getTreeOfEntry = function(treeEntryDF, treeLinkDF, treeNodeMap){
parents = character(nrow(treeEntryDF))
trees = sapply(treeEntryDF$id, function(x){
tree = NA
for(treeName in names(treeNodeMap)){
if(x %in% treeNodeMap[[treeName]]$setIDList){
tree = treeName
if( warning("One of the tree entries, " %+% x %+% " , has no tree. This may be a Rezonator bug.")
treeEntryDF = treeEntryDF %>% rez_mutate(tree = trees, fieldaccess = "core") %>% relocate(tree, .after = doc)
getTreeEntryForChunk = function(chunkDF, chunkNodeMap, treeEntryDF, treeEntryNodeMap){
exacts = character(nrow(chunkDF))
for(x in 1:nrow(chunkDF)){
currDTSF = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(docTokenSeqFirst)
currDTSL = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(docTokenSeqLast)
currDoc = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(doc)
currID = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(id)
candRows = treeEntryDF %>% filter(doc == currDoc, docTokenSeqFirst == currDTSF, docTokenSeqLast >= currDTSL, level != -1)
candIDs = candRows$id
candsExact = character(0)
for(cand in candIDs){
if(setequal(chunkNodeMap[[currID]]$tokenList, treeEntryNodeMap[[cand]]$tokenList)){
candsExact = c(candsExact, cand)
if(length(candsExact) > 0){
exacts[x] = candsExact[1]
if(length(candsExact) > 1){
message("There is more than one tree entry match for the chunk " %+% (chunkDF[x, ] %>% pull(id)) %+% ". I will take the first match.")
#TODO: Non-exacts
chunkDF = chunkDF %>% rez_mutate(treeEntry = exacts)
getTreeEntryForToken = function(tokenDF, tokenNodeMap, treeEntryDF, treeEntryNodeMap){
exacts = character(nrow(tokenDF))
for(x in 1:nrow(tokenDF)){
currDTS = tokenDF[x,] %>% pull(docTokenSeq)
currDoc = tokenDF[x,] %>% pull(doc)
currID = tokenDF[x,] %>% pull(id)
candIDs = treeEntryDF %>% filter(doc == currDoc, docTokenSeqFirst == currDTS, docTokenSeqLast >= currDTS, level != -1) %>% pull(id)
if(length(candIDs) > 0){
isExact = sapply(candIDs, function(cand) all(treeEntryNodeMap[[cand]]$tokenList == currID))
candsExact = candIDs[isExact]
if(length(candsExact) > 0){
exacts[x] = candsExact[1]
if(length(candsExact) > 1){
message("There is more than one tree entry match for the token " %+% (tokenDF[x, ] %>% pull(id)) %+%". I will take the first match.")
tokenDF = tokenDF %>% rez_mutate(treeEntry = exacts)
#' Relate table rows to tree entries covering the same tokens.
#' @inheritParams addUnitSeq
#' @return The rezrObj with a new column called 'treeEntry' added to rows that correspond to tree entries. If called on 'track', treeEntry is added to token and chunk as well. Not available for units.
#' @examples sbc007 = getAllTreeCorrespondences(sbc007, entity = "track")
#' @export
getAllTreeCorrespondences = function(rezrObj, entity = "chunk"){
#TODO: Tree into layers
if(entity == "chunk"){
if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$tokenDF))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "token")
for(chunkLayer in names(rezrObj$chunkDF)){
rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] %>% getTreeEntryForChunk(rezrObj$nodeMap$chunk, combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry"), rezrObj$nodeMap$treeEntry)
} else if(entity == "token"){
rezrObj$tokenDF = rezrObj$tokenDF %>% getTreeEntryForToken(rezrObj$nodeMap$token, combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry"), rezrObj$nodeMap$treeEntry)
} else if(entity == "track"){
if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$tokenDF))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "token")
if(!any(sapply(rezrObj$chunkEntry, function(x) "treeEntry" %in% names(x)))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "chunk")
joinDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj) %>% select(id, treeEntry)
df2Address = c("chunkDF/" %+% names(rezrObj$chunkDF), "tokenDF")
for(trackLayer in names(rezrObj$trackDF)){
if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]])))
rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] = suppressMessages(rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] %>% rez_left_join(joinDF, df2Address = df2Address, fkey = "token", by = c(token = "id")))
} else if(entity == "rez"){
if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$tokenDF))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "token")
if(!any(sapply(rezrObj$chunkEntry, function(x) "treeEntry" %in% names(x)))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "chunk")
joinDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj) %>% select(id, treeEntry)
df2Address = c("chunkDF/" %+% names(rezrObj$chunkDF), "tokenDF")
for(rezLayer in names(rezrObj$rezDF)){
if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$rezDF[[rezLayer]])))
rezrObj$rezDF[[rezLayer]] = suppressMessages(rezrObj$rezDF[[rezLayer]] %>% rez_left_join(joinDF, df2Address = df2Address, fkey = "token", by = c(token = "id")))
#' Relate table rows to tree entries covering the same tokens.
