#' Train a owl model
#' This function trains a model fit by [owl()] by tuning its parameters
#' through cross-validation.
#' Note that by default this method matches all of the available metrics
#' for the given model family against those provided in the argument
#' `measure`. Collecting these measures is not particularly demanding
#' computationally so it is almost always best to leave this argument
#' as it is and then choose which argument to focus on in the call
#' to [plot.TrainedOwl()].
#' @inheritParams owl
#' @param number number of folds (cross-validation)
#' @param repeats number of repeats for each fold (for repeated *k*-fold
#' cross validation)
#' @param cl cluster if parallel fitting is desired. Can be any
#' cluster accepted by [parallel::parLapply()].
#' @param measure measure to try to optimize; note that you may
#' supply *multiple* values here and that, by default,
#' all the possible measures for the given model will be used.
#' @param ... other arguments to pass on to [owl()]
#' @return An object of class `"TrainedOwl"`, with the following slots:
#' \item{summary}{a summary of the results with means, standard errors,
#' and 0.95 confidence levels}
#' \item{data}{the raw data from the model training}
#' \item{optima}{a `data.frame` of the best (mean) values for the different metrics and their corresponding parameter values}
#' \item{measure}{a `data.frame` listing the used metrics and their labels}
#' \item{model}{the model fit to the entire data set}
#' \item{call}{the call}
#' @export
#' @seealso [parallel::parallel], [plot.TrainedOwl()]
#' @examples
#' # 8-fold cross-validation repeated 5 times
#' tune <- trainOwl(subset(mtcars, select = c("mpg", "drat", "wt")),
#' mtcars$hp,
#' q = c(0.1, 0.2),
#' number = 8,
#' repeats = 5)
trainOwl <- function(x,
q = 0.2,
number = 10,
repeats = 1,
measure = c("mse",
cl = NULL,
...) {
ocall <- match.call()
n <- NROW(x)
measure <- match.arg(measure, several.ok = TRUE)
y <- as.matrix(y)
stopifnot(NROW(x) > number,
number > 1,
repeats >= 1)
# get initial penalty sequence
fit <- owl(x, y, ...)
# match measure against accepted measure for the given family
family <- fit$family
ok <- switch(family,
gaussian = c("mse", "mae"),
binomial = c("mse", "mae", "deviance", "misclass", "auc"),
poisson = c("mse", "mae"),
multinomial = c("mse", "mae", "deviance"))
measure <- measure[measure %in% ok]
if (length(measure) == 0)
stop("measure needs to be one of ", ok)
sigma <- fit$sigma
n_sigma <- length(sigma)
n_q <- length(q)
n_measure <- length(measure)
fold_size <- ceiling(n/number)
fold_id <- replicate(repeats, {
matrix(c(sample(n), rep(0, number*fold_size - n)), fold_size, byrow = TRUE)
grid <- expand.grid(q = q,
fold = seq_len(number),
repetition = seq_len(repeats))
grid_list <- split(grid, seq_len(nrow(grid)))
f <- function(g, xmat, y, sigma, measure, fold_id, dots) {
id <- g$fold
repetition <- g$repetition
q <- g$q
test_ind <- fold_id[, id, repetition]
x_train <- xmat[-test_ind, , drop = FALSE]
y_train <- y[-test_ind, , drop = FALSE]
x_test <- xmat[test_ind, , drop = FALSE]
y_test <- y[test_ind, , drop = FALSE]
args <- utils::modifyList(list(x = x_train,
y = y_train,
q = q,
sigma = sigma), dots)
s <- lapply(measure, function(m) {
owl::score(do.call(owl::owl, args), x_test, y_test, m)
if (is.null(cl)) {
r <- lapply(grid_list,
fold_id = fold_id,
sigma = sigma,
xmat = x,
y = y,
measure = measure,
dots = list(...))
} else {
r <- parallel::parLapply(cl,
fold_id = fold_id,
sigma = sigma,
xmat = x,
y = y,
measure = measure,
dots = list(...))
tmp <- array(unlist(r), c(n_sigma*n_q, n_measure, number*repeats))
d <- matrix(tmp, c(n_sigma*n_q*n_measure, number*repeats))
means <- rowMeans(d)
se <- apply(d, 1, stats::sd)/sqrt(repeats*number)
ci <- stats::qt(0.975, number*repeats - 1)*se
lo <- means - ci
hi <- means + ci
summary <- data.frame(q = rep(q, each = n_sigma*n_measure),
sigma = rep(sigma, n_measure*n_q),
measure = rep(measure, each = n_sigma, times = n_q),
mean = means,
se = se,
lo = lo,
hi = hi)
optima <- do.call(
by(summary, as.factor(summary$measure), function(x) x[which.min(x$mean), ])
labels <- vapply(measure, function(m) {
deviance = {
if (inherits(fit, "OwlGaussian"))
"Mean-Squared Error"
else if (inherits(fit, "OwlBinomial"))
"Binomial Deviance"
else if (inherits(fit, "OwlPoisson"))
"Mean-Squared Error"
else if (inherits(fit, "OwlMultinomial"))
"Multinomial Deviance"
mse = "Mean Squared Error",
mae = "Mean Absolute Error",
accuracy = "Accuracy",
auc = "AUC"
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
rownames(summary) <- NULL
rownames(optima) <- NULL
structure(list(summary = summary,
data = d,
optima = optima,
measure = data.frame(measure = measure,
label = labels,
row.names = NULL,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
model = fit,
call = ocall),
class = "TrainedOwl")
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