
Defines functions cfactor

Documented in cfactor

#' Factor
#' A wrapper for \code{factor} with enhanced control.
#' @inheritParams base::factor
#' @param levels an optional vector of the values (as character strings) that
#'  \code{x} might have taken. If missing (the default), the levels are
#'  determined by sorting the numerical elements in \code{x}. This is not as in
#'  \code{factor}. See 'Details'.
#' @param sep A character vector giving all strings that are used to separate
#'  the lower numerical boundary of a range from the upper numerical boundary
#'  within \code{x}. See 'Details' for more information.
#' @return See \code{\link{factor}}.
#' @details \code{cfactor} wraps \code{\link{factor}} but provides enhanced
#'  control. The enhanced control has the following elements:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item more warnings: \code{NA}s are never produced silently. Empty levels
#'    also produce a warning. If \code{levels} and \code{labels} intersect, a
#'    warning is produced too.
#'    \item flexible order detection: By default, the order of the levels is
#'    given by the order of the numerical elements in \code{x}. See below.
#'  }
#'  Levels of the factor or determined by the \code{levels} argument. If
#'  \code{levels} is missing, the order of the levels is determined as
#'  follows:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item If \code{sep} is set to \code{NULL}: Levels are determined by
#'    sorting the unique values in \code{x}, which is the same behaviour as in
#'    \code{factor}.
#'    \item If \code{sep} is set to \code{NA}, the order is given by first
#'    appearance in \code{x}.
#'    \item Otherwise,
#'      \itemize{
#'        \item If every value in \code{x} contains numbers: Levels are determined
#'        by sorting the numerical values preceeding the separators indicated in
#'        \code{sep}.
#'        \item If not every value in \code{x} contains numbers: Levels are
#'        determined by sorting the unique values in \code{x}, which is the same
#'        behaviour as in \code{factor} and corresponds to setting \code{sep}
#'        to \code{NULL}.
#'      }
#'    }
#'  Apart from the newly introduced argument \code{sep}, \code{cfactor} has
#'  the same arguments and defaults as \code{factor}.
#'  \cr
#'  Where levels is not supplied, \code{\link{unique}} is called. Since factors typically
#'  have quite a small number of levels, for large vectors x it is helpful to
#'  supply \code{nmax} as an upper bound on the number of unique values.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ## create warnings with unused and removed levels
#' string <- c("a", "b", "c")
#' cfactor(string, levels = c("b", "c", "d"))}
#' ## detecting levels: compare factor and cfactor
#' hard_to_detect <- c("EUR 21 - EUR 22", "EUR 100 - 101",
#' "EUR 1 - EUR 10", "EUR 11 - EUR 20")
#' factor(hard_to_detect, ordered = TRUE)
#' cfactor(hard_to_detect, ordered = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
cfactor <- function(x, levels, labels = levels, exclude = NA,
                    ordered = is.ordered(x), nmax = NA, sep = c("-", "to")) {
#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   preprocessing

##  ............................................................................
##  assertive tests / checks

  ## simple checks

  # x
  ## ensure same output as with factor for cfactor()
  if (missing(x) || is.null(x)) {
    x <- character()
  ## not do the actual assertion
    # use check within assert

  # levels
  if (!missing(levels)) {
    levels <- na.omit(levels)

  # labels
  if (!missing(labels)) {

  # exclude
    check_scalar_na(exclude, null.ok = TRUE),
    check_class(exclude, class(x))

  # ordered
  assert_class(ordered, "logical")

  # nmax
  check_int(nmax, na.ok = TRUE)

  ## duplicate levels
  if (!missing(levels) && any(duplicated(levels))) {
    warning(paste("the following duplicated levels were removed: \n",
                  paste(unique(levels[duplicated(levels)]), collapse = " \n")))

    levels <- unique(levels)

##  ............................................................................
##  coersion / function and variable definitions
  x <- as.character(x)

  `%w/o%` <- function(x, y) x[!x %in% y] # opposite of %in%
  uniq_x <- unique(na.omit(x), nmax = nmax)
##  ............................................................................
#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   create factor
##  ............................................................................
##  detect levels if not given
  if (missing(levels)) {
    has_numbers <- all(grepl("[[:digit:]]", uniq_x))
    if (!is.null(sep) && has_numbers) { # use regular expression algorithm
      sep.ready <- paste0(sep, collapse = "|")
      sep <- regexec(sep.ready, uniq_x, fixed = TRUE)
      start <- vapply(sep, "[", 1, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) # extract start of sep
      start <- base::ifelse(start == -1, nchar(uniq_x) + 1, start)
      before <- substr(uniq_x, 1, start - 1)
      # remove all non-digit characters and return the order of the numbers
      before <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", before)
      # get the systems decimal separator
      rmpattern <- paste0("[^[:digit:]\\", options()$OutDec, "]")
      finalorder <- order(as.numeric(gsub(rmpattern, "", before)))

      levels <- uniq_x[finalorder]
    } else if (!is.null(sep) && is.na(sep)) { # order by appearance
      levels <- uniq_x
    } else { # use factor algorithm if sep == NULL or no numbers
      levels <- sort(unique(as.character(x)))

##  ............................................................................
##  create the factor
  ## only x should never be looked up in .GlobalEnv
  output <- factor(x, levels = levels, labels = labels, exclude = exclude,
                   ordered = ordered, nmax = nmax)
  prior <- as.character(unique(x))
  posterior <- base::ifelse(levels == labels, levels(output), levels)

#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   warnings
##  ............................................................................
##  check whether any value in x occurs now in labels that and it not the same
##  value
  if (any(levels %in% labels) && !all(levels %in% labels)) {
    # find duplicates
    same_represent <- levels == labels
    duplicates <- levels[same_represent]

    no_duplicate_level <- levels[!same_represent]
    no_duplicate_label <- labels[!same_represent]
    if (any(no_duplicate_level %in% no_duplicate_label) || any(same_represent)) {
      warning(paste("Some values now used for the labels existed in the data",
                    "vector 'x' already: \n ",
                    if (any(no_duplicate_level %in% no_duplicate_label)) {
                      paste("'", no_duplicate_level[no_duplicate_level %in% no_duplicate_label], "' is now represented with '",
                            no_duplicate_label[no_duplicate_level %in% no_duplicate_label], "', ",
                            "'", no_duplicate_level[no_duplicate_level %in% no_duplicate_label], "' now represents '",
                            no_duplicate_level[no_duplicate_label %in% no_duplicate_level], "' \n ",
                            sep = "", collapse = " \n")
                    if (any(same_represent)) {
                      paste("'", duplicates, "' still represents '", duplicates, "'",
                            sep = "", collapse = " \n")
                    sep = " "))

##  ............................................................................
##  check if new levels differ from old unique character strings
  if (!setequal(prior, posterior)) {
    # levels that are not current names
    if (!all(posterior %in% prior)) {
      warning(paste("the following levels were empty: \n",
                    paste(c(posterior %w/o% prior), collapse = "\n")),
              call. = FALSE)

##  ............................................................................
##  check that current names that don't become levels
    if (!all(prior %in% posterior)) {
      warning(paste("the following levels were removed: \n",
                    paste(prior[!(prior %in% posterior)], collapse = "\n")),
              call. = FALSE)
#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   output
jonmcalder/refactor documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 3:46 a.m.