#A group of functions for dealing with bridging and frame relations.
#1) Important, purely internal function: If a certain argument isn't specified, grab it from the DF with the default column name
#2) Functions related to previous context:
#' Add a frame matrix to `trailDF`.
#' @param rezrObj The desired `rezrObj`
#' @return A `rezrObj` object, but its `trailDF` now has an attribute which is a `frameMatrix` object.
#' @export
#' @note Make sure that the names of the trails are not duplicate with `undupeLayers()` first. Otherwise you will have trouble when annotating the `frameMatrix`.
#' @examples sbc007 = undupeLayers(sbc007, "trail", "name")
#' sbc007 = addFrameMatrix(sbc007)
addFrameMatrix = function(rezrObj){
attr(rezrObj$trailDF, "frameMatrix") = createFrameMatrix(rezrObj)
createFrameMatrix = function(rezrObj){
trailDF = combineLayers(rezrObj, "trail")
ids = trailDF %>% pull(id)
names = trailDF %>% pull(name)
result = as_tibble(matrix("", nrow = nrow(trailDF), ncol = nrow(trailDF) + 2))
result[,1] = ids
result[,2] = names
names(result) = c("id", "name", names)
new_frameMatrix = function(m){
stopifnot("tbl_df" %in% class(m))
stopifnot(nrow(m) == ncol(m) - 2)
stopifnot(m[,2] == colnames(m)[-c(1,2)])
structure(m, class = c("frameMatrix", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
#' Extract/set a `frameMatrix`.
#' @rdname getSetFrame
#' @param rezrObj
#' @return The `frameMatrix` of the `rezrObj`.
#' @export
#' @examples sbc007 = undupeLayers(sbc007, "trail", "name")
#' sbc007 = addFrameMatrix(sbc007)
#' frameMatrix(sbc007)[1:10, 1:12]
frameMatrix = function(rezrObj){
attr(rezrObj$trailDF, "frameMatrix")
#' @rdname getSetFrame
#' @param value The new `frameMatrix`.
#' @export
`frameMatrix<-` = function(rezrObj, value){
attr(rezrObj$trailDF, "frameMatrix") = value
#' Extract a frameMatrix, removing rows and columns that do not participate in frame semantics.
#' @param rezrObj The `rezrObj` from which the `frameMatrix` is extracted.
#' @param cond Conditions for reduction.
#' @return The reduced `frameMatrix`.
#' @export
#' @examples
reducedFrameMatrix = function(rezrObj, cond){
frameMatrix = frameMatrix(rezrObj)
cond = enexpr(cond)
trailDF = suppressWarnings(combineLayers(rezrObj, "trail", "union"))
wantIDs = trailDF %>% filter(!!cond) %>% arrange(.data$chainCreateSeq) %>% pull(.data$id)
keepIDs = which(frameMatrix$id %in% wantIDs)
frameMatrix[keepIDs, c(1, 2, keepIDs + 2)]
#' Obscure the upper triangular portion of a frameMatrix.
#' @param frameMatrix
#' @return A frameMatrix with the diagonal and all entries above it obscured.
#' @export
#' @examples sbc007 = undupeLayers(sbc007, "trail", "name")
#' sbc007 = addFrameMatrix(sbc007)
#' obscureUpper(frameMatrix(sbc007))[1:10, 1:12]
obscureUpper = function(frameMatrix){
for(i in 3:ncol(frameMatrix)){
for(j in 1:nrow(frameMatrix)){
if(j <= i - 2) frameMatrix[j, i] = "/"
#' Update `frameMatrix` from an external source.
#' @param frameMatrix The `frameMatrix` object to be changed.
#' @param changeDF The data frame containing new values.
