
Defines functions getPosInChain getLastMentionProp countCompetitorsMatch countCompetitors getNextMentionField countNextMentionsMatch countNextMentionsIf countNextMentions tokensToNextMention nextMentionToken unitsToNextMention nextMentionUnit getPrevMentionField countPrevMentionsMatch countPrevMentionsIf countPrevMentions tokensToLastMention lastMentionToken unitsToLastMention lastMentionUnit isFrag grabFromDF

Documented in countCompetitors countCompetitorsMatch countNextMentions countNextMentionsIf countNextMentionsMatch countPrevMentions countPrevMentionsIf countPrevMentionsMatch getNextMentionField getPosInChain getPrevMentionField lastMentionToken lastMentionUnit nextMentionToken nextMentionUnit tokensToLastMention tokensToNextMention unitsToLastMention unitsToNextMention

#A group of functions for dealing with issues like coreference resolution, reference production, referentiality, and more!
#1) Important, purely internal function: If a certain argument isn't specified, grab it from the DF with the default column name
#2) Functions related to previous context:
#  a) (Distance to) last mention: lastMentionUnit, distToLastMention
# (complete this tmr I want to focus on showing Jack)

grabFromDF = function(...){
  funct_env = caller_env()
  df_env = env_parent(caller_env(n = 2))
  args = list(...)
  if(!any(args %in% names(env_parent(caller_env(n = 2))))){
    df_env = env_parent(env_parent(caller_env(n = 2)))
  for(var in names(args)){
    if(!(var %in% names(funct_env)) | is.null(funct_env[[var]])){
      funct_env[[var]] = df_env[[args[[var]]]]

isFrag = function(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember){
  str_detect(combinedChunk, "member") & !nonFragmentMember

#' Functions related to mentions of the same entity in previous/following context in track chains.
#' See also [rezonateR::countCompetitors].
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @param chain The chain that each mention belongs to.
#' @param exclFrag Exclude 'fragments' (i.e. members of a combined chunk which do not serve as meaningful chunks in their own right)
#' @param combinedChunk The `combinedChunk` column of the rezrDF. By default, named `combinedChunk`.
#' @param nonFragmentMember Vector indicating whether each entry is a non-fragment member, i.e. a member of a combined chunk that also serves as a meaningful chunk in its own right.
#' @note The default values do not work with `case_when()`. I am still figuring out why. In the meantime, please specify `unitSeq`, `combinedchunk` etc. within `case_when()`.
#' @examples
#' sbc007 = addUnitSeq(sbc007, "track")
#' #Get the number of units to the last mention
#' sbc007$trackDF$default = sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(unitsToLastMention = unitsToLastMention(unitSeqLast))
#' #Get the number of words to the last mention
#' sbc007$trackDF$default =  sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(wordsToLastMention = tokensToLastMention(
#' docWordSeqLast, #What seq to use
#' zeroProtocol = "unitFinal", #How to treat zeroes
#' zeroCond = (text == "<0>"),
#' unitDF = sbc007$unitDF)) #Additional argument for unitFinal protocol
#' #Get the character length of the previous mention
#' sbc007$trackDF$default = sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' addFieldLocal(fieldName = "prevLength",
#'               expression = nchar(getPrevMentionField(text)),
#'               fieldaccess = "auto")
#' #Get the number of zero mentions and zero status-matching mentions in the last 20 units
#' sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(isZero = text == "<0>") %>%
#' rez_mutate(noPrevZeroMentionsIn20 = countPrevMentionsIf(20, isZero),
#'             noPrevZeroMentionsIn20 = countPrevMentionsMatch(20, isZero))
#' @export
lastMentionUnit = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  result = numeric(length(unitSeq))
  for(currChain in unique(chain)){
    chainUnits = unitSeq[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
    unitsOrdered = sort(chainUnits) #Put them in the right order
    unitsOrderedLagged = lag(unitsOrdered) #Get the previous unit
    result[chain == currChain & !frag] = unitsOrderedLagged[rank(chainUnits)] #Put it back in the wrong order
  result[frag] = NA

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @export
unitsToLastMention = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  unitSeq - lastMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param tokenOrder The vector of sequence values values where the mentions appeared. Common choices are docTokenSeqFirst, docTokenSeqLast, wordTokenSeqFirst and wordTokenseqLast (the last two are available after running [rezonateR::addIsWordField] on a rezrObj. By default it's docTokenSeqLast.
#' @export
lastMentionToken = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  result = numeric(length(tokenOrder))
  for(currChain in unique(chain)){
    chainTokens = tokenOrder[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
    tokensOrdered = sort(chainTokens) #Put them in the right order
    tokensOrderedLagged = lag(tokensOrdered) #Get the previous token
    result[chain == currChain & !frag] = tokensOrderedLagged[rank(chainTokens)] #Put it back in the wrong order
  result[frag] = NA

