
# # gl = list()
# # for(db in c("reactome", "pid", "panther", "kegg", "pathbank")) {
# # 	gl[[db]] = import_pathway_common(db)
# # }

# get_pathway_list = function(db) {
# 	# pl = readRDS(system.file("extdata", qq("pathway_network_@{db}.rds"), package = "simplifyEnrichment"))
# 	pl = readRDS(qq("~/project/development/simplifyEnrichment/inst/extdata/pathway_network_@{db}.rds"))
# 	map = pl[[2]]
# 	pl = pl[[1]]
# 	names(pl) = map[names(pl)]
# 	# a list of igraph object
# 	return(pl)
# }

# guess_pathway_database = function(id) {
# 	id = sample(id, 1)

# 	if(grepl("^hsa\\d+$", id)) {
# 		return("kegg")
# 	} else if(grepl("^R-\\w+-\\d+$", id)) {
# 		return("reactome")
# 	} else if(grepl("^P\\d+$", id)) {
# 		return("panther")
# 	} else if(grepl("^SMP\\d+$", id)) {
# 		return("pathbank")
# 	} else {
# 		return(NA)
# 	}
# }

# is_pathway_id = function(id) {
# 	!is.na(guess_pathway_database(id))
# }

# random_KEGG = function(n) {

# 	pl = get_pathway_list("kegg")
# 	id = names(pl)
# 	sample(id, min(n, length(id)))
# }

# random_Reactome = function(n) {

# 	pl = get_pathway_list("reactome")
# 	id = names(pl)
# 	sample(id, min(n, length(id)))
# }

# random_PANTHER = function(n) {
# 	pl = get_pathway_list("panther")
# 	id = names(pl)
# 	sample(id, min(n, length(id)))
# }

# random_PathBank= function(n) {
# 	pl = get_pathway_list("pathbank")
# 	id = names(pl)
# 	sample(id, min(n, length(id)))
# }

# # -pathway_id A vector of pathway IDs
# pathway_similarity = function(pathway_id, centrality = "degree") {

# 	database = guess_pathway_database(pathway_id)
# 	if(is.na(database)) {
# 		stop_wrap("Cannot decide which pathway database the IDs are from.")
# 	}

# 	pl = get_pathway_list(database)
# 	cn = intersect(names(pl), pathway_id)

# 	if(length(cn) == 0) {
# 		stop_wrap("Cannot find proper pathways.")
# 	}

# 	if(length(cn) != length(pl)) {
# 		message_wrap(qq("@{length(pathway_id) - length(cn)}/@{length(pathway_id)} @{database} pathways removed."))
# 	}

# 	pl = pl[cn]
# 	pathway_id = cn

# 	centrality = switch(centrality, 
# 		degree = igraph::degree,
# 		closeness = igraph::closeness,
# 		reach = reach,
# 		spread = spread,
# 		betweenness = igraph::betweenness
# 	)

# 	lt = lapply(pl, function(g) {
# 		centrality(g)
# 	})

# 	n = length(lt)
# 	m = matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = n)

# 	for(i in seq(1, n-1)) {
# 		for(j in seq(i+1, n)) {
# 			m[i, j] = weighted_jaccard(lt[[i]], lt[[j]])
# 			m[j, i] = m[i, j]
# 		}
# 	}

# 	rownames(m) = colnames(m) = cn
# 	return(m)
# }

# reach = function(graph, weights = E(graph)$weight, mode = c("all", "in", "out")) {
#     mode = match.arg(mode)[1]
#     sp = shortest.paths(graph, weights = weights, mode = mode)
#     s = apply(sp, 1, function(x) {
#         if (all(x == Inf)) {
#             return(0)
#         } else {
#             return(max(x[x != Inf]))
#         }
#     })
#     return(s)
# }

# spread = function(graph, mode = c("all", "in", "out"), weights = E(graph)$weight, f = function(x) 1/x) {
#     mode = match.arg(mode)[1]
#     sp = shortest.paths(graph, mode = mode, weights = weights)
#     s = apply(sp, 1, function(x) {
#         return(sum(f(x[x > 0])))
#     })
#     return(s)
# }

# weighted_jaccard = function(x, y) {
# 	nm = union(names(x), names(y))
# 	n = length(nm)
# 	y2 = x2 = numeric(n)
# 	names(y2) = names(x2) = nm
# 	x2[names(x)] = x
# 	y2[names(y)] = y

# 	sum(pmin(x2, y2))/sum(pmax(x2, y2))
# }

# simplifyPathway = function(mat, method = "binary_cut", control = list(), 
# 	plot = TRUE, term = NULL, verbose = TRUE, 
# 	column_title = qq("@{nrow(mat)} GO terms clustered by '@{method}'"),
# 	ht_list = NULL, ...) {