#' @return An updated frameMatrix. The lower triangular matrix of `frameMatrix` will be read,
#' and the values will be flipped (e.g. 'group-inidividual' becomes 'individual-group')
#' and subsequently added to the upper triangular matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples sbc007 = undupeLayers(sbc007, "trail", "name")
#' sbc007 = addFrameMatrix(sbc007)
#' #(After exporting the frame matrix and editing it)
#' inpath = system.file("extdata", "rez007_frame_edited.csv", package = "rezonateR")
#' newFrame = rez_read_csv(inpath, origDF = frameMatrix(sbc007))
#' frameMatrix(sbc007) = updateFrameMatrixFromDF(frameMatrix(rez007), newFrame)
updateFrameMatrixFromDF = function(frameMatrix, changeDF){
changeDF = changeDF[(changeDF$id %in% frameMatrix$id), c(T, T, (changeDF$id %in% frameMatrix$id))]
changeDF = changeDF %>% mutate(
across(all_of(colnames(changeDF) %>% setdiff(c("id", "name"))),
function(x) case_when(x == "/" | is.na(x) ~ "", T ~ x)
fmCorr = sapply(changeDF$id, function(x) which(frameMatrix$id == x)[1])
for(i in 1:nrow(changeDF)){
for(j in 1:nrow(changeDF)){
frameMatrix[fmCorr[i], fmCorr[j]+ 2] = changeDF[i , j + 2]
if(changeDF[i , j + 2] != ""){
frameMatrix[fmCorr[j], fmCorr[i]+ 2] = exchangeRelation(changeDF[i , j + 2] %>% unlist())
exchangeRelation = function(string){
split = strsplit(string, "-")[[1]]
split[2] %+% "-" %+% split[1]
reload.frameMatrix = function(frameMatrix){
getRelatedEntities = function(currID, frameMatrix, inclRelations = NULL){
entityPos = which(frameMatrix %>% filter(id == currID) %>% select(-id, -name) %>% unlist != "")
} else {
entityPos = which(frameMatrix %>% filter(id == currID) %>% select(-id, -name) %>% unlist %in% inclRelations)
isOverlap = function(currBegin, currEnd, begin, end){
begin >= currBegin & end <= currEnd
findPrev = function(curr, x){
result = suppressWarnings(max(x[x < curr], na.rm = T))
if(result == -Inf) result = NA
#' Functions related to bridging and frames.
#' See also [rezonateR::countCompetitors], [rezonateR::trackPrevContext].
#' @rdname bridging
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @param chain The chain that each mention belongs to.
#' @examples sbc007 = undupeLayers(sbc007, "trail", "name")
#' sbc007 = addUnitSeq(sbc007, "track")
#' sbc007 = addFrameMatrix(sbc007)
#' #(After exporting the frame matrix and editing it)
#' inpath = system.file("extdata", "rez007_frame_edited.csv", package = "rezonateR")
#' newFrame = rez_read_csv(inpath, origDF = frameMatrix(sbc007))
#' frameMatrix(sbc007) = updateFrameMatrixFromDF(frameMatrix(sbc007), newFrame)
#' sbc007$trackDF$default = sbc007$trackDF$default %>%
#' rez_mutate(bridgeDistUnit = unitsToLastBridge(frameMatrix(sbc007)),
#' bridgeDistToken = tokensToLastBridge(frameMatrix(sbc007),
#' inclRelations = "individual-group"))
#' @export
lastBridgeUnit = function(frameMatrix, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, tokenOrderFirst = NULL, tokenOrderLast = NULL, inclRelations = NULL){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", tokenOrderFirst = "docTokenSeqFirst", tokenOrderLast = "docTokenSeqLast")
result = numeric(length(unitSeq))
#In units before
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
currUnits = unitSeq[chain == currChain]
relatedEntities = getRelatedEntities(currChain, frameMatrix, inclRelations)
bridgeUnits = unitSeq[chain %in% relatedEntities] #Grab all the PRE's units
result[chain == currChain] = sapply(currUnits, function(x) findPrev(x, bridgeUnits))
bridgeTokenLast = tokenOrderLast[chain %in% relatedEntities]
currTokenFirst = tokenOrderFirst[chain == currChain]
hasSameIUBridge = sapply(1:length(currUnits), function(x){
any((currTokenFirst[x] > bridgeTokenLast) & (currUnits[x] == bridgeUnits))
result[chain == currChain] = case_when(hasSameIUBridge ~ currUnits, T ~ result[chain == currChain])
#' @rdname bridging
#' @param unitSeq The vector of units where the mentions appeared.
