
Defines functions addAllPositionsAmongSiblings updatePositionAmongSiblings addPositionAmongSiblings getPositionAmongSiblings getSiblingOfChunkIf getSiblingsOfChunk getSiblingsOfEntry getChildrenOfChunkIf getChildrenOfChunk getChildrenOfEntry mergedChunksToTrack getNextChunks mergeChunksWithTree getAllTreeCorrespondences getTreeEntryForToken getTreeEntryForChunk getTreeOfEntry

Documented in addAllPositionsAmongSiblings addPositionAmongSiblings getAllTreeCorrespondences getChildrenOfChunk getChildrenOfChunkIf getChildrenOfEntry getSiblingOfChunkIf getSiblingsOfChunk getSiblingsOfEntry mergeChunksWithTree mergedChunksToTrack

getTreeOfEntry = function(treeEntryDF, treeLinkDF, treeNodeMap){
  parents = character(nrow(treeEntryDF))
  trees = sapply(treeEntryDF$id, function(x){
    tree = NA
    for(treeName in names(treeNodeMap)){
      if(x %in% treeNodeMap[[treeName]]$setIDList){
        tree = treeName
    if(is.na(tree)) warning("One of the tree entries, " %+% x %+% " , has no tree. This may be a Rezonator bug.")
  treeEntryDF = treeEntryDF %>% rez_mutate(tree = trees, fieldaccess = "core") %>% relocate(tree, .after = doc)

getTreeEntryForChunk = function(chunkDF, chunkNodeMap, treeEntryDF, treeEntryNodeMap){
  exacts = character(nrow(chunkDF))
  for(x in 1:nrow(chunkDF)){
    currDTSF = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(docTokenSeqFirst)
    currDTSL = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(docTokenSeqLast)
    currDoc = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(doc)
    currID = chunkDF[x,] %>% pull(id)
    candRows = treeEntryDF %>% filter(doc == currDoc, docTokenSeqFirst == currDTSF, docTokenSeqLast >= currDTSL, level != -1)
    candIDs = candRows$id

    candsExact = character(0)
    for(cand in candIDs){
      if(setequal(chunkNodeMap[[currID]]$tokenList, treeEntryNodeMap[[cand]]$tokenList)){
        candsExact = c(candsExact, cand)

    if(length(candsExact) > 0){
      exacts[x] = candsExact[1]
      if(length(candsExact) > 1){
        message("There is more than one tree entry match for the chunk " %+% (chunkDF[x, ] %>% pull(id)) %+% ". I will take the first match.")

    #TODO: Non-exacts

  chunkDF = chunkDF %>% rez_mutate(treeEntry = exacts)


getTreeEntryForToken = function(tokenDF, tokenNodeMap, treeEntryDF, treeEntryNodeMap){
  exacts = character(nrow(tokenDF))
  for(x in 1:nrow(tokenDF)){
    currDTS = tokenDF[x,] %>% pull(docTokenSeq)
    currDoc = tokenDF[x,] %>% pull(doc)
    currID = tokenDF[x,] %>% pull(id)
    candIDs = treeEntryDF %>% filter(doc == currDoc, docTokenSeqFirst == currDTS, docTokenSeqLast >= currDTS, level != -1) %>% pull(id)

    if(length(candIDs) > 0){
        isExact = sapply(candIDs, function(cand) all(treeEntryNodeMap[[cand]]$tokenList == currID))
        candsExact = candIDs[isExact]

        if(length(candsExact) > 0){
          exacts[x] = candsExact[1]
          if(length(candsExact) > 1){
            message("There is more than one tree entry match for the token " %+% (tokenDF[x, ] %>% pull(id)) %+%". I will take the first match.")

  tokenDF = tokenDF %>% rez_mutate(treeEntry = exacts)


