms with given excitatory
#'   conductance \code{g_e_raw} and inhibitory conductance \code{g_i}.
#'   Excitatory conductance depends on the connection weights to other units and
#'   the activity of those other units. Inhibitory conductance depends on
#'   feedforward and feedback inhibition. See \link{layer} cycle method.
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{\code{g_e_raw}}{Raw excitatory conductance. The actual excitatory
#'       conductance will incrementally approach this value with every cycle.}
#'       \item{\code{g_i}}{Inhibitory conductance.}
#'       }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{clamp_cycle(activation)}}{Clamps the value of \code{activation}
#'   to the \code{activation} variable of the unit without any time integration.
#'   Then updates averages (\code{avg_ss}, \code{avg_s}, \code{avg_m}). This is
#'   usually done when presenting external input.
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{\code{activation}}{Activation to clamp.}
#'       }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{updt_avg_l()}}{Updates the variable \code{avg_l}. This usually
#'   happens before the weights are changed in the network (after the plus
#'   phase), and not every cycle.}
#'   \item{\code{get_vars(show_dynamics = TRUE, show_constants =
#'   FALSE)}}{Returns a data frame with 1 row with the current state of all the
#'   variables of the unit. You can choose whether you want dynamic values and /
#'   or constant values. This might be useful if you want to analyze what
#'   happens in a unit, which would otherwise not be possible, because most of
#'   the variables (fields) are private in this class.
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{\code{show_dynamics}}{Should dynamic values be shown? Default is
#'       TRUE
#'       }
#'       \item{\code{show_constants}}{Should constant values be shown? Default
#'       is FALSE
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
unit <- R6::R6Class("unit",
  # public ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  public = list(
    initialize = function(){
      private$nxx1_df <- private$create_nxx1()

    cycle = function(g_e_raw, g_i){
      # updating g_e input
      private$g_e <- private$g_e + private$cyc_dt * private$g_e_dt *
        (g_e_raw - private$g_e)

      # Finding membrane potential
      # excitatory, inhibitory and leak current
      i_e <- private$g_e * (private$v_rev_e - private$v)
      i_i <- g_i * (private$v_rev_i - private$v)
      i_l <- private$g_l * (private$v_rev_l - private$v)
      private$i_net <- i_e + i_i + i_l

      # almost half-step method for updating v (i_adapt doesn't half step)
      v_h <- private$v + 0.5 * private$cyc_dt * private$v_dt *
        (private$i_net - private$i_adapt)
      i_e_h <- private$g_e * (private$v_rev_e - v_h)
      i_i_h <- g_i * (private$v_rev_i - v_h)
      i_l_h <- private$g_l * (private$v_rev_l - v_h)
      i_net_h <- i_e_h + i_i_h + i_l_h

      private$v <- private$v + private$cyc_dt * private$v_dt *
        (i_net_h - private$i_adapt)

      # new rate coded version of i_net
      i_e_r <- private$g_e * (private$v_rev_e - private$v_eq)
      i_i_r <- g_i * (private$v_rev_i - private$v_eq)
      i_l_r <- private$g_l * (private$v_rev_l - private$v_eq)
      i_net_r <- i_e_r + i_i_r + i_l_r

      private$v_eq <- private$v_eq + private$cyc_dt * private$v_dt *
        (i_net_r - private$i_adapt)

      # Finding activation
      # finding threshold excitatory conductance
      g_e_thr <- (g_i * (private$v_rev_i - private$v_thr) +
                    private$g_l * (private$v_rev_l - private$v_thr) -
                    private$i_adapt) / (private$v_thr - private$v_rev_e)

      # finding whether there's an action potential
      if (private$v > private$spk_thr){
        private$spike <- 1
        private$v <- private$v_reset
        private$i_net <- 0
      }  else {
        private$spike <- 0

      # finding instantaneous rate due to input
      if (private$v_eq <= private$v_thr){
        new_act <- private$nxx1(private$v_eq - private$v_thr)
      } else {
        new_act <- private$nxx1(private$g_e - g_e_thr)

      # update activity
      self$activation <- self$activation + private$cyc_dt * private$v_dt *
        (new_act - self$activation)

      # Update adaptation current
      private$i_adapt <- private$i_adapt + private$cyc_dt *
        (private$i_adapt_dt * (private$v_gain * (private$v - private$v_rev_l)
                               - private$i_adapt)
         + private$spike * private$spike_gain_adapt)


    clamp_cycle = function(activation){
      self$activation <- activation

    updt_avg_l = function(){
      avg_l <- self$avg_l + private$l_dt * (private$avg_l_gain * self$avg_m -
      self$avg_l <- max(avg_l, private$avg_l_min)

    reset = function(random = FALSE){
      ifelse(random == TRUE,
             self$activation <- runif(1, 0.05, 0.95),
             self$activation <- 0)
      private$avg_ss <- self$activation
      self$avg_s <- self$activation
      self$avg_m <- self$activation
      self$avg_l <- self$activation
      private$g_e <- 0
      private$v <- 0.3
      private$v_eq <- 0.3
      private$i_adapt <- 0
      private$spike <- 0

    get_vars = function(show_dynamics = TRUE, show_constants = FALSE){
      df <- data.frame(unit = self$unit_number)
      dynamic_vars <- data.frame(
        activation = self$activation,
        avg_ss = private$avg_ss,
        avg_s = self$avg_s,
        avg_m = self$avg_m,
        avg_l = self$avg_l,
        g_e = private$g_e,
        v = private$v,
        v_eq = private$v_eq,
        i_adapt = private$i_adapt,
        spike = private$spike,
        i_net = private$i_net

      constant_vars <-
          cyc_dt           = private$cyc_dt,
          g_e_dt           = private$g_e_dt,
          ss_dt            = private$ss_dt,
          s_dt             = private$s_dt,
          l_dt             = private$l_dt,
          m_dt             = private$m_dt,
          v_dt             = private$v_dt,
          i_adapt_dt       = private$i_adapt_dt,
          avg_l_gain       = private$avg_l_gain,
          avg_l_min        = private$avg_l_min,
          v_rev_e          = private$v_rev_e,
          v_rev_l          = private$v_rev_l,
          g_l              = private$g_l,
          v_thr            = private$v_thr,
          spk_thr          = private$spk_thr,
          v_reset          = private$v_reset,
          v_gain           = private$v_gain,
          spike_gain_adapt = private$spike_gain_adapt
      if (show_dynamics == TRUE) df <- cbind(df, dynamic_vars)
      if (show_constants == TRUE) df <- cbind(df, constant_vars)

