

# context with one test that groups expectations
context("Tests for ARS() and auxiliary functions")


# Tests for the overall function
# Normal distribution test
test_that("ars() used for normal dist", {
  g <- function(x){return(dnorm(x,0,1))}
  sample_norm <- ars(g,500,-3,3) # Generate normal samples from ars()
  sample_norm_cdf <- c()
  true_norm_cdf <- c()
  test_norm_interval <- seq(-3,3,0.5)# Test array
  for (i in 1:(length(test_norm_interval)-1)){
    # The difference of sample normal interval cdf
    sample_norm_cdf[i] <- (sum(sample_norm < test_norm_interval[i+1])-sum(sample_norm < test_norm_interval[i]))/500
    # The difference of true normal interval cdf
    true_norm_cdf[i] <- (pnorm(test_norm_interval[i+1])-pnorm(test_norm_interval[i]))/(pnorm(3)-pnorm(-3))
  # Take the maximum error
  max_norm_error <- max(abs(sample_norm_cdf-true_norm_cdf))

  expect_lt(max_norm_error, 0.01)# Max_error should be less than the threshold

# Uniform distribution test
test_that("ars() used for uniform dist", {
  g <- function(x){return(dunif(x, min = 1, max = 10))}
  sample_unif <- ars(g,1000,2,9) # Generate uniform samples from ars()
  sample_unif_cdf <- c()
  true_unif_cdf <- c()
  test_unif_interval <- seq(2,9,0.5)# Test array
  for (i in 1:(length(test_unif_interval)-1)){
    # The difference of sample uniform interval cdf
    sample_unif_cdf[i] <- (sum(sample_unif < test_unif_interval[i+1])-sum(sample_unif < test_unif_interval[i]))/1000
    # The difference of true uniform interval cdf
    true_unif_cdf[i] <- (punif(test_unif_interval[i+1],1,10)-punif(test_unif_interval[i],1,10))/(punif(9,1,10)-punif(2,1,10))
  # Take the maximum error
  max_unif_error <- max(abs(sample_unif_cdf-true_unif_cdf))

  expect_lt(max_unif_error, 0.01)# Max_error should be less than the threshold

# Gamma distribution test
test_that("ars() used for gamma dist", {
  g <- function(x){return(dgamma(x, 2, rate = 1))}
  sample_gamma <- ars(g,1000,1,5) # Generate gamma samples from ars()
  sample_gamma_cdf <- c()
  true_gamma_cdf <- c()
  test_gamma_interval <- seq(1,10,0.5)# Test array
  for (i in 1:(length(test_gamma_interval)-1)){
    # The difference of sample gamma interval cdf
    sample_gamma_cdf[i] <- (sum(sample_gamma < test_gamma_interval[i+1])-sum(sample_gamma < test_gamma_interval[i]))/1000
    # The difference of true gamma interval cdf
    true_gamma_cdf[i] <- (pgamma(test_gamma_interval[i+1],2,1)-pgamma(test_gamma_interval[i],2,1))/(pgamma(5,2,1)-pgamma(1,2,1))
  # Take the maximum error
  max_gamma_error <- max(abs(sample_gamma_cdf-true_gamma_cdf))

  expect_lt(max_gamma_error, 0.01)# Max_error should be less than the threshold

# Unit tests

# Intersect_Z(X_k, h, lb, ub)
test_that("Intersect_Z fuction", {
  X_k <- c(-3,0,3)
  h <- function(x){return(log(dnorm(x)))}
  Z_k <- Intersect_Z(c(-3,0,3), h, lb=-3, ub=3)

  expect_lt(Z_k[2], X_k[2])# Z_k[2] < X_k[2]
  expect_lt(Z_k[3], X_k[3])# Z_k[3] < X_k[3]
  expect_gt(Z_k[2], X_k[1])# Z_k[2] > X_k[1]
  expect_length(Z_k, 4)# There should be 4 numbers in Z_k for this example

# U_k(x, h, X_k, Z_k)
test_that("U_k fuction", {
  X_k <- c(-3,0,3)
  h <- function(x){return(log(dnorm(x)))}
  Z_k <- Intersect_Z(c(-3,0,3), h, lb=-3, ub=3)
  # Two methods to get j, j_1 is used in the package
  j_1 <- min(which(0 < Z_k))-1
  j_2 <- max(which(0 > Z_k))

  expect_equal(j_1, j_2)# j_1 = j_2: Use another methhod to find j(j_2), should be equal to j_1
  # j_1 should be a double number
  expect_type(j_1, 'double')

