
#' Germinate a seed.
#' Observe the miracle of life as your seed germinates and spews forth a glorious
#' tree.
#' @param x Either a \code{seed} object returned by \code{\link{seed}}, or a
#'   named \code{list} containing: \describe{\item{\code{trunk.height}}{Exactly
#'   how glorious will this tree be?} \item{\code{branches}}{A binary coded
#'   vector of addresses of branches to be included. Branches can branch to the
#'   left or the right from the end of the trunk, or from the end of another
#'   branch included in \code{branches}. Elements of \code{branches} may only
#'   contain the characters given in args \code{left} and \code{right}, and all
#'   parent branches of each element must also be provided. E.g. if \code{left}
#'   and \code{right} are \code{'0'} and \code{'1'}, respectively, then
#'   \code{'0'} is the first branch to the left stemming from the top of the
#'   trunk, while \code{'1'} is the first branch to the right, stemming from the
#'   top of the trunk; \code{'01'} would be a branch forking to the right from
#'   the end of the first branch that forked left off the trunk.}
#'   \item{\code{lengths}}{A vector of branch lengths corresponding to the
#'   elements of \code{branches}. Should be the same length as \code{branches}.}}
#' @param angle The angle of branches relative to their parent branch (or 
#'   relative to the trunk). This angle is negated for left-pointing branches.
#' @param trunk.width The line width of the trunk. Widths are then scaled down 
#'   for successive child branches, to a minimum of 1.
#' @param left The character used to represent left-turning branches in the 
#'   \code{branches} vector (default is \code{'0'}). Must not be \code{'Y'}.
#' @param right The character used to represent right-turning branches in the 
#'   \code{branches} vector (default is \code{'1'}). Must not be \code{'Y'}.
#' @param plot Should the tree be plotted? (logical).
#' @param ... Further arguments to \code{plot.plant}.
#' @return a \code{plant} object, which is a \code{data.frame} comprising branch 
#'   addresses, depths, lengths, angles, base coordinates, and tip coordinates.
#' @seealso \code{\link{seed}} \code{\link{foliate}} \code{\link{prune}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Motivating example from http://stackoverflow.com/q/28163979/489704.
#' # Pass a named list (describing the seed) to germinate.
#' germinate(list(trunk.height=32, 
#'                branches=c('0', '1', '00', '01', '010', '011'), 
#'                lengths=c(21, 19, 5, 12, 6, 2)), 
#'           left='0', right='1', angle=40)
#' # Or simulate a seed and pass it directly to germinate
#' s <- seed(50, 10, min.branch.length=0, max.branch.length=5, 
#'              min.trunk.height=3, max.trunk.height=5)
#' g <- germinate(s, trunk.width=15)
#' # Additional realism (hard to imagine!) is possible by actually plotting the 
#' #  trees in a browny colour...
#' plot(g, trunk.width=15, col='peachpuff4')
#' # (Pro-tip: see ?foliate for more realism)
#' # In addition to the mighty oaks above, you might also like to germinate a 
#' #  clumpy grassy-type thing
#' s <- seed(60, 15, min.branch.length=0, max.branch.length=5, 
#'           min.trunk.height=0, max.trunk.height=0)
#' g <- germinate(s, angle=5, trunk.width=10)
germinate <- function(x, angle=20, trunk.width=20, left='0', right='1', 
                      plot=TRUE, ...) {
  if(is(x, 'seed')) {
    x <- list(trunk.height=x$length[1],
  if ('Y' %in% c(left, right)) 
    stop('"Y" is reserved for the trunk.')
  if (any(nchar(c(left, right))) != 1 | left==right)  
    stop('left and right must be single, distinct alphanumeric characters.')
  x$lengths <- x$lengths[order(x$branches)]
  x$branches <- sort(x$branches)
  x$angles <- sapply(sapply(x$branches, strsplit, ''), function(x) {
    tab <- table(x)
    sum(c(tab[left]*-angle, tab[right]*angle), na.rm=TRUE)
  y1 <- x1 <- y0 <- x0 <- rep(NA, length(x$branches))
  for (i in seq_len(length(x$branches))) {
    if(x$branches[i] %in% c(left, right)) {
      x0[i] <- 0
      y0[i] <- x$trunk.height 
    } else {
      parent <- substr(x$branches[i], 1, nchar(x$branches[i])-1)
      x0[i] <- x1[which(x$branches==parent)]
      y0[i] <- y1[which(x$branches==parent)]
    tip <- get.xy(x$angles[i], x$lengths[i], x0[i], y0[i])
    x1[i] <- tip[, 1]
    y1[i] <- tip[, 2]
  d <- data.frame(branches=x$branches, 
                  depth=ifelse(x$branches=='Y', 0, nchar(x$branches)),
                  angles=x$angles, x0, y0, x1, y1,
  d <- rbind(setNames(
    data.frame('Y', 0, x$trunk.height, 0, 0, 0, 0, x$trunk.height, 
    names(d)), d)
  class(d) <- c('plant', 'data.frame')
  if(isTRUE(plot)) plot(d, trunk.width=trunk.width, ...)
johnbaums/trees documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:03 p.m.