#' Brass PF Fertility Estimation
#' @param ages A vector of starting ages of five-year age groups ranging from 15 to 45 (default = c(15,20,25,30,35,40,45))
#' @param P A vector of mean parities by five-year age group - same groups as 'ages'
#' @param asfr A vector of age-specific fertility rates by five-year age group - same groups as 'ages'
#' @param adjust_group A vector of age-groups from 'ages' to be used for selection of PF ratios to adjust asfr data
#' (default set to 20 (20-24 five-year age group))
#' @return A list with 3 elements:
#' pf_data data frame with columns ages, P for mean parities, asfr, Fi for cumulate fertility estimated from Brass coefficients,PF for ratios P/F and adj_asfr for adjusted asfr;
#' tfr_unadj for unadjusted total fertility rate estimate;
#' and tfr_adj for adjusted total fertility rate estimate by applying the selected age-group PF ratio
#' @export
#' @source
#' Brass W, AJ. 1968. Coale Methods of analysis and estimation. In: BRASS, W. et al. (Ed.). The demography of tropical Africa. 1. ed. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, p. 88-139.
#' Brass W. 1975. Methods for Estimating Fertility and Mortality from Limited and Defected Data. North Carolina: Carolina Population Center.
#' @examples
#' ## Malawi 2008 Census data:
#' ages_ma = c(15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45)
#' asfr_ma = c(0.111, 0.245, 0.230, 0.195, 0.147, 0.072, 0.032)
#' P_ma = c(0.283, 1.532, 2.849, 4.185, 5.214, 6.034, 6.453)
#' fertBrassPF(P = P_ma, asfr = asfr_ma)
fertBrassPF <-
function( ages = seq(15,45,5),
adjust_group = c(20)){
mult.pf_brass <- DemoToolsData::mult.pf_brass
## ages : 5 year age group from 15 to 49 as a vector c(15,20,25,30,35,40,45) by default
## P : mean number of children ever born to women from age group x
## asfr : age specific fertility rates of age group x
# 1. Check if inputs have the correct dimensions
stopifnot( all.equal( length(ages), length(P), length(asfr)) )
# 2. Create a matrix with three input vectors
pf_data <-
data.frame( ages , P , asfr)
# 3. Compute mean age at respective age group
ages_mean <-
pf_data$ages + 2.5
# 4. Compute mean age at motherhood
mean_age_moth <-
# 5. Compute ratio P(1)/P(2)
p_ratio <-
pf_data$P[1] / pf_data$P[2]
# # 6. Entry of multipliers matrix
# mult_data <-
# data.frame(
# ages = c( "15-19" , "20-24" , "25-29" , "30-34" , "35-39" , "40-44" , "45-49" , "P1/P2" , "f1/f2" , "m"),
# Int1 = c( 1.120 , 2.555 , 2.925 , 3.055 , 3.165 , 3.325 , 3.640 , 0.014 , 0.036 , 31.7),
# Int2 = c( 1.310 , 2.690 , 2.960 , 3.075 , 3.190 , 3.375 , 3.895 , 0.045 , 0.113 , 30.7),
# Int3 = c( 1.615 , 2.780 , 2.985 , 3.095 , 3.215 , 3.435 , 4.150 , 0.090 , 0.213 , 29.7),
# Int4 = c( 1.950 , 2.840 , 3.010 , 3.120 , 3.245 , 3.510 , 4.395 , 0.143 , 0.330 , 28.7),
# Int5 = c( 2.305 , 2.890 , 3.035 , 3.140 , 3.285 , 3.610 , 4.630 , 0.205 , 0.460 , 27.7),
# Int6 = c( 2.640 , 2.925 , 3.055 , 3.165 , 3.325 , 3.740 , 4.840 , 0.268 , 0.605 , 26.7),
# Int7 = c( 2.925 , 2.960 , 3.075 , 3.190 , 3.375 , 3.915 , 4.985 , 0.330 , 0.764 , 25.7),
# Int8 = c( 3.170 , 2.985 , 3.095 , 3.215 , 3.435 , 4.150 , 5.000 , 0.387 , 0.939 , 24.7)
# )
# 7. Find the interval in which the p_ratio lies in
int.p <-
mult.pf_brass[ 8 , 2:9 ]
# 8. Find alpha.1 by interpolation of p_ratio
alpha.1 <-
