
Defines functions tactile.theme

Documented in tactile.theme

#' Tactile Theme
#' A custom theme for lattice that tries to make away with some of the
#' (in this author's opinion) excessive margins that result from the default
#' settings. It also provides a different color theme based partly on
#' [latticeExtra::custom.theme()].
#' The theme currently modifies the default lattice theme so that
#' * paddings (margins) are minimized,
#' * axis tick lengths are halved, and
#' * title size is decreased *slightly*.
#' @param fontsize A vector of two numeric scalars for text and symbols
#'   respectively.
#' @param ... Additional named options.
#' @param color Colorized theme.
#' @return A list of graphical parameters that for instance could be supplied
#'   inside a call to [lattice::xyplot()] or set via
#'   [lattice::lattice.options()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xyplot(speed ~ dist, data = cars, par.settings = tactile.theme())
#' opars <- trellis.par.get()
#' trellis.par.set(tactile.theme())
#' show.settings()
#' trellis.par.set(opars)
tactile.theme <- function(fontsize = c(12, 8), color = TRUE, ...) {
  theme <- standard.theme(name = "pdf", color = color)

  theme <- updateList(theme, list(
    fontsize = list(text = fontsize[1], points = fontsize[2]),
    strip.background = list(col = rep("grey95", 7)),
    strip.shingle = list(col = rep("grey70", 7)),
    strip.text = list(cex = 0.75),
    layout.heights = list(top.padding = 0.1,
                          bottom.padding = 0.1,
                          axis.top = 0.75,
                          main = 2,
                          main.key.padding = 0,
                          sub = 2,
                          xlab = 1.25,
                          key.top = 1.25),
    layout.widths = list(right.padding = 0.1,
                         left.padding = 0.5,
                         key.right = 1.25,
                         ylab = 1.25),
    par.main.text = list(cex = 1.15),
    axis.components = list(left   = list(tck = 0.5, pad1 = 0.5, pad2 = 0.5),
                           right  = list(tck = 0.5, pad1 = 0.5, pad2 = 0.5),
                           bottom = list(tck = 0.5, pad1 = 0.5, pad2 = 0.5),
                           top    = list(tck = 0.5, pad1 = 0.5, pad2 = 0.5))

  if (color) {
    symbol <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 9, "Set1")[c(2:1, 3:5, 7:9)]
    fill   <- adjustcolor(symbol,
                          offset = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0),
                          transform = diag(c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6)))

    region    <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 11, "Spectral")
    reference <- "#e8e8e8"
    bg        <- "transparent"
    fg        <- "black"

    theme <- updateList(theme, list(
      add.line          = list(col = fg),
      add.text          = list(col = fg),
      axis.line         = list(col = fg),
      axis.text         = list(col = fg),
      background        = list(col = bg),
      box.rectangle     = list(col = fg, fill = fill[1]),
      box.dot           = list(pch = "|", col = fg),
      box.umbrella      = list(col = fg, lty = 1),
      box.3d            = list(col = fg),
      dot.line          = list(col = reference),
      dot.symbol        = list(col = symbol[1]),
      par.xlab.text     = list(col = fg),
      par.ylab.text     = list(col = fg),
      par.zlab.text     = list(col = fg),
      par.main.text     = list(col = fg),
      par.sub.text      = list(col = fg),
      plot.line         = list(col = symbol[1]),
      plot.polygon      = list(col = fill[1], border = fg),
      plot.symbol       = list(col = symbol[1]),
      reference.line    = list(col = reference),
      regions           = list(col = grDevices::colorRampPalette(region)(100)),
      superpose.line    = list(col = symbol),
      superpose.polygon = list(col = fill),
      superpose.symbol  = list(col = symbol, fill = fill),
      strip.border      = list(col = fg)
  updateList(theme, list(...))
jolars/trelliswork documentation built on June 5, 2023, 11:52 a.m.