#A group of functions for dealing with issues like coreference resolution, reference production, referentiality, and more!
#1) Important, purely internal function: If a certain argument isn't specified, grab it from the DF with the default column name
#2) Functions related to previous context:
# a) (Distance to) last mention: lastMentionUnit, distToLastMention
# (complete this tmr I want to focus on showing Jack)
grabFromDF = function(...){
funct_env = caller_env()
df_env = env_parent(caller_env(n = 2))
args = list(...)
if(!any(args %in% names(env_parent(caller_env(n = 2))))){
df_env = env_parent(env_parent(caller_env(n = 2)))
for(var in names(args)){
if(!(var %in% names(funct_env)) | is.null(funct_env[[var]])){
funct_env[[var]] = df_env[[args[[var]]]]
isFrag = function(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember){
str_detect(combinedChunk, "member") & !nonFragmentMember
#' Functions related to mentions of the same entity in previous/following context in track chains.
#' See also [rezonateR::countCompetitors].
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @param chain The chain that each mention belongs to.
#' @param exclFrag Exclude 'fragments' (i.e. members of a combined chunk which do not serve as meaningful chunks in their own right)
#' @param combinedChunk The `combinedChunk` column of the rezrDF. By default, named `combinedChunk`.
#' @param nonFragmentMember Vector indicating whether each entry is a non-fragment member, i.e. a member of a combined chunk that also serves as a meaningful chunk in its own right.
#' @note The default values do not work with `case_when()`. I am still figuring out why. In the meantime, please specify `unitSeq`, `combinedchunk` etc. within `case_when()`.
#' @examples
#' sbc007 = addUnitSeq(sbc007, "track")
#' #Get the number of units to the last mention
#' sbc007$trackDF$default = sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(unitsToLastMention = unitsToLastMention(unitSeqLast))
#' #Get the number of words to the last mention
#' sbc007$trackDF$default = sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(wordsToLastMention = tokensToLastMention(
#' docWordSeqLast, #What seq to use
#' zeroProtocol = "unitFinal", #How to treat zeroes
#' zeroCond = (text == "<0>"),
#' unitDF = sbc007$unitDF)) #Additional argument for unitFinal protocol
#' #Get the character length of the previous mention
#' sbc007$trackDF$default = sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' addFieldLocal(fieldName = "prevLength",
#' expression = nchar(getPrevMentionField(text)),
#' fieldaccess = "auto")
#' #Get the number of zero mentions and zero status-matching mentions in the last 20 units
#' sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(isZero = text == "<0>") %>%
#' rez_mutate(noPrevZeroMentionsIn20 = countPrevMentionsIf(20, isZero),
#' noPrevZeroMentionsIn20 = countPrevMentionsMatch(20, isZero))
#' @export
lastMentionUnit = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
result = numeric(length(unitSeq))
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
chainUnits = unitSeq[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
unitsOrdered = sort(chainUnits) #Put them in the right order
unitsOrderedLagged = lag(unitsOrdered) #Get the previous unit
result[chain == currChain & !frag] = unitsOrderedLagged[rank(chainUnits)] #Put it back in the wrong order
result[frag] = NA
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @export
unitsToLastMention = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
unitSeq - lastMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param tokenOrder The vector of sequence values values where the mentions appeared. Common choices are docTokenSeqFirst, docTokenSeqLast, wordTokenSeqFirst and wordTokenseqLast (the last two are available after running [rezonateR::addIsWordField] on a rezrObj. By default it's docTokenSeqLast.
#' @export
lastMentionToken = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
result = numeric(length(tokenOrder))
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
chainTokens = tokenOrder[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
tokensOrdered = sort(chainTokens) #Put them in the right order
tokensOrderedLagged = lag(tokensOrdered) #Get the previous token
result[chain == currChain & !frag] = tokensOrderedLagged[rank(chainTokens)] #Put it back in the wrong order
result[frag] = NA
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param zeroProtocol If `literal`, I will take the seq values of the zeroes at face value. (If you set zeros as non-words and use `docWordSeqFirst` or `discourseWordSeLast` as your `tokenOrder`, this will lead to meaningless values.) If `unitFinal`, I will treat zeroes as if they were the final word of the unit. If `unitFirst`, I will treat zeroes as if they were the first word of the unit.
#' @param unitTokenSeqName The name of the corresponding tokenSeq column in the unit column. By default, `docTokenSeqLast` is used.
#' @param zeroCond A condition for determining whether a token is zero. For most people, this should be `(word column) == "<0>"`.
