#' Concatenate two strings together with nothing in between.
#' This is intended to be similar to Python + for strings, but vectorised. This is mainly to avoid the awkward syntax of base R [base::paste0].
#' @param a A character object.
#' @param b A character object.
#' @return The concatenated string.
#' @export
#' @examples "3" %+% "a" #You get "3a"
`%+%` = function(a, b){
paste0(a, b)
flatten_expr = function(x, includeFunct = T){
if(is.symbol(x) | is_syntactic_literal(x)){
} else if(is.call(x)){
x_list = as.list(x)
result = character(0)
start = 2
} else {
start = 1
if(length(x_list) >= start){
for(i in start:length(x_list)){
item = x[[i]]
if(length(as.list(item)) > 1){
#print("Still some ways to pgo!")
result = c(result, flatten_expr(item))
} else {
#print("Reached a bottom!")
result = c(result, deparse(item))
} else {
result = x_list[[1]]
} else stop("flatten_expr only handles expressions.")
#x: The expression
#old, new: Symbols to replace, as strings
replace_expr_element = function(x, old, new){
x_list = as.list(x)
old_expr = parse_expr(old)
new_expr = parse_expr(new)
result = character(0)
for(i in 1:length(x_list)){
item = x[[i]]
if(length(as.list(item)) == 1){
if(item == old_expr) x[[i]] = new_expr
} else {
#print("Not bottom")
x[[i]] = replace_expr_element(x[[i]], old, new)
listAt = function(list, address, sep = "/"){
locations = strsplit(address, sep)[[1]]
currLoc = list
for(loc in locations){
currLoc = currLoc[[loc]]
unpackList = function(list){
parentEnv = caller_env(n = 1)
for(name in names(list)){
parentEnv[[name]] = list[[name]]
#Words: Words you want to chomp the suffix from
#Suffix: A regex
chompSuffix = function(words, suffix){
if(suffix != ""){
sapply(words, function(x){
newWord = x
if(str_ends(x, suffix)){
locs = str_locate_all(x, suffix)[[1]]
suffixStart = locs[nrow(locs),1]
newWord = substr(x, 1, suffixStart - 1)
} else {
chompPrefix = function(words, prefix){
if(prefix != ""){
sapply(words, function(x){
newWord = x
if(str_starts(x, prefix)){
locs = str_locate_all(x, prefix)[[1]]
suffixEnd = locs[1,2]
newWord = substr(x, suffixEnd + 1, nchar(x))
} else {
last = function(vector){
checkIfOne = function(args, message = ""){
for (arg in args){
e = env_parent(environment())
if(length(e[[arg]]) > 1){
warning(message %+% "I am taking the first of the following field: " %+% arg)
e[[arg]] = e[[arg]][1]
multi_intersect = function(vecs){
if(length(vecs) == 1){
} else {
Reduce(intersect, vecs[2:length(vecs)], vecs[[1]])
rbind_list = function(dfs){
if(length(dfs) == 1){
} else {
dfs = Reduce(rbind, dfs[2:length(dfs)], dfs[[1]])
min_no0 = function(x){
suppressWarnings(min(x[x != 0], na.rm = T))
min = function(x, ...){
suppressWarnings(base::min(x, ...))
max = function(x, ...){
suppressWarnings(base::max(x, ...))
max_no0 = function(x){
suppressWarnings(max(x[x != 0], na.rm = T))
ViewReturn = function(x){
zeroEntryToNA = function(x){
sapply(x, function(i) if(length(i) == 0) NA else i[[1]])
#' Create a Rezonator ID.
#' Creates a Rezonator ID when new rows need to be added. Normally does not need to be called by the user; [rezonateR::rez_add_row] and [rezonateR::addRow] do this automatically.
#' @param n The number of Rezonator IDs you want.
#' @param existing Existing IDs, to avoid overlap.
#' @return A vector of Rezonator IDs.
#' @export
#' @examples createRezId(3)
createRezId = function(n = 1, existing = character(0)){
chars = strsplit(c("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"), "")[[1]]
sapply(1:n, function(i){
done = F
cand = paste0(sample(chars, 13), collapse = "")
if(!(cand %in% existing)) done = T
undupe = function(names){
for(i in 2:length(names)){
if(names[i] %in% names[1:(i-1)]){
origName = names[i]
j = 2
done = F
names[i] = origName %+% "_" %+% j
j = j + 1
if(!(names[i] %in% names[1:(i-1)])) done = T
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