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param zeroProtocol If `literal`, I will take the seq values of the zeroes at face value. (If you set zeros as non-words and use `docWordSeqFirst` or `discourseWordSeLast` as your `tokenOrder`, this will lead to meaningless values.) If `unitFinal`, I will treat zeroes as if they were the final word of the unit. If `unitFirst`, I will treat zeroes as if they were the first word of the unit.
#' @param unitTokenSeqName The name of the corresponding tokenSeq column in the unit column. By default, `docTokenSeqLast` is used.
#' @param zeroCond A condition for determining whether a token is zero. For most people, this should be `(word column) == "<0>"`.
#' @export
tokensToLastMention = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, zeroProtocol = "literal", zeroCond = NULL, unitSeq = NULL, unitTokenSeqName = NULL, unitDF = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment if unspecified
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")

  if(is.null(unitTokenSeqName)) unitTokenSeqName = "docTokenSeqLast"
  if(zeroProtocol == "literal"){
    result = tokenOrder - lastMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
  } else if(zeroProtocol == "unitFinal"){
    grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast")

    tokenIUEnds = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
    tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf] = tokenIUEnds[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf]

    prevUnit = lastMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Prev units
    prevToken = sapply(prevUnit, function(x){
          unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
      } else NA
    result = sapply(tokenOrder - prevToken, function(x) max(x, 0))
    #resultLiteral = tokenOrder - lastMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
    #result[is.na(result)] = resultLiteral[is.na(result)] #For the two nonzero entries on the same IU
  } else if(zeroProtocol == "unitInitial"){
    grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst")

    tokenIUBegins = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
    tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 &  tokenIUBegins < Inf] = tokenIUBegins[tokenOrder == 0 &  tokenIUBegins < Inf]

    prevUnit = lastMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Prev units
    prevToken = sapply(prevUnit, function(x){
          unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
      } else NA
    result = sapply(tokenOrder - prevToken, function(x) max(x, 0))


#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param windowSize The size of the window in which you will be counting.
#' @export
countPrevMentions = function(windowSize, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
    window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq < unitSeq[i] & unitSeq >= unitSeq[i] - windowSize & !frag]

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param cond For if functions, the condition that the previous / next mention must satisfy. It cannot refer to the current mention.
#' @export
countPrevMentionsIf = function(windowSize, cond, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  condition = eval_bare(enexpr(cond), env = env_parent(caller_env()))

  sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
    window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq < unitSeq[i] & unitSeq >= unitSeq[i] - windowSize & condition & !frag]


#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param field The field whose value you want to match or extract.
#' @export
countPrevMentionsMatch = function(windowSize, field, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
    window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq < unitSeq[i] & unitSeq >= unitSeq[i] - windowSize & field == field[i] & !frag]


#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param field The field whose value you want to match or extract.
#' @export
getPrevMentionField = function(field, tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  lastMentionPos = lastMentionToken(tokenOrder = tokenOrder, chain = chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
  sapply(1:length(field), function(i) field[which(tokenOrder == lastMentionPos[i] & !frag & chain == chain[i])]) %>% zeroEntryToNA

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
nextMentionUnit = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  result = numeric(length(unitSeq))
  for(currChain in unique(chain)){
    chainUnits = unitSeq[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
    unitsOrdered = sort(chainUnits) #Put them in the right order
    unitsOrderedLagged = dplyr::lead(unitsOrdered, n = 1L) #Get the next unit
    result[chain == currChain & !frag] = unitsOrderedLagged[rank(chainUnits)] #Put it back in the wrong order
  result[frag] = NA

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @export
unitsToNextMention = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")

  nextMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) - unitSeq

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of tokenOrder values where the mentions appeared. You can choose tokenOrderFirst, tokenOrderFirst, or maybe an average of the two. By default it's tokenOrderFirst.
#' @export
nextMentionToken = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "tokenOrderFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  result = numeric(length(tokenOrder))
  for(currChain in unique(chain)){
    chainTokens = tokenOrder[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
    tokensOrdered = sort(chainTokens) #Put them in the right order
    tokensOrderedLagged = lead(tokensOrdered) #Get the nextious unit
    result[chain == currChain & !frag] = tokensOrderedLagged[rank(chainTokens)] #Put it back in the wrong order
  result[frag] = NA

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
tokensToNextMention = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, zeroProtocol = "literal", zeroCond = NULL, unitSeq = NULL,  unitTokenSeqName = NULL, unitDF = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment if unspecified
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(is.null(unitTokenSeqName)) unitTokenSeqName = "docTokenSeqLast"

  if(zeroProtocol == "literal"){
    result = nextMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) - tokenOrder
  } else if(zeroProtocol == "unitFinal"){
    grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast")

    tokenIUEnds = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
    tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf] = tokenIUEnds[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf]

    nextUnit = nextMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Next units
    nextToken = sapply(nextUnit, function(x){
        unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
      } else NA
    result = nextToken - tokenOrder

  } else if(zeroProtocol == "unitInitial"){
    grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst")

    tokenIUBegins = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
    tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 &  tokenIUBegins < Inf] = tokenIUBegins[tokenOrder == 0 &  tokenIUBegins < Inf]

    nextUnit = nextMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Next units
    nextToken = sapply(nextUnit, function(x){
        unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
      } else NA
    result = nextToken - tokenOrder