#' Relate table rows to tree entries covering the same tokens.
#' @inheritParams addUnitSeq
#' @return The rezrObj with a new column called 'treeEntry' added to rows that correspond to tree entries. If called on 'track', treeEntry is added to token and chunk as well. Not available for units.
#' @examples sbc007 = getAllTreeCorrespondences(sbc007, entity = "track")
#' @export
getAllTreeCorrespondences = function(rezrObj, entity = "chunk"){
  #TODO: Tree into layers
  if(entity == "chunk"){
    if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$tokenDF))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "token")
    for(chunkLayer in names(rezrObj$chunkDF)){
      rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] %>% getTreeEntryForChunk(rezrObj$nodeMap$chunk, combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry"), rezrObj$nodeMap$treeEntry)
  } else if(entity == "token"){
    rezrObj$tokenDF = rezrObj$tokenDF %>% getTreeEntryForToken(rezrObj$nodeMap$token, combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry"), rezrObj$nodeMap$treeEntry)
  } else if(entity == "track"){
    if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$tokenDF))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "token")
    if(!any(sapply(rezrObj$chunkEntry, function(x) "treeEntry" %in% names(x)))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "chunk")

    joinDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj) %>% select(id, treeEntry)
    df2Address = c("chunkDF/" %+% names(rezrObj$chunkDF), "tokenDF")
    for(trackLayer in names(rezrObj$trackDF)){
      if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]])))
      rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] = suppressMessages(rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] %>% rez_left_join(joinDF, df2Address = df2Address, fkey = "token", by = c(token = "id")))
  } else if(entity == "rez"){
    if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$tokenDF))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "token")
    if(!any(sapply(rezrObj$chunkEntry, function(x) "treeEntry" %in% names(x)))) rezrObj = getAllTreeCorrespondences(rezrObj, entity = "chunk")

    joinDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj) %>% select(id, treeEntry)
    df2Address = c("chunkDF/" %+% names(rezrObj$chunkDF), "tokenDF")
    for(rezLayer in names(rezrObj$rezDF)){
      if(!("treeEntry" %in% names(rezrObj$rezDF[[rezLayer]])))
        rezrObj$rezDF[[rezLayer]] = suppressMessages(rezrObj$rezDF[[rezLayer]] %>% rez_left_join(joinDF, df2Address = df2Address, fkey = "token", by = c(token = "id")))

#' Relate table rows to tree entries covering the same tokens.
#' @inheritParams addUnitSeq
#' @param treeEntryDF A `treeEntry` data.frame, possibly filtered.
#' @param addToTrack Do you want to add the chunks to the trackDF as well?
#' @param selectCond The condition for selecting which chunk provides the field values.
#' @return The rezrObj with additional rows for merged chunks. Original chunks stay behind. There will be a new column called combinedChunk. Combined chunks will get the value `combined`. Members of those chunks will get the value `|infomember=COMBINEDCHUNKID` (if they are providing the data for the combined chunk) or `|member=COMBINEDCHUNKID` (if they are not the data-providing chunk). `treeEntry` (through `getAllTreeCorrespondences()`) is required to be present in the `chunkDF`.
#' @examples sbc007 = sbc007 %>% getAllTreeCorrespondences %>% mergeChunksWithTree
#' @export
mergeChunksWithTree = function(rezrObj, treeEntryDF = NULL, addToTrack = F, selectCond = NULL){
    #treeEntryDF = combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry")
    treeEntryDF = combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry")
  tcDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj)
  chunkDF = combineChunks(rezrObj)
  allGoodEntries = treeEntryDF %>% filter(level != -1) %>% pull(id)
  missingEntries = setdiff(allGoodEntries, tcDF$treeEntry)

  #What number shall we start at?
  currNewChunkNames = chunkDF$name[str_detect(chunkDF$name, "New Chunk ")]
  currNewChunkMax = suppressWarnings(max(max(as.numeric(chompPrefix(currNewChunkNames, "New Chunk ")), na.rm = T), 0))
  i = currNewChunkMax + 1