    # fields -------------------------------------------------------------------
    activation = 0.2,
    avg_s = 0.2,
    avg_m = 0.2,
    avg_l = 0.2,
    # number of unit in the layer, if you create a single unit object, this is
    # one, otherwise the layer will set this value
    unit_number = 1

  # private --------------------------------------------------------------------
  # nxx1
  # calculates the activation of a unit as a function of the difference between
  # v and its threshold or g_e and its threshold
  private = list(
    nxx1 = function(x){
      # nxx1_df is a df that is used as a lookup-table, it is stored internally
      # but you can generate the data with the create_nxx1 function
      closest_value <- which(abs(private$nxx1_df$nxx1_dom - x) ==
                               min(abs(private$nxx1_df$nxx1_dom - x)))

      # if you want to use interpolation (but this is very slow)
      #approx(private$nxx1_df$nxx1_dom, private$nxx1_df$nxoxp1, x,
      #       method = "linear", rule = 2)$y

  # create_nxx1
  # calculates the noisy x/(x+1) function. The values come from
  # the convolution of x/(x+1) with a Gaussian function. To avoid calculating
  # the convolution every time, the constructor creates a lookup table
  # nxx1_df, corresponding to the values of nxx1 at all the x in the vector
  # "nxx1_dom". Once these vectors are in the workspace, subsequent calls to
  # nxx1 use interpolation with these vectors in order to calculate their
  # return values. Unfortunately this interpolation is very slow. This is
  # currently the bottleneck of the simulation
  create_nxx1 = function(){
    # we don't have precalculated vectors for interpolation
    n_x <- 2000 # size of the precalculated vectors
    mid <- 2 # mid length of the domain
    domain <- seq(-mid, mid, length.out = n_x) # will be "nxx1_dom"
    # domain of Gaussian
    dom_g <- seq(-2 * mid, 2 * mid, length.out = 2 * n_x)
    values <- rep(0, n_x) # will be "nxoxp1"
    sd <- .005 # standard deviation of the Gaussian
    gaussian <- exp(- (dom_g ^ 2) / (2 * sd ^ 2)) / (sd * sqrt(2 * pi))

    XX1 <- function(x, gain = 100){
      x[x <= 0] <- 0
      x[x > 0] <- gain * x[x > 0] / (gain * x[x > 0] + 1) # gain = 100 default

    for (p in 1:n_x){
      low <- n_x - p + 1
      high <- 2 * n_x - p
      values[p] <- sum(XX1(domain) * gaussian[low:high])
      values[p] <- values[p] / sum(gaussian[low:high])
    nxx1_dom <- domain
    nxoxp1 <- values
    as.data.frame(cbind(nxoxp1, nxx1_dom))
  # updt_avgs
  # updates the average super short, short and medium activities of the unit,
  # called by cycle and clamped_cycle. Note that long term average is not
  # updated
  # here; long term average is updated before weight changes.
  updt_avgs = function(){
    private$avg_ss <- private$avg_ss + private$cyc_dt * private$ss_dt *
      (self$activation - private$avg_ss)
    self$avg_s <- self$avg_s + private$cyc_dt * private$s_dt *
      (private$avg_ss - self$avg_s)
    self$avg_m <- self$avg_m + private$cyc_dt * private$m_dt *
      (self$avg_s - self$avg_m)

  # fields ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # dynamic values--------------------------------------------------------------
  avg_ss = 0.2,
  g_e = 0,
  v = 0.3,
  v_eq = 0.3,
  i_adapt = 0,
  spike = 0,
  i_net = 0,
  avg_l_min = 0.1,      # min value of avg_l
  avg_l_gain = 2.5,

  # constant values-------------------------------------------------------------
  # time step constants
  g_e_dt = 1 / 1.4,     # time step constant for update of "g_e"
  cyc_dt = 1,           # time step constant for integration of cycle dynamics
  v_dt = 1 / 3.3,       # time step constant for membrane potential
  i_adapt_dt = 1 / 144, # time step constant for adaptation
  ss_dt = 0.5,          # time step constant for super-short average
  s_dt = 0.5,           # time step constant for short average
  m_dt = 0.1,           # time step constant for medium-term average
  l_dt = 0.1,           # time step constant for long-term average

  # other
  v_rev_e = 1,          # excitatory reversal potential
  v_rev_i = .25,        # inhibitory reversal potential
  v_rev_l = 0.3,        # leak reversal potential
  g_l = 0.1,            # leak conductance
  v_thr = 0.5,          # normalized "rate threshold", corresponds with -50mV
  spk_thr = 1.2,        # normalized spike threshold
  v_reset = 0.3,        # reset membrane potential after spike
  v_gain = 0.04,        # gain that voltage produces on adaptation
  spike_gain_adapt = 0.00805, # effect of spikes on adaptation
  nxx1_df = NULL        # this is the nxx1 activation function as a data frame
johannes-titz/leabRa documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:58 p.m.