( p_ratio - mult.pf_brass[ 8 , ( int.p + 1 ) ] ) / ( mult.pf_brass[ 8 , ( int.p + 2 ) ] - mult.pf_brass[ 8 , ( int.p + 1 ) ] )
# 9. Three first age groups coefficients are generated by interpolation with alpha.1
group.1 <-
mult.pf_brass[ 1:3 , ( int.p + 1 ) : ( int.p + 2 ) ]
group.1$ks <-
alpha.1 * ( group.1[ , 2 ] - group.1[ , 1 ] ) + group.1[ , 1 ]
# 10. Find the interval in which the mean age at motherhood lies in
int.m <-
8 -
# 11. If mean age at motherhood is higher than upper bound, add it into the last interval 30.7-31.7
if ( int.m == 8 ){
warning('Mean age of motherhood is greater than 31.7')
int.m <- 7
# 12. Compute alpha.2 by interpolation of mean age at motherhood with found age interval
alpha.2 <-
( mean_age_moth - mult.pf_brass[ 10 , ( int.m + 1 ) ] ) /
( mult.pf_brass[ 10 , ( int.m + 2 ) ] - mult.pf_brass[ 10 , ( int.m + 1 ) ] )
# 13. Four age groups coefficients are generated by interpolation with alpha.2
group.2 <-
mult.pf_brass[ 4:7 , ( int.m + 1 ) : ( int.m + 2 ) ]
group.2$ks <-
alpha.2 * ( group.2[ , 2 ] - group.2[ , 1 ] ) + group.2[ , 1 ]
# 14. Create coefficients vector and add to data
pf_data$ki <-
c( group.1$ks , group.2$ks )
# 15. Cumulate asfr for Fi estimation
pf_data$delta <- 0
for ( i in 1:6 ) {
pf_data[ i+1 , 'delta'] <-
( pf_data[ i , 'asfr' ] ) * 5 + ( pf_data[ i , 'delta' ] )
# 16. Multiply coefficients ki by asfr and add to delta to estimate Fi
pf_data$Fi <-
round( pf_data$delta + pf_data$ki * pf_data$asfr, 3 )
# 17. Compute PF ratios
pf_data$PF <-
round( pf_data$P / pf_data$Fi, 3)
# 18. Adjust asfr by selected age groups PF ratio mean (default = 20-24)
pf_data$adj_asfr <-
round( mean( pf_data$PF[ ages %in% adjust_group ] ) * pf_data$asfr, 3 )
# 19. set returning list of results
pf_output <-
pf_data = pf_data[,c('ages', 'P', 'asfr', 'Fi', 'PF', 'adj_asfr')],
tfr_unadj = round( sum( pf_data$asfr*5 ), 3),
tfr_adj = round( sum( pf_data$adj_asfr * 5 ), 3)
#' Brass PF Fertility Estimation using Coale-Trussel coefficients
#' @param ages A vector of starting ages of five-year age groups ranging from 15 to 45 (default = c(15,20,25,30,35,40,45))
#' @param P A vector of mean parities by five-year age group - same groups as 'ages'
#' @param asfr A vector of age-specific fertility rates by five-year age group - same groups as 'ages'
#' @param adjust_group A vector of age-groups from 'ages' to be used for selection of PF ratios to adjust asfr data
#' (default set to 20 (20-24 five-year age group))
#' @param age_shift TRUE (default) if fertility rates are calculated from births in a 12-month period
#' by age of mothed at the end of period and FALSE if fertility rates are calculated from births by
#' age of mother at the end of the period
#' @return A list with 3 elements:
#' pf_data data frame with columns ages, P for mean parities, asfr, Fi for cumulate fertility estimated from Brass coefficients,PF for ratios P/F and adj_asfr for adjusted asfr;
#' tfr_unadj for unadjusted total fertility rate estimate;
#' and tfr_adj for adjusted total fertility rate estimate by applying the selected age-group PF ratio
#' @export
#' @source
#' United Nations. 1983. Manual X: Indirect techniques for demographic estimation
#' (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.83.XIII.2).