#' @inheritParams addUnitSeq
#' @param treeEntryDF A `treeEntry` data.frame, possibly filtered.
#' @param addToTrack Do you want to add the chunks to the trackDF as well?
#' @param selectCond The condition for selecting which chunk provides the field values.
#' @return The rezrObj with additional rows for merged chunks. Original chunks stay behind. There will be a new column called combinedChunk. Combined chunks will get the value `combined`. Members of those chunks will get the value `|infomember=COMBINEDCHUNKID` (if they are providing the data for the combined chunk) or `|member=COMBINEDCHUNKID` (if they are not the data-providing chunk). `treeEntry` (through `getAllTreeCorrespondences()`) is required to be present in the `chunkDF`.
#' @examples sbc007 = sbc007 %>% getAllTreeCorrespondences %>% mergeChunksWithTree
#' @export
mergeChunksWithTree = function(rezrObj, treeEntryDF = NULL, addToTrack = F, selectCond = NULL){
#treeEntryDF = combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry")
treeEntryDF = combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry")
tcDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj)
chunkDF = combineChunks(rezrObj)
allGoodEntries = treeEntryDF %>% filter(level != -1) %>% pull(id)
missingEntries = setdiff(allGoodEntries, tcDF$treeEntry)
#What number shall we start at?
currNewChunkNames = chunkDF$name[str_detect(chunkDF$name, "New Chunk ")]
currNewChunkMax = suppressWarnings(max(max(as.numeric(chompPrefix(currNewChunkNames, "New Chunk ")), na.rm = T), 0))
i = currNewChunkMax + 1
#Adding a combinedDF column to the chunkDFs
for(chunkLayer in names(rezrObj$chunkDF)){
if(!("combinedChunk" %in% names(rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]]))){
rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] %>% rez_mutate(combinedChunk = "")
for(entry in missingEntries){
currRow = treeEntryDF %>% filter(id == entry)
currDTSF = currRow %>% pull(docTokenSeqFirst)
currDTSL = currRow %>% pull(docTokenSeqLast)
currDoc = currRow %>% pull(doc)
done = F
chunksCombined = getNextChunks(chunkDF, currDoc, currDTSF, currDTSL)
#Which chunk's annotations represents the whole thing?
infoSource = NULL
selectCond = enexpr(selectCond)
infoSourceCands = chunkDF %>% filter(id %in% chunksCombined & !!selectCond)
if(nrow(infoSourceCands) == 1){
infoSource = infoSourceCands
} else if(nrow(infoSourceCands) > 1){
infoSource = infoSourceCands %>% slice(1)
infoSource = chunkDF %>% filter(id %in% chunksCombined) %>% arrange(docTokenSeqFirst) %>% slice(1)
newRow = infoSource
newRow[fieldaccess(chunkDF) %in% c("foreign", "auto")] = NA
newRow$name = "New Chunk " %+% i
i = i + 1
newRow$id = createRezId(1, getIDs(rezrObj))
newRow = as.list(newRow)
newRow$combinedChunk = "combined"
args = newRow
args[["entity"]] = "chunk"
args[["treeEntry"]] = entry
args[["layer"]] = newRow$layer
args[["rezrObj"]] = rezrObj
args = args[c(length(args), 1:(length(args) - 1))]
args[["nodeMapArgs"]] = list()
args$nodeMapArgs[["type"]] = list("chunk")
args$nodeMapArgs[["tokenList"]] = list(lapply(rezrObj$nodeMap$chunk[chunksCombined], function(x) x$tokenList) %>% unlist)
#args[["x"]] = rezrObj
rezrObj = exec("addRow", !!!args)
rezrObj$chunkDF[[newRow$layer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[newRow$layer]] %>% mutate(combinedChunk = case_when(id == infoSource$id ~ combinedChunk %+% "|infomember-" %+% newRow$id, id %in% chunksCombined ~ combinedChunk %+% "|member-" %+% newRow$id, T ~ combinedChunk))
getNextChunks = function(chunkDF, currDoc, p, currDTSL, currVec = character(0)){
candChunks = chunkDF %>% filter(doc == currDoc, docTokenSeqFirst == p, docTokenSeqLast <= currDTSL) %>% pull(id)
if(length(candChunks) > 0){
for(cand in candChunks){
p = chunkDF %>% filter(id == cand) %>% pull(docTokenSeqLast) + 1
if(p - 1 == currDTSL){
result = c(currVec, cand)
} else if(p - 1 < currDTSL){
result = getNextChunks(chunkDF, currDoc, p, currDTSL, c(currVec, cand))
if(all(! break
#print(c(currVec, cand))
} else {
result = NA
} else {
result = NA
#' Add merged chunks in the chunkDF to the `trackDF`
#' @param rezrObj A `rezrObj` that has had chunked merged using [rezonateR::mergeChunksWithTree].