# Integrate_ExpU_k(h, X_k, Z_k)
test_that("Integrate_ExpU_k", {
  X_k <- c(-3,0,3)
  h <- function(x){return(log(dnorm(x)))}
  Z_k <- Intersect_Z(c(-3,0,3), h, lb=-3, ub=3)
  # Two methods to get integral from Z_k[1] to Z_k[2]
  # exp_u_k_1 and integral_1 are used in the package because of for loop
  exp_u_k_1 <- function(x,j){
    return(exp(h(X_k[j]) + (x - X_k[j]) * gradient(h, X_k[j])[1][1]))
  integral_1 <- integrate(f=exp_u_k_1,lower=Z_k[1], upper=Z_k[2], j=1)$value
  exp_u_k_2 <- function(x){
    return(exp(h(X_k[1]) + (x - X_k[1]) * gradient(h, X_k[1])[1][1]))
  integral_2 <- integrate(f=exp_u_k_2,lower=Z_k[1], upper=Z_k[2])$value
  expect_equal(integral_1, integral_2)# integral_1 = integral_2
  # integral_1 should be of type double
  expect_type(integral_1, 'double')

# L_k(x, h, X_k)
test_that("L_k function", {
  X_k <- c(-3,0,3)
  h <- function(x){return(log(dnorm(x)))}
  Z_k <- Intersect_Z(c(-3,0,3), h, lb=-3, ub=3)
  # Two methods to get j, j_1 is used in the package
  j_1 <- max(which(0.5 > X_k))
  j_2 <- min(which(0.5 < X_k))-1
  # 5 is not in the range of X_k in this example, L_k should be -Inf
  L <- L_k(5,h,X_k)
  expect_equal(j_1, j_2)# j_1 = j_2: Use another methhod to find j(j_2),
  #should be equal to j_1
  # j_1 should be a single integer
  expect_type(j_1, 'integer')
  expect_equal(exp(L), 0)

# Module tests

# Initial_X(h,lb,ub)
test_that("Initial_X step module", {
  X_k <- c(-3,0,3)
  h <- function(x){return(log(dnorm(x)))}
  Z_k <- Intersect_Z(c(-3,0,3), h, lb=-3, ub=3)
  # Get the maximizer for h(x) function
  xmax <- optimize(f = h, interval = c(-3, 1), lower = -3, upper = 1, maximum = TRUE)$maximum
  if ((abs(xmax - -3) < 1e-8) | (abs(xmax - 3) < 1e-8)) {
    Xinit <- c(-3,(-3+1)/2,3)
  else {
    Xinit <- c(-3,xmax,3)
  expect_equal(xmax, 0)# In the example for normal distribution, xmax should be 0.
  # Xinit[2] should be 0 not -1
  expect_equal(Xinit[2], 0)

# Sample_step(u, S_k, lb, ub)

test_that("Sample_step Module", {
  # Initialization
  lb <- -3
  ub <- 3
  # Suppose s(x) as normal dist pdf
  g <- function(x){return(dnorm(x,0,1))}
  # Calculate cdf at the boundary of x
  cdf <- function(x) integrate(g, lb, x)$value
  # 0.9772499 is pnorm(2,0,1)
  f <- function(x) ((cdf(x)/cdf(ub)) -  0.9772499)
  xstar <- uniroot(f, lower=lb, upper=ub)$root

  expect_lt((xstar - 2), 1e-5)# xstar should be really close to 2

# Rejection_step(x_star,h,X_k,Z_k)
test_that("Rejection_step module", {
  X_k <- c(-3,0,3)
  h <- function(x){return(log(dnorm(x)))}
  Z_k <- Intersect_Z(c(-3,0,3), h, lb=-3, ub=3)
  w = runif(1)
  # In the setup, w=0.27, x_star=2(in the range of X_k)
  # So threshold_1=0.22, not satisfied
  # threshold_2=0.606, satisfied

  threshold_1 = exp(L_k(2, h, X_k) - U_k(2, h, X_k, Z_k))
  threshold_2 = exp(h(2) - U_k(2, h, X_k, Z_k))
  if( w <= threshold_1){
    accept = TRUE
    update = FALSE
  else if(w <= threshold_2){
    update = TRUE
    accept = TRUE
    update = TRUE
    accept = FALSE
  accept_update <- c(accept, update)

  # accept_update should be (TRUE,TRUE) in this example
  expect_equal(accept_update[1], TRUE)
  expect_equal(accept_update[2], TRUE)
jonathanchen888/ars documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:52 p.m.