#' @export
tokensToLastMention = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, zeroProtocol = "literal", zeroCond = NULL, unitSeq = NULL, unitTokenSeqName = NULL, unitDF = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment if unspecified
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(is.null(unitTokenSeqName)) unitTokenSeqName = "docTokenSeqLast"
if(zeroProtocol == "literal"){
result = tokenOrder - lastMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
} else if(zeroProtocol == "unitFinal"){
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast")
tokenIUEnds = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf] = tokenIUEnds[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf]
prevUnit = lastMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Prev units
prevToken = sapply(prevUnit, function(x){
unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
} else NA
result = sapply(tokenOrder - prevToken, function(x) max(x, 0))
#resultLiteral = tokenOrder - lastMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
#result[is.na(result)] = resultLiteral[is.na(result)] #For the two nonzero entries on the same IU
} else if(zeroProtocol == "unitInitial"){
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst")
tokenIUBegins = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUBegins < Inf] = tokenIUBegins[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUBegins < Inf]
prevUnit = lastMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Prev units
prevToken = sapply(prevUnit, function(x){
unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
} else NA
result = sapply(tokenOrder - prevToken, function(x) max(x, 0))
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param windowSize The size of the window in which you will be counting.
#' @export
countPrevMentions = function(windowSize, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq < unitSeq[i] & unitSeq >= unitSeq[i] - windowSize & !frag]
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param cond For if functions, the condition that the previous / next mention must satisfy. It cannot refer to the current mention.
#' @export
countPrevMentionsIf = function(windowSize, cond, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
condition = eval_bare(enexpr(cond), env = env_parent(caller_env()))
sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq < unitSeq[i] & unitSeq >= unitSeq[i] - windowSize & condition & !frag]
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param field The field whose value you want to match or extract.
#' @export
countPrevMentionsMatch = function(windowSize, field, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq < unitSeq[i] & unitSeq >= unitSeq[i] - windowSize & field == field[i] & !frag]
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param field The field whose value you want to match or extract.
#' @export
getPrevMentionField = function(field, tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
lastMentionPos = lastMentionToken(tokenOrder = tokenOrder, chain = chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
sapply(1:length(field), function(i) field[which(tokenOrder == lastMentionPos[i] & !frag & chain == chain[i])]) %>% zeroEntryToNA
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
nextMentionUnit = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
result = numeric(length(unitSeq))
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
chainUnits = unitSeq[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
unitsOrdered = sort(chainUnits) #Put them in the right order
unitsOrderedLagged = dplyr::lead(unitsOrdered, n = 1L) #Get the next unit
result[chain == currChain & !frag] = unitsOrderedLagged[rank(chainUnits)] #Put it back in the wrong order
result[frag] = NA
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @export
unitsToNextMention = function(unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
nextMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) - unitSeq
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param unitSeq The vector of tokenOrder values where the mentions appeared. You can choose tokenOrderFirst, tokenOrderFirst, or maybe an average of the two. By default it's tokenOrderFirst.
#' @export
nextMentionToken = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "tokenOrderFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
result = numeric(length(tokenOrder))
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
chainTokens = tokenOrder[chain == currChain & !frag] #Grab all the PRE's units
tokensOrdered = sort(chainTokens) #Put them in the right order
tokensOrderedLagged = lead(tokensOrdered) #Get the nextious unit
result[chain == currChain & !frag] = tokensOrderedLagged[rank(chainTokens)] #Put it back in the wrong order
result[frag] = NA
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
tokensToNextMention = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, zeroProtocol = "literal", zeroCond = NULL, unitSeq = NULL, unitTokenSeqName = NULL, unitDF = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment if unspecified
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(is.null(unitTokenSeqName)) unitTokenSeqName = "docTokenSeqLast"
if(zeroProtocol == "literal"){
result = nextMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) - tokenOrder
} else if(zeroProtocol == "unitFinal"){
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast")
tokenIUEnds = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf] = tokenIUEnds[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUEnds > -Inf]
nextUnit = nextMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Next units
nextToken = sapply(nextUnit, function(x){
unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
} else NA
result = nextToken - tokenOrder
} else if(zeroProtocol == "unitInitial"){
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst")
tokenIUBegins = sapply(unitSeq, function(x) unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName))
tokenOrder[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUBegins < Inf] = tokenIUBegins[tokenOrder == 0 & tokenIUBegins < Inf]
nextUnit = nextMentionUnit(unitSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) #Next units
nextToken = sapply(nextUnit, function(x){
unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(unitTokenSeqName)
} else NA
result = nextToken - tokenOrder
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
countNextMentions = function(windowSize, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq > unitSeq[i] & unitSeq <= unitSeq[i] + windowSize]
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
countNextMentionsIf = function(windowSize, cond, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
condition = eval_bare(enexpr(cond), env = env_parent(caller_env()))
sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq > unitSeq[i] & unitSeq <= unitSeq[i] + windowSize & condition]
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
countNextMentionsMatch = function(windowSize, field, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
window = unitSeq[chain == chain[i] & unitSeq > unitSeq[i] & unitSeq <= unitSeq[i] + windowSize & field == field[i]]
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @export
getNextMentionField = function(field, tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
nextMentionPos = nextMentionToken(tokenOrder = tokenOrder, chain = chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
sapply(1:length(field), function(i) field[which(tokenOrder == nextMentionPos[i] & !frag & chain == chain[i])]) %>% zeroEntryToNA
#' Count the number of competing referents to the current mention
#' This may either be counted within a window of tokens from the current one, or all referents competing with the current one may be counted, or a mix of both conditions. By default, we count referents intervening between the current and previous mention. Despite its name, tokenOrder can be set as unitSeqLast or similar.