#' @param trackLayers Track chain layers on which this is going to be performed. If NULL, the action will be performed on all layers.
#' @return A `rezrObj` with the `trackDF` augmented with a combined chunks from the `chunkDF`.
#' @examples sbc007 = sbc007 %>% getAllTreeCorrespondences %>% mergeChunksWithTree %>% mergedChunksToTrack("default")
#' @export
mergedChunksToTrack = function(rezrObj, trackLayers = NULL, mergedChunks = character(0)){
chunkDF = combineChunks(rezrObj)
if(length(mergedChunks) == 0){
mergedChunks = chunkDF %>% filter(combinedChunk == "combined") %>% pull(id)
members = list()
for(mergedChunk in mergedChunks){
members[[mergedChunk]] = chunkDF %>% filter(str_detect(combinedChunk, "member-" %+% mergedChunk)) %>% pull(id)
if(is.null(trackLayers)) trackLayers = names(rezrObj$trackDF)
for(trackLayer in trackLayers){
if(!("combinedChunk" %in% names(rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]]))){
rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] = rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] %>% rez_mutate(combinedChunk = "")
currTrackDF = rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]]
for(mergedChunk in mergedChunks){
if(all(members[[mergedChunk]] %in% currTrackDF$token)){
#Preparing for row-adding
args = list(rezrObj = rezrObj, entity = "track", layer = trackLayer)
chunkInfoSource = chunkDF %>% filter(str_detect(combinedChunk, "infomember-" %+% mergedChunk)) %>% pull(id)
trackInfo = currTrackDF %>% filter(token == chunkInfoSource) %>% as.list()
trackInfo[fieldaccess(currTrackDF) %in% c("foreign", "auto")] = NA
trackInfo[["layer"]] = NULL
args = c(args, trackInfo)
args$id = createRezId(1, getIDs(rezrObj))
args$token = mergedChunk
args$treeEntry = chunkDF %>% filter(id == mergedChunk) %>% pull(treeEntry)
args$combinedChunk = "combined"
#TODO: goalList
rezrObj = exec("addRow", !!!args)
#After row-adding
rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] = rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] %>% mutate(combinedChunk = case_when(id == trackInfo$id ~ "|infomember-" %+% mergedChunk, token %in% members[[mergedChunk]] ~ "|member-" %+% mergedChunk, T ~ combinedChunk))
#' Get children and siblings of tree entries and chunks.
#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @param treeEntry A `treeEntry` ID.
#' @param treeEntryDF A `treeEntryDF` from a `rezrObj`. Must be a `rezrDF`, not a list; `combineLayers()` can be used to combine multiple `rezrDF`s.
#' @param chunkID A chunk ID.
#' @param chunkDF A `chunkDF`from a `rezrObj`, Must be a `rezrDF`, not a list; `combineChunks()` or `combineTokenChunk()` can be used to combine multiple `rezrDF`s. You must have run `getAllTreeCorrespondences()` on it beforehand, i.e. a `treeEntry` column must exist. Also, both parents and children (for child-related functions) and all relevant siblings (for sibling-related functions) must reside in the `chunkDF`.
#' @param cond A condition using columns from the `chunkDF`.