  #Adding a combinedDF column to the chunkDFs
  for(chunkLayer in names(rezrObj$chunkDF)){
    if(!("combinedChunk" %in% names(rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]]))){
      rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] %>% rez_mutate(combinedChunk = "")

  for(entry in missingEntries){
    currRow = treeEntryDF %>% filter(id == entry)
    currDTSF = currRow %>% pull(docTokenSeqFirst)
    currDTSL = currRow %>% pull(docTokenSeqLast)
    currDoc = currRow %>% pull(doc)

    done = F
    chunksCombined = getNextChunks(chunkDF, currDoc, currDTSF, currDTSL)
      #Which chunk's annotations represents the whole thing?
      infoSource = NULL
      selectCond = enexpr(selectCond)
        infoSourceCands = chunkDF %>% filter(id %in% chunksCombined & !!selectCond)
        if(nrow(infoSourceCands) == 1){
          infoSource = infoSourceCands
        } else if(nrow(infoSourceCands) > 1){
          infoSource = infoSourceCands %>% slice(1)
        infoSource = chunkDF %>% filter(id %in% chunksCombined) %>% arrange(docTokenSeqFirst) %>% slice(1)
        newRow = infoSource
        newRow[fieldaccess(chunkDF) %in% c("foreign", "auto")] = NA
        newRow$name = "New Chunk " %+% i
        i = i + 1
        newRow$id = createRezId(1, getIDs(rezrObj))
        newRow = as.list(newRow)
        newRow$combinedChunk = "combined"
        args = newRow
        args[["entity"]] = "chunk"
        args[["treeEntry"]] = entry
        args[["layer"]] = newRow$layer
        args[["rezrObj"]] = rezrObj
        args = args[c(length(args), 1:(length(args) - 1))]
        args[["nodeMapArgs"]] = list()
        args$nodeMapArgs[["type"]] = list("chunk")
        args$nodeMapArgs[["tokenList"]] = list(lapply(rezrObj$nodeMap$chunk[chunksCombined], function(x) x$tokenList) %>% unlist)
        #args[["x"]] = rezrObj
        rezrObj = exec("addRow", !!!args)
        rezrObj$chunkDF[[newRow$layer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[newRow$layer]] %>% mutate(combinedChunk = case_when(id == infoSource$id ~ combinedChunk %+% "|infomember-" %+% newRow$id, id %in% chunksCombined ~ combinedChunk %+% "|member-" %+% newRow$id, T ~ combinedChunk))

getNextChunks = function(chunkDF, currDoc, p, currDTSL, currVec = character(0)){
  candChunks = chunkDF %>% filter(doc == currDoc, docTokenSeqFirst == p, docTokenSeqLast <= currDTSL) %>% pull(id)
  if(length(candChunks) > 0){
    for(cand in candChunks){
      p = chunkDF %>% filter(id == cand) %>% pull(docTokenSeqLast) + 1
      if(p - 1 == currDTSL){
        result = c(currVec, cand)
      } else if(p - 1 < currDTSL){
        result = getNextChunks(chunkDF, currDoc, p, currDTSL, c(currVec, cand))
        if(all(!is.na(result))) break
        #print(c(currVec, cand))
      } else {
        result = NA
  } else {
    result = NA

#' Add merged chunks in the chunkDF to the `trackDF`
#' @param rezrObj A `rezrObj` that has had chunked merged using [rezonateR::mergeChunksWithTree].
#' @param trackLayers Track chain layers on which this is going to be performed. If NULL, the action will be performed on all layers.
#' @return A `rezrObj` with the `trackDF` augmented with a combined chunks from the `chunkDF`.
#' @examples sbc007 = sbc007 %>% getAllTreeCorrespondences %>% mergeChunksWithTree %>% mergedChunksToTrack("default")
#' @export
mergedChunksToTrack = function(rezrObj, trackLayers = NULL, mergedChunks = character(0)){
  chunkDF = combineChunks(rezrObj)

  if(length(mergedChunks) == 0){
    mergedChunks = chunkDF %>% filter(combinedChunk == "combined") %>% pull(id)
  members = list()
  for(mergedChunk in mergedChunks){
    members[[mergedChunk]] = chunkDF %>% filter(str_detect(combinedChunk, "member-" %+% mergedChunk)) %>% pull(id)

