
Defines functions perturb_vr

Documented in perturb_vr

#' Perturbation analysis of vital rates in a matrix population model
#' @description
#' Perturbs lower-level vital rates within a matrix population model and
#' measures the response (sensitivity or elasticity) of the per-capita
#' population growth rate at equilibrium (\eqn{\lambda}), or, with a
#' user-supplied function, any other demographic statistic.
#' These decompositions assume that all transition rates are products of a
#' stage-specific survival term (column sums of \code{matU}) and a lower level
#' vital rate that is conditional on survival (growth, shrinkage, stasis,
#' dormancy, or reproduction). Reproductive vital rates that are not conditional
#' on survival (i.e., within a stage class from which there is no survival) are
#' also allowed.
#' @param matU The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a
#'   square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g.,
#'   progression, stasis, and retrogression).
#' @param matF The sexual component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square
#'   projection matrix reflecting transitions due to sexual reproduction).
#' @param matC The clonal component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square
#'   projection matrix reflecting transitions due to clonal reproduction).
#'   Defaults to \code{NULL}, indicating no clonal reproduction (i.e.,
#'   \code{matC} is a matrix of zeros).
#' @param pert Magnitude of the perturbation. Defaults to \code{1e-6}.
#' @param type Whether to return \code{sensitivity} or \code{elasticity} values.
#'   Defaults to \code{sensitivity}.
#' @param demog_stat The demographic statistic to be used, as in "the
#'   sensitivity/elasticity of \code{demog_stat} to vital rate perturbations."
#'   Defaults to the per-capita population growth rate at equilibrium
#'   (\eqn{\lambda}). Also accepts a user-supplied function that performs a
#'   calculation on a projection matrix and returns a single numeric value.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the function \code{demog_stat}.
#' @return A list with 5 elements:
#' \item{survival}{sensitivity or elasticity of \code{demog_stat} to survival}
#' \item{growth}{sensitivity or elasticity of \code{demog_stat} to growth}
#' \item{shrinkage}{sensitivity or elasticity of \code{demog_stat} to shrinkage}
#' \item{fecundity}{sensitivity or elasticity of \code{demog_stat} to sexual
#' fecundity}
#' \item{clonality}{sensitivity or elasticity of \code{demog_stat} to clonality}
#' @author Rob Salguero-Gomez <rob.salguero@@zoo.ox.ac.uk>
#' @author Patrick Barks <patrick.barks@@gmail.com>
#' @family perturbation analysis
#' @examples
#' matU <- rbind(
#'   c(0.1, 0, 0, 0),
#'   c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0),
#'   c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
#'   c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.6)
#' )
#' matF <- rbind(
#'   c(0, 0, 1.1, 1.6),
#'   c(0, 0, 0.8, 0.4),
#'   c(0, 0, 0, 0),
#'   c(0, 0, 0, 0)
#' )
#' perturb_vr(matU, matF)
#' # use elasticities rather than sensitivities
#' perturb_vr(matU, matF, type = "elasticity")
#' # use a larger perturbation than the default
#' perturb_vr(matU, matF, pert = 0.01)
#' # calculate the sensitivity/elasticity of the damping ratio to vital rate
#' #  perturbations
#' damping <- function(matA) { # define function for damping ratio
#'   eig <- eigen(matA)$values
#'   dm <- rle(Mod(eig))$values
#'   return(dm[1] / dm[2])
#' }
#' perturb_vr(matU, matF, demog_stat = "damping")
#' @export perturb_vr
perturb_vr <- function(matU, matF, matC = NULL,
                       pert = 1e-6, type = "sensitivity",
                       demog_stat = "lambda", ...) {
  # validate arguments
  if (!is.null(matC)) checkValidMat(matC, warn_all_zero = FALSE)
  type <- match.arg(type, c("sensitivity", "elasticity"))

  # get statfun
  if (is.character(demog_stat) && demog_stat == "lambda") {
    statfun <- lambda
  } else {
    statfun <- try(match.fun(demog_stat), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(statfun, "try-error")) {
        prefix = " ", initial = "",
        "`demog_stat` must be `lambda` or the name
      of a function that returns a single numeric value.\n"
      ), call. = FALSE)

  # matrix dimension
  m <- nrow(matU)

  # if matC null, convert to zeros
  if (is.null(matC)) matC <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = m)

  # combine components into matA
  matA <- matU + matF + matC

  # get sensitivity matrix
  sensA <- perturb_matrix(
    matA = matA, pert = pert, type = "sensitivity",
    demog_stat = statfun, ...

  stat <- statfun(matA, ...)