# 	if(is.atomic(mat) && !is.matrix(mat)) {
# 		pathway_id = mat
# 		mat = pathway_similarity(pathway_id)
# 	}
# 	cl = do.call(cluster_terms, list(mat = mat, method = method, verbose = verbose, control = control))
# 	pathway_id = rownames(mat)

# 	db = guess_pathway_database(pathway_id)

# 	if(db == "kegg") {
# 		term = get_gene_desc_from_KEGG(term_id)
# 	} else if(db == "reactome") {
# 		term = get_gene_desc_from_Reactome(term_id)
# 	} else if(db == "panther") {
# 		term = get_gene_desc_from_PANTHER(term_id)
# 	} else if(db == "pathbank") {
# 		term = get_gene_desc_from_PathBank(term_id)
# 	}
# 	term_type = "gene_description"

# 	if(plot) ht_clusters(mat, cl, term = term, term_type = term_type, column_title = column_title, ht_list = ht_list, ...)

# 	return(invisible(data.frame(id = go_id, term = term, cluster = cl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
# }

# import_pathway_common = function(db) {

# 	db = tolower(db)

# 	f1 = qq("PathwayCommons12.@{db}.hgnc.txt.gz")
# 	if(!file.exists(f1)) {
# 		download.file(qq("https://www.pathwaycommons.org/archives/PC2/v12/PathwayCommons12.@{db}.hgnc.txt.gz"), f1)
# 	}

# 	f2 = qq("PathwayCommons12.@{db}.hgnc.gmt.gz")
# 	if(!file.exists(f2)) {
# 		download.file(qq("https://www.pathwaycommons.org/archives/PC2/v12/PathwayCommons12.@{db}.hgnc.gmt.gz"), f2)
# 	}

# 	qqcat("reading @{f1}...\n")	
# 	pathway_common = read.table(pipe(qq("gzip -d -c @{f1} | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"\\t\";OFS=\"\\t\"} {if($6!=\"\") print $1,$2,$3,$4,$6}'")), header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote = "", comment.char="")
# 	# http://www.pathwaycommons.org/pc2/formats#sif_relations
# 	l = pathway_common[, 2] %in% c("controls-state-change-of",
# 		                           "controls-transport-of",
# 		                           "controls-phosphorylation-of",
# 		                           "controls-expression-of",
# 		                           "catalysis-precedes",
# 		                           "in-complex-with",
# 		                           "interacts-with",
# 		                           "neighbor-of",
# 		                           "consumption-controled-by",
# 		                           "controls-production-of",
# 		                           "controls-transport-of-chemical",
# 		                           "chemical-affects",
# 		                           "reacts-with",
# 		                           "used-to-produce")
# 	pathway_common = pathway_common[l, ]
# 	if(nrow(pathway_common) == 0) {
# 		return(NULL)
# 	}

# 	# for the following interaction type:
# 	#   in-complex-with	
# 	#   interacts-with	
# 	#   neighbor-of	
# 	#   reacts-with	
# 	# we need to assign both directions
# 	l = pathway_common[, 2] %in% c("in-complex-with",
# 		                           "interacts-with",
# 		                           "neighbor-of",
# 		                           "reacts-with")
# 	if(any(l)) {
# 		qqcat("  assign directions to @{sum(l)} interactions.\n")
# 		pathway_common = rbind(pathway_common, pathway_common[l, c(3, 2, 1, 4, 5)])
# 	}

# 	all_pathway = strsplit(pathway_common[, "PATHWAY_NAMES"], ";")
# 	unique_pathway = unique(unlist(all_pathway))
# 	qqcat("  there are @{length(unique_pathway)} pathways.\n")
# 	pathway_list = lapply(seq_along(unique_pathway), function(i) {
# 		pa = unique_pathway[i]
# 		l = sapply(all_pathway, function(x) any(x == pa))
# 		qqcat("  [@{db} @{i}/@{length(unique_pathway)}] @{pa}: @{sum(l)} interactions.\n")
# 		tb = pathway_common[l, ]
# 		graph.edgelist(as.matrix(tb[, c(1, 3)]))
# 	})
# 	names(pathway_list) = unique_pathway

# 	ln = readLines(gzfile(f2))
# 	ln = strsplit(ln, "\t")
# 	map = structure(
# 		sapply(ln, function(x) gsub("^.*/(.*)$", "\\1", x[1])),
# 		names = sapply(ln, function(x) gsub("^name: (.*?);.*$", "\\1", x[2]))
# 	)

# 	cn = intersect(unique_pathway, names(map))
# 	pathway_list = pathway_list[cn]
# 	map = map[cn]

# 	return(list(pathway_list = pathway_list, map = map))
# }
jokergoo/simplifyEnrichment documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 2:57 p.m.