
Defines functions smoothRecal smoothobsRecal unbiasRecal smooth smoothobs unbias

Documented in smooth smoothobs smoothobsRecal smoothRecal unbias unbiasRecal

#' @name smooth
#' @aliases smooth
#' @aliases smoothobs
#' @aliases unbias
#' @title
#' Mean De-biasing With Smoothing of Daily Climatology
#' @description
#' Computes mean de-biasing (with and without loess smoothing)
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{linmod}}
#' @keywords util
#' @rdname smooth
unbias <- function(...){
  return(linmod(..., formula=obs ~ offset(fcst) - 1, 
                smoothobs=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, recal=FALSE))
#' @rdname smooth
smoothobs <- function(...){
  return(linmod(..., formula=obs ~ offset(fcst) - 1, 
                smoothobs=TRUE, smooth=FALSE, recal=FALSE))
#' @rdname smooth
smooth <- function(...){
  return(linmod(..., formula=obs ~ offset(fcst) - 1, 
                smoothobs=TRUE, smooth=TRUE, recal=FALSE))

#' @rdname smooth
unbiasRecal <- function(...){
  return(linmod(..., formula=obs ~ offset(fcst) - 1, 
                smoothobs=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, recal=TRUE))
#' @rdname smooth
smoothobsRecal <- function(...){
  return(linmod(..., formula=obs ~ offset(fcst) - 1, 
                smoothobs=TRUE, smooth=FALSE, recal=TRUE))
#' @rdname smooth
smoothRecal <- function(...){
  return(linmod(..., formula=obs ~ offset(fcst) - 1, 
                smoothobs=TRUE, smooth=TRUE, recal=TRUE))
jonasbhend/biascorrection documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 1:16 a.m.