#' @examples
#' ## Bangladesh 1974 survey data:
#' ages_bd = c(15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45)
#' asfr_bd = c(0.1063, 0.2296, 0.2154, 0.1825, 0.1339, 0.0644, 0.0336)
#' P_bd = c(0.385, 1.847, 3.485, 4.917, 5.861, 6.194, 6.084)
#' fertBrassPF.cltrss(P = P_bd, asfr = asfr_bd, adjust_group = c(20,25,30))
fertBrassPF.cltrss <-
function( ages = seq(15,45,5),
adjust_group = c(20),
age_shift = TRUE){
mult.age_shift <- DemoToolsData::mult.age_shift
mult.cltrs_noshift <- DemoToolsData::mult.cltrs_noshift
mult.cltrs_shift <- DemoToolsData::mult.cltrs_shift
# 1. Check if inputs have the correct dimensions
stopifnot( all.equal( length(ages), length(P), length(asfr)) )
# 2. Create a matrix with three input vectors
pf_data <-
data.frame( ages , P , asfr)
# 3. Cumulate asfr for Fi estimation
pf_data$phi <-
pf_data$asfr * 5
for ( i in 2:7 ) {
pf_data[ i , 'phi'] <-
( pf_data[ i , 'asfr' ] ) * 5 + ( pf_data[ i - 1 , 'phi' ] )
# 4. Select which multipliers to use
if (age_shift == TRUE){
mult.cltrs <-
} else{
mult.cltrs <-
# 5. Compute Fi from phi values and Coale-Trussel multipliers
pf_data$Fi <- NA
pf_data$Fi[1] <-
0 +
mult.cltrs$ai[1] * pf_data$asfr[1] +
mult.cltrs$bi[1] * pf_data$asfr[2] +
mult.cltrs$ci[1] * pf_data$phi[7]
for ( i in 2:6 ) {
pf_data$Fi[i] <-
pf_data$phi[ i - 1 ] +
mult.cltrs$ai[ i ] * pf_data$asfr[ i ] +
mult.cltrs$bi[ i ] * pf_data$asfr[ i + 1] +
mult.cltrs$ci[ i ] * pf_data$phi[7]
pf_data$Fi[7] <-
pf_data$phi[6] +
mult.cltrs$ai[7] * pf_data$asfr[7] +
mult.cltrs$bi[7] * pf_data$asfr[6] +
mult.cltrs$ci[7] * pf_data$phi[7]
# 6. Calculation of fertility schedule for conventional 5-year age group if age_shift == TRUE
if (age_shift == TRUE){
pf_data$wi <-
for (i in 1:6){
pf_data$wi[i] <-
mult.age_shift$xi[i] +
mult.age_shift$yi[i] * pf_data$asfr[i] / pf_data$phi[7] +
mult.age_shift$zi[i] * pf_data$asfr[i + 1] / pf_data$phi[7]
pf_data$asfr_shift <-
pf_data$asfr_shift[1] <-
pf_data$asfr[1] * ( 1 ) + pf_data$wi[1] * pf_data$asfr[2]
pf_data$asfr_shift[7] <-
pf_data$asfr[7] * ( 1 - pf_data$wi[6] )
for (i in 2:6){
pf_data$asfr_shift[i] <-
pf_data$asfr[i] * ( 1 - pf_data$wi[i-1] ) +
pf_data$wi[i] * pf_data$asfr[i+1]
# 7. Compute PF ratios
pf_data$PF <-
round( pf_data$P / pf_data$Fi, 3)
# 8. Adjust asfr by selected age groups PF ratio mean (default = 20-24)
if (age_shift == TRUE){
pf_data$adj_asfr <-
round( mean( pf_data$PF[ pf_data$ages %in% adjust_group ] ) * pf_data$asfr_shift, 3 )
} else{
pf_data$adj_asfr <-
round( mean( pf_data$PF[ pf_data$ages %in% adjust_group ] ) * pf_data$asfr, 3 )
# 9. Set returning list of results
pf_output <-
pf_data = pf_data[,c('ages', 'P', 'asfr', 'Fi', 'PF', 'adj_asfr')],
tfr_unadj = round( sum( pf_data$asfr*5 ), 3),
tfr_adj = round( sum( pf_data$adj_asfr * 5 ), 3)
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