#' @return A list of IDs of siblings or children
#' @examples sbc007 = getAllTreeCorrespondences(sbc007, "chunk")
#' getSiblingsOfChunk("33EAD4C986974", sbc007$chunkDF$refexpr, sbc007$treeEntryDF$default)
#' getChildrenOfChunk("13AACBE0BB38A", combineTokenChunk(sbc007), sbc007$treeEntryDF$default)
#' @export
getChildrenOfEntry = function(treeEntry, treeEntryDF){
treeEntryDF %>% filter(parent == treeEntry) %>% pull(id)
#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getChildrenOfChunk = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF){
parentEntryID = chunkDF %>% filter(id == chunkID) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(treeEntry)
childrenEntryIDs = getChildrenOfEntry(parentEntryID, treeEntryDF)
chunkDF %>% filter(treeEntry %in% childrenEntryIDs) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)
#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getChildrenOfChunkIf = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF, cond = expr(TRUE)){
cond = enexpr(cond)
parentEntryID = chunkDF %>% filter(id == chunkID) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(treeEntry)
childrenEntryIDs = getChildrenOfEntry(parentEntryID, treeEntryDF)
chunkDF %>% filter(treeEntry %in% childrenEntryIDs, !!cond) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)
#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getSiblingsOfEntry = function(treeEntry, treeEntryDF){
parentID = treeEntryDF %>% filter(id == treeEntry) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(parent)
getChildrenOfEntry(parentID, treeEntryDF) %>% setdiff(treeEntry)
#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getSiblingsOfChunk = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF){
entryID = chunkDF %>% filter(id == chunkID) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(treeEntry)
if(!any(entryID == "") & length(entryID) > 0){
childrenEntryIDs = getSiblingsOfEntry(entryID, treeEntryDF)
chunkDF %>% filter(treeEntry %in% childrenEntryIDs) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)
} else character(0)
#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getSiblingOfChunkIf = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF, cond = expr(TRUE)){
cond = enexpr(cond)
cand = chunkDF %>% filter(id %in% getSiblingsOfChunk(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF), !!cond) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)
if(length(cand) == 0) cand = NA
getPositionAmongSiblings = function(currChunkDF, rezrObj, treeEntryDF = NULL, cond = expr(TRUE)){
cond = enexpr(cond)
chunkDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj, type = "union")
allChunkIDs = chunkDF$id
treeEntryDF = combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry")
parentChildDict = lapply(allChunkIDs, function(x) getChildrenOfChunkIf(x, chunkDF, treeEntryDF, !!cond))
result = numeric(nrow(currChunkDF))
for(i in 1:nrow(currChunkDF)){
currID = currChunkDF$id[i]
for(dictEntry in parentChildDict){
if(currID %in% dictEntry){
result[i] = which(currID == dictEntry)[1]
#' Find the position of a chunk among its siblings in a tree.
#' @rdname siblingpos
#' @param chunkDF The `chunkDF` to be edited.
#' @param rezrObj The `rezrObj` containing the `chunkDF`.
#' @param treeEntryDFAddress The address to the `treeEntryDF` layer that will be used. If left blank, all layers will be used.
#' @param cond A condition for excluding siblings (for example, adjuncts and auxiliaries).
#' @return The `chunkDF` with a column `siblingPos` giving the position of the chunk among its siblings in the tree.
#' @export
#' @examples sbc007 = getAllTreeCorrespondences(sbc007)
#' sbc007$chunkDF$refexpr = addPositionAmongSiblings(sbc007$chunkDF$refexpr, sbc007)
addPositionAmongSiblings = function(chunkDF, rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress = NULL, cond = expr(TRUE)){
cond = enexpr(cond)
treeEntryDFAdress = getLayerAddresses(rezrObj, "treeEntry")
chunkDF = suppressWarnings(chunkDF %>% rez_mutate(siblingPos = getPositionAmongSiblings(chunkDF, rezrObj, cond = !!cond), fieldaccess = "foreign"))
updateFunct(chunkDF, "siblingPos") = new_updateFunction(function(df, rezrObj) updatePositionAmongSiblings(df, rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress, cond = !!cond), c(treeEntryDFAddress, getTokenChunkAddresses(rezrObj)))
updatePositionAmongSiblings = function(df, rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress, cond = expr(TRUE)){
cond = enexpr(cond)
#LATER: If mutiple treeEntryDFAddresses, rez_row_bind before putting in getPositionAmongSiblings
df = suppressWarnings(df %>% rez_mutate(siblingPos = getPositionAmongSiblings(df, rezrObj, listAt(rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress), cond = !!cond), type = "foreign"))
#' @rdname siblingpos
#' @export
addAllPositionsAmongSiblings = function(rezrObj, cond = expr(TRUE)){
cond = enexpr(cond)
#Later: combine treeEntryDF
rezrObj$tokenDF = rezrObj$tokenDF %>% addPositionAmongSiblings(rezrObj, cond = !!cond)
for(chunkLayer in names(rezrObj$chunkDF)){
rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] %>% addPositionAmongSiblings(rezrObj, cond = !!cond)
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