#' @param cond The condition under which something counts as a competitor. Leave blank if anything goes.
#' @param between Do we only count competitors between the current mention and previous mention? (If `T`, then the value is `NA` for first mentions.)
#' @windowType (for countCompetitors only) Is the window type in units or tokens?
#' @inheritParams lastMentionToken
#' @rdname countCompete
#' @examples sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(isZero = (text == "<0>")) %>%
#' rez_mutate(noCompetitors = countCompetitors(windowSize = 40, between = F),
#' noMatchingCompetitors = countMatchingCompetitors(isZero, windowSize = 40, between = F))
#' @return A vector of number of competitors.
#' @export
countCompetitors = function(cond = NULL, windowSize = Inf, tokenSeq = NULL, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, between = T, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F, windowType = "unit"){
grabFromDF(tokenSeq = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk", unitSeq = "unitSeqLast")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
if(between) lastMentionPos = lastMentionToken(tokenSeq, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
condition = T
} else {
condition = eval_bare(enexpr(cond), env = env_parent(caller_env()))
sapply(1:length(tokenSeq), function(x){
if(windowType == "token"){
result = sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & tokenSeq > lastMentionPos[x] &
condition & tokenSeq > tokenSeq[x] - windowSize &
chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
result[is.na(result)] = 0
} else {
sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & condition &
tokenSeq > tokenSeq[x] - windowSize &
chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
} else if(windowType == "unit"){
result = sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & tokenSeq > lastMentionPos[x] &
condition & unitSeq > unitSeq[x] - windowSize &
chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
result[is.na(result)] = 0
} else {
sum(tokenSeq < tokenSeq[x] & condition &
unitSeq > unitSeq[x] - windowSize &
chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
#' @param matchCol The column for which a value is to be matched.
#' @rdname countCompete
#' @export
countCompetitorsMatch = function(matchCol, windowSize = Inf, tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, between = T, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
lastMentionPos = lastMentionToken(tokenOrder, chain, exclFrag, combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember)
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
sapply(1:length(tokenOrder), function(x){
result = sum(tokenOrder < tokenOrder[x] & tokenOrder > lastMentionPos[x] &
matchCol[x] == matchCol & tokenOrder > tokenOrder[x] - windowSize &
chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
result[is.na(result)] = 0
} else {
sapply(1:length(tokenOrder), function(x){
sum(tokenOrder < tokenOrder[x] &
matchCol[x] == matchCol & tokenOrder > tokenOrder[x] - windowSize &
chain[x] != chain & !frag, na.rm = T)
#Alternative version of getPrevMentionField
getLastMentionProp = function(column, chain = NULL, tokenOrder = NULL, inclRelations = NULL){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqLast")
result = numeric(length(tokenOrder))
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
currTokens = tokenOrder[chain == currChain] #Grab all the token positions of the PREs in the chain
currColumn = column[chain == currChain]
chainTokenSort = sort(currTokens, index.return = T)
columnOrdered = column[chainTokenSort$ix]
columnOrderedLagged = lag(columnOrdered) #Get the previous val
result[chain == currChain] = columnOrderedLagged[rank(currTokens)] #Put it back in the wrong order
#' Get the position of a chain entry (track or rez) in a chain (trail or resonance).
#' @inheritParams lastMentionToken
#' @return The
#' @export
#' @examples
getPosInChain = function(tokenOrder = NULL, chain = NULL, exclFrag = F, combinedChunk = NULL, nonFragmentMember = F){
grabFromDF(tokenOrder = "docTokenSeqFirst", chain = "chain", combinedChunk = "combinedChunk")
if(exclFrag) frag = isFrag(combinedChunk, nonFragmentMember) else frag = F
result = integer(length(chain))
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
positions = sort.int(tokenOrder[chain == currChain & !frag], index.return = T)$ix
result[chain == currChain & !frag][positions] = 1:sum(chain == currChain & !frag)
#' @rdname countCompete
#' @export
countMatchingCompetitors = countCompetitorsMatch
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