  if(is.null(trackLayers)) trackLayers = names(rezrObj$trackDF)

  for(trackLayer in trackLayers){
    if(!("combinedChunk" %in% names(rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]]))){
      rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] = rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] %>% rez_mutate(combinedChunk = "")
    currTrackDF = rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]]
    for(mergedChunk in mergedChunks){
      if(all(members[[mergedChunk]] %in% currTrackDF$token)){
        #Preparing for row-adding
        args = list(rezrObj = rezrObj, entity = "track", layer = trackLayer)
        chunkInfoSource = chunkDF %>% filter(str_detect(combinedChunk, "infomember-" %+% mergedChunk)) %>% pull(id)
        trackInfo = currTrackDF %>% filter(token == chunkInfoSource) %>% as.list()
        trackInfo[fieldaccess(currTrackDF) %in% c("foreign", "auto")] = NA
        trackInfo[["layer"]] = NULL
        args = c(args, trackInfo)
        args$id = createRezId(1, getIDs(rezrObj))
        args$token = mergedChunk
        args$treeEntry = chunkDF %>% filter(id == mergedChunk) %>% pull(treeEntry)
        args$combinedChunk = "combined"
        #TODO: goalList
        rezrObj = exec("addRow", !!!args)

        #After row-adding
        rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] = rezrObj$trackDF[[trackLayer]] %>% mutate(combinedChunk = case_when(id == trackInfo$id ~ "|infomember-" %+% mergedChunk, token %in% members[[mergedChunk]] ~ "|member-" %+% mergedChunk, T ~ combinedChunk))

#' Get children and siblings of tree entries and chunks.
#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @param treeEntry A `treeEntry` ID.
#' @param treeEntryDF A `treeEntryDF` from a `rezrObj`. Must be a `rezrDF`, not a list; `combineLayers()` can be used to combine multiple `rezrDF`s.
#' @param chunkID A chunk ID.
#' @param chunkDF A `chunkDF`from a `rezrObj`,  Must be a `rezrDF`, not a list; `combineChunks()` or `combineTokenChunk()` can be used to combine multiple `rezrDF`s. You must have run `getAllTreeCorrespondences()` on it beforehand, i.e. a `treeEntry` column must exist. Also, both parents and children (for child-related functions) and all relevant siblings (for sibling-related functions) must reside in the `chunkDF`.
#' @param cond A condition using columns from the `chunkDF`.
#' @return A list of IDs of siblings or children
#' @examples sbc007 = getAllTreeCorrespondences(sbc007, "chunk")
#' getSiblingsOfChunk("33EAD4C986974", sbc007$chunkDF$refexpr, sbc007$treeEntryDF$default)
#' getChildrenOfChunk("13AACBE0BB38A", combineTokenChunk(sbc007), sbc007$treeEntryDF$default)
#' @export
getChildrenOfEntry = function(treeEntry, treeEntryDF){
  treeEntryDF %>% filter(parent == treeEntry) %>% pull(id)

#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getChildrenOfChunk = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF){
  parentEntryID = chunkDF %>% filter(id == chunkID) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(treeEntry)
  childrenEntryIDs = getChildrenOfEntry(parentEntryID, treeEntryDF)
  chunkDF %>% filter(treeEntry %in% childrenEntryIDs) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)

#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getChildrenOfChunkIf = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF, cond = expr(TRUE)){
  cond = enexpr(cond)
  parentEntryID = chunkDF %>% filter(id == chunkID) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(treeEntry)
  childrenEntryIDs = getChildrenOfEntry(parentEntryID, treeEntryDF)
  chunkDF %>% filter(treeEntry %in% childrenEntryIDs, !!cond) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)

#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getSiblingsOfEntry = function(treeEntry, treeEntryDF){
  parentID = treeEntryDF %>% filter(id == treeEntry) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(parent)
  getChildrenOfEntry(parentID, treeEntryDF) %>% setdiff(treeEntry)