  # stage-specific survival
  sigma <- colSums(matU)

  # which stages defined only by age (single non-zero element in column of matU)
  stage_agedef <- apply(matU, 2, function(x) length(which(x > 0)) == 1)

  # survival-independent matA (divide columns of matA by corresponding element
  #  of sigma; retain original column of matA if no survival)
  noSurvA <- noSurvA_F <- t(t(matA) / sigma)
  noSurvA[, sigma == 0] <- matA[, sigma == 0]

  # sensitivity of survival
  matSensSurv <- noSurvA * sensA
  sensSurv <- colSums(matSensSurv)
  sensSurv[sigma == 0] <- 0 # zero out stages with no survival

  # lower and upper triangles (reflecting growth and retrogression)
  lwr <- upr <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = m)
  lwr[lower.tri(lwr, diag = TRUE)] <- 1
  upr[upper.tri(upr, diag = TRUE)] <- 1

  # sensitivity of survival-independent U components
  matSensGrowShri <- matrix(NA_real_, m, m)

  for (i in 1:m) {
    matSensGrowShri[, i] <- sensA[i, i] * (-sigma[i]) +
      sensA[, i] * (sigma[i])

  # zero out non-existent U transitions, and age-defined stages
  matSensGrowShri[which(matU == 0)] <- 0
  matSensGrowShri[, stage_agedef == TRUE] <- 0

  # sensitivity to growth
  matSensGrow <- lwr * matSensGrowShri

  # sensitivity to shrinkage
  matSensShri <- upr * matSensGrowShri

  # modify sigma (column-specific survival) for reproduction transitions;
  # convert 0s to 1s, so as not to 'pull out' survival from columns
  #  from which there was no survival
  sigma_rep <- sigma
  sigma_rep[sigma_rep == 0] <- 1

  # sensitivity to fecundity
  matSensFec <- sensA
  matSensFec[which(matF == 0)] <- 0 # zero out non-existent transitions
  matSensFec <- t(t(matSensFec) * sigma_rep) # multiply columns by sigma_rep

  # sensitivity to clonality
  matSensClo <- sensA
  matSensClo[which(matC == 0)] <- 0 # zero out non-existent transitions
  matSensClo <- t(t(matSensClo) * sigma_rep) # multiply columns by sigma_rep

  if (type == "sensitivity") {
    out <- list(
      survival = sum(sensSurv, na.rm = TRUE),
      growth = sum(matSensGrow, na.rm = TRUE),
      shrinkage = sum(matSensShri, na.rm = TRUE),
      fecundity = sum(matSensFec, na.rm = TRUE),
      clonality = sum(matSensClo, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    # elasticity of survival
    elasSurv <- sigma * sensSurv / stat

    # survival-independent U elasticities
    matElasGrowShri <- noSurvA * matSensGrowShri / stat

    # elasticity to growth and shrinkage
    matElasGrow <- lwr * matElasGrowShri
    matElasShri <- upr * matElasGrowShri

    # elasticity to fecundity and clonality
    matElasFec <- noSurvA * matSensFec / stat
    matElasClo <- noSurvA * matSensClo / stat

    out <- list(
      survival = sum(elasSurv, na.rm = TRUE),
      growth = sum(matElasGrow, na.rm = TRUE),
      shrinkage = sum(matElasShri, na.rm = TRUE),
      fecundity = sum(matElasFec, na.rm = TRUE),
      clonality = sum(matElasClo, na.rm = TRUE)

jonesor/Rage documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 10:26 p.m.