#' Generate predictions from owl models
#' Return predictions from models fit by [owl()].
#' @param object an object of class `"owl"`, typically the result of
#' a call to [owl()]
#' @param x new data
#' @param type type of prediction; `"link"` returns the linear predictors,
#' `"response"` returns the result of applying the link function,
#' and `"class"` returns class predictions.
#' @param ... ignored and only here for method consistency
#' @param sigma penalty parameter for SLOPE models; if `NULL`, the
#' values used in the original fit will be used
#' @param simplify if `TRUE`, [base::drop()] will be called before returning
#' the coefficients to drop extraneous dimensions
#' @param exact if `TRUE` and the given parameter values differ from those in
#' the original fit, the model will be refit by calling [stats::update()] on
#' the object with the new parameters. If `FALSE`, the predicted values
#' will be based on interpolated coefficients from the original
#' penalty path.
#' @seealso [stats::predict()], [stats::predict.glm()]
#' @return Predictions from the model with scale determined by `type`.
#' @examples
#' fit <- with(mtcars, owl(cbind(mpg, hp), vs, family = "binomial"))
#' predict(fit, with(mtcars, cbind(mpg, hp)), type = "class")
#' @export
predict.Owl <- function(object,
sigma = NULL,
type = "link",
simplify = TRUE,
...) {
# This method (the base method) only generates linear predictors
if (inherits(x, "sparseMatrix"))
x <- methods::as(x, "dgCMatrix")
if (inherits(x, "data.frame"))
x <- as.matrix(x)
beta <- stats::coef(object, sigma = sigma, simplify = FALSE)
intercept <- "(Intercept)" %in% dimnames(beta)[[1]]
if (intercept)
x <- methods::cbind2(1, x)
n <- NROW(x)
p <- NROW(beta)
m <- NCOL(beta)
n_penalties <- dim(beta)[3]
stopifnot(p == NCOL(x))
lin_pred <- array(dim = c(n, m, n_penalties),
dimnames = list(rownames(x),
for (i in seq_len(n_penalties))
lin_pred[, , i] <- as.matrix(x %*% beta[, , i])
#' @rdname predict.Owl
#' @export
predict.OwlGaussian <- function(object,
sigma = NULL,
type = c("link", "response"),
simplify = TRUE,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
out <- NextMethod(object, type = type) # always linear predictors
if (simplify)
out <- drop(out)
#' @rdname predict.Owl
#' @export
predict.OwlBinomial <- function(object,
sigma = NULL,
type = c("link", "response", "class"),
simplify = TRUE,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
lin_pred <- NextMethod(object, type = type)
out <- switch(
link = lin_pred,
response = 1 / (1 + exp(-lin_pred)),
class = {
cnum <- ifelse(lin_pred > 0, 2, 1)
clet <- object$class_names[cnum]
if (is.matrix(cnum))
clet <- array(clet, dim(cnum), dimnames(cnum))
if (simplify)
out <- drop(out)
#' @rdname predict.Owl
#' @export
predict.OwlPoisson <- function(object,
sigma = NULL,
type = c("link", "response"),
exact = FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
lin_pred <- NextMethod(object, type = type)
out <- switch(
link = lin_pred,
response = exp(lin_pred)
if (simplify)
out <- drop(out)
#' @export
#' @rdname predict.Owl
predict.OwlMultinomial <- function(object,
sigma = NULL,
type = c("link", "response", "class"),
exact = FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
lin_pred <- NextMethod(object, type = type, simplify = FALSE)
m <- NCOL(lin_pred)
out <- switch(
response = {
n <- nrow(lin_pred)
m <- ncol(lin_pred)
n_sigma <- dim(lin_pred)[3]
tmp <- array(0, c(n, m + 1, n_sigma))
tmp[, 1:m, ] <- lin_pred
aperm(apply(tmp, c(1, 3), function(x) exp(x)/sum(exp(x))), c(2, 1, 3))
link = lin_pred,
class = {
response <- stats::predict(object, x, type = "response", simplify = FALSE)
tmp <- apply(response, c(1, 3), which.max)
class_names <- object$class_names
predicted_classes <-
function(a) factor(a, levels = 1:(m+1), labels = class_names))
colnames(predicted_classes) <- dimnames(lin_pred)[[3]]
if (simplify)
out <- drop(out)
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