#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
countNextMentions = function(windowSize, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
    window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq > unitSeq[i] & unitSeq <= unitSeq[i] + windowSize]

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
countNextMentionsIf = function(windowSize, cond, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  condition = eval_bare(enexpr(cond), env = env_parent(caller_env()))

  sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
    window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq > unitSeq[i] & unitSeq <= unitSeq[i] + windowSize & condition]


#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
countNextMentionsMatch = function(windowSize, field, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
    window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq > unitSeq[i] & unitSeq <= unitSeq[i] + windowSize & field == field[i]]

#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
getNextMentionField = function(field, tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  nextMentionPos = nextMentionToken(tokenOrder = tokenOrder, chain = chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
  sapply(1:length(field), function(i) field[which(tokenOrder == nextMentionPos[i] & !frag & chain == chain[i])]) %>% zeroEntryToNA

#' Count the number of competing referents to the current mention
#' This may either be counted within a window of tokens from the current one, or all referents competing with the current one may be counted, or a mix of both conditions. By default, we count referents intervening between the current and previous mention. Despite its name, tokenOrder can be set as unitSeqLast or similar.
#' @param cond The condition under which something counts as a competitor. Leave blank if anything goes.
#' @param between Do we only count competitors between the current mention and previous mention? (If `T`, then the value is `NA` for first mentions.)
#' @windowType (for countCompetitors only) Is the window type in units or tokens?
#' @inheritParams lastMentionToken
#' @rdname countCompete
#' @examples sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(isZero = (text == "<0>")) %>%
#'  rez_mutate(noCompetitors = countCompetitors(windowSize = 40, between = F),
#'             noMatchingCompetitors = countMatchingCompetitors(isZero, windowSize = 40, between = F))
#' @return A vector of number of competitors.
#' @export
countCompetitors = function(cond = NULL, windowSize = Inf, tokenSeq = NULL, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, between = T, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F, windowType = "unit"){
  grabFromDF(tokenSeq = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk", unitSeq = "unitSeqLast")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  if(between) lastMentionPos = lastMentionToken(tokenSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
    condition = T
  } else {
    condition = eval_bare(enexpr(cond), env = env_parent(caller_env()))

  sapply(1:length(tokenSeq), function(x){
    if(windowType == "token"){
        result = sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & tokenSeq > lastMentionPos[x] &
                       condition & tokenSeq > tokenSeq[x] - windowSize &
                       chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
        result[is.na(result)] = 0
      } else {
        sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & condition &
              tokenSeq > tokenSeq[x] - windowSize &
                       chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
    } else if(windowType == "unit"){
        result = sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & tokenSeq > lastMentionPos[x] &
                       condition & unitSeq > unitSeq[x] - windowSize &
                       chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
        result[is.na(result)] = 0
      } else {
        sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & condition &
              unitSeq > unitSeq[x] - windowSize &
              chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)


#' @param matchCol The column for which a value is to be matched.
#' @rdname countCompete
#' @export
countCompetitorsMatch = function(matchCol, windowSize = Inf, tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, between = T, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  lastMentionPos = lastMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

    sapply(1:length(tokenOrder), function(x){
      result = sum(tokenOrder < tokenOrder[x] & tokenOrder > lastMentionPos[x] &
                     matchCol[x] == matchCol & tokenOrder > tokenOrder[x] - windowSize  &
                     chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
      result[is.na(result)] = 0
  } else {
    sapply(1:length(tokenOrder), function(x){
      sum(tokenOrder < tokenOrder[x] &
                     matchCol[x] == matchCol & tokenOrder > tokenOrder[x] - windowSize &
                     chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)

#Alternative version of getPrevMentionField
getLastMentionProp = function(column, chain = NULL, tokenOrder = NULL, inclRelations = NULL){
  #Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
  grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast")

  result = numeric(length(tokenOrder))

  for(currChain in unique(chain)){
    currTokens = tokenOrder[chain == currChain] #Grab all the token positions of the PREs in the chain
    currColumn = column[chain == currChain]
    chainTokenSort = sort(currTokens, index.return = T)
    columnOrdered = column[chainTokenSort$ix]
    columnOrderedLagged = lag(columnOrdered) #Get the previous val
    result[chain == currChain] = columnOrderedLagged[rank(currTokens)] #Put it back in the wrong order

#' Get the position of a chain entry (track or rez) in a chain (trail or resonance).
#' @inheritParams lastMentionToken
#' @return The
#' @export
#' @examples
getPosInChain = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
  grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
  if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F

  result = integer(length(chain))
  for(currChain in unique(chain)){
    positions = sort.int(tokenOrder[chain == currChain & !frag], index.return = T)$ix
    result[chain == currChain & !frag][positions] = 1:sum(chain == currChain & !frag)

#' @rdname countCompete
#' @export
countMatchingCompetitors = countCompetitorsMatch
johnwdubois/rezonateR documentation built on Nov. 19, 2024, 11:17 p.m.