#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getSiblingsOfChunk = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF){
  entryID = chunkDF %>% filter(id == chunkID) %>% slice(1) %>% pull(treeEntry)
  if(!any(entryID == "") & length(entryID) > 0){
    childrenEntryIDs = getSiblingsOfEntry(entryID, treeEntryDF)
    chunkDF %>% filter(treeEntry %in% childrenEntryIDs) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)
  } else character(0)

#' @rdname chunkfam
#' @export
getSiblingOfChunkIf = function(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF, cond = expr(TRUE)){
  cond = enexpr(cond)
  cand = chunkDF %>% filter(id %in% getSiblingsOfChunk(chunkID, chunkDF, treeEntryDF), !!cond) %>% arrange(tokenOrderFirst) %>% pull(id)
  if(length(cand) == 0) cand = NA

getPositionAmongSiblings = function(currChunkDF, rezrObj, treeEntryDF = NULL, cond = expr(TRUE)){
  cond = enexpr(cond)
  chunkDF = combineTokenChunk(rezrObj, type = "union")
  allChunkIDs = chunkDF$id
    treeEntryDF = combineLayers(rezrObj, "treeEntry")

  parentChildDict = lapply(allChunkIDs, function(x) getChildrenOfChunkIf(x, chunkDF, treeEntryDF, !!cond))
  result = numeric(nrow(currChunkDF))
  for(i in 1:nrow(currChunkDF)){
    currID = currChunkDF$id[i]
    for(dictEntry in parentChildDict){
      if(currID %in% dictEntry){
        result[i] = which(currID == dictEntry)[1]

#' Find the position of a chunk among its siblings in a tree.
#' @rdname siblingpos
#' @param chunkDF The `chunkDF` to be edited.
#' @param rezrObj The `rezrObj` containing the `chunkDF`.
#' @param treeEntryDFAddress The address to the `treeEntryDF` layer that will be used. If left blank, all layers will be used.
#' @param cond A condition for excluding siblings (for example, adjuncts and auxiliaries).
#' @return The `chunkDF` with a column `siblingPos` giving the position of the chunk among its siblings in the tree.
#' @export
#' @examples sbc007 = getAllTreeCorrespondences(sbc007)
#' sbc007$chunkDF$refexpr = addPositionAmongSiblings(sbc007$chunkDF$refexpr, sbc007)
addPositionAmongSiblings = function(chunkDF, rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress = NULL, cond = expr(TRUE)){
  cond = enexpr(cond)
    treeEntryDFAdress = getLayerAddresses(rezrObj, "treeEntry")

  chunkDF = suppressWarnings(chunkDF %>% rez_mutate(siblingPos = getPositionAmongSiblings(chunkDF, rezrObj, cond = !!cond), fieldaccess = "foreign"))
  updateFunct(chunkDF, "siblingPos") = new_updateFunction(function(df, rezrObj) updatePositionAmongSiblings(df, rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress, cond = !!cond), c(treeEntryDFAddress, getTokenChunkAddresses(rezrObj)))

updatePositionAmongSiblings = function(df, rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress, cond = expr(TRUE)){
  cond = enexpr(cond)
  #LATER: If mutiple treeEntryDFAddresses, rez_row_bind before putting in getPositionAmongSiblings
  df = suppressWarnings(df %>% rez_mutate(siblingPos = getPositionAmongSiblings(df, rezrObj, listAt(rezrObj, treeEntryDFAddress), cond = !!cond), type = "foreign"))

#' @rdname siblingpos
#' @export
addAllPositionsAmongSiblings = function(rezrObj, cond = expr(TRUE)){
  cond = enexpr(cond)
  #Later: combine treeEntryDF
  rezrObj$tokenDF = rezrObj$tokenDF %>% addPositionAmongSiblings(rezrObj, cond = !!cond)
  for(chunkLayer in names(rezrObj$chunkDF)){
    rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] = rezrObj$chunkDF[[chunkLayer]] %>% addPositionAmongSiblings(rezrObj, cond = !!cond)
johnwdubois/rezonateR documentation built on Nov. 19, 2024, 11:17 p.m.