#' @export
unitsToLastBridge = function(frameMatrix, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, tokenOrderLast = NULL, tokenOrderFirst = NULL, inclRelations = NULL){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain", tokenOrderFirst = "docTokenSeqFirst", tokenOrderLast = "docTokenSeqLast")
unitSeq - lastBridgeUnit(frameMatrix, unitSeq, chain, tokenOrderFirst, tokenOrderLast, inclRelations)
#' @rdname bridging
#' @param tokenOrder The vector of sequence values values where the mentions appeared. Common choices are docTokenSeqFirst, docTokenSeqLast, wordTokenSeqFirst and wordTokenseqLast (the last two are available after running [rezonateR::addIsWordField] on a rezrObj. By default it's docTokenSeqLast.
#' @export
lastBridgeToken = function(frameMatrix, firstOrLast = "last", tokenOrderFirst = NULL, tokenOrderLast = NULL, chain = NULL, inclRelations = NULL){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(tokenOrderFirst = "docTokenSeqFirst", tokenOrderLast = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain")
if(firstOrLast == "last") tokenOrder = tokenOrderLast else tokenOrder = tokenOrderFirst
result = numeric(length(tokenOrderFirst))
for(currChain in unique(chain)){
currTokens = tokenOrder[chain == currChain]
bridgeBool = chain %in% getRelatedEntities(currChain, frameMatrix, inclRelations)
currBegins = tokenOrderFirst[chain == currChain]
currEnds = tokenOrderLast[chain == currChain]
result[chain == currChain] = sapply(1:length(currTokens), function(x){
overlapBool = isOverlap(currBegins[x], currEnds[x], tokenOrderFirst, tokenOrderLast)
candEntities = tokenOrder[bridgeBool & !overlapBool]
findPrev(currTokens[x], candEntities)
#' @rdname bridging
#' @param zeroProtocol If 'literal', I will take the seq values of the zeroes at face value. (If you set zeros as non-words and use docWordSeqFirst or discourseWordSeLast as your tokenOrder, this will lead to meaningless values.) If 'unitFinal', I will treat zeroes as if they were the final word of the unit. If 'unitFirst', I will treat zeroes as if they were the first word of the unit.
#' @param zeroCond A condition for determining whether a token is zero. For most people, this should be (word column) == "<0>".
#' @export
tokensToLastBridge = function(frameMatrix, firstOrLast = "last", tokenOrderFirst = NULL, tokenOrderLast = NULL, chain = NULL, zeroProtocol = "literal", zeroCond = NULL, unitSeq = NULL, unitDF = NULL, inclRelations = NULL){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment if unspecified
grabFromDF(tokenOrderFirst = "docTokenSeqFirst", tokenOrderLast = "docTokenSeqLast", chain = "chain")
if(firstOrLast == "last") tokenOrder = tokenOrderLast else tokenOrder = tokenOrderFirst
if(zeroProtocol == "literal"){
result = tokenOrder - lastBridgeToken(frameMatrix, firstOrLast, tokenOrderFirst, tokenOrderLast, chain, inclRelations)
} else if(zeroProtocol == "unitFinal"){
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast")
prevUnit = lastBridgeUnit(frameMatrix, unitSeq, chain, inclRelations) #Prev units
prevToken = sapply(prevUnit, function(x){
unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(docTokenSeqLast)
} else NA
result = sapply(tokenOrder - prevToken, function(x) max(x, 0))
} else if(zeroProtocol == "unitInitial"){
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqFirst")
prevUnit = lastBridgeUnit(frameMatrix, unitSeq, chain, inclRelations) #Prev units
prevToken = sapply(prevUnit, function(x){
unitDF %>% filter(unitSeq == x) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(docTokenSeqFirst)
} else NA
result = sapply(tokenOrder - prevToken, function(x) max(x, 0))
#' @rdname trackPrevContext
#' @param windowSize The size of the window in which you will be counting.
#' @export
countPrevBridges = function(windowSize, frameMatrix, unitSeq = NULL, chain = NULL, inclRelations = NULL){
#Get the default column names from the rezrDF environment
grabFromDF(unitSeq = "unitSeqLast", chain = "chain")
sapply(1:length(unitSeq), function(i){
relatedEntities = getRelatedEntities(chain[i], frameMatrix, inclRelations)
window = unitSeq[sapply(chain, function(x) x %in% relatedEntities)
& unitSeq < unitSeq[i]
& unitSeq >= unitSeq[i] - windowSize]
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