
#' Add a cv folds column to a data frame.
#' @param training_frame data frame, the frame to which to
#' append the cv folds column
#' @param n_folds integer, number of folds
#' @return A data frame identical to training frame with one extra column
#' called "fold_id" that gives the fold of each column.  Also, the attributes
#' "cv_column" and "n_folds" are added to indicate that a cv column has been defined.  If
#' the "cv_column" attribute is already present, training_frame is returned
#' unchanged.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_cv_folds(iris, 5)
get_cv_folds <- function(training_frame, n_folds = 5){
  #Check to see if training_frame already has a CV column.  If not, add one.
  if(!n_folds > 1 | n_folds != round(n_folds))
    stop("n_folds must be an integer greater than 1.")
    num_obs <- nrow(training_frame)
    # Cross-validation folds
    folds <- sample(rep(seq(n_folds), ceiling(num_obs/n_folds)))[1:num_obs]
    training_frame$fold_id <- folds
    attributes(training_frame)$cv_column <- "fold_id"
    attributes(training_frame)$n_folds <- n_folds

#' Internal function to get level 1 data to stack on.
#' This function does the work for get_level_1_data.  See the documentation
#' for get_level_1_data for details on the functionality.
.get_level_1_data <- function(training_frame,
                              testing_frame = NULL,
                              n_folds = 5,
  #We assume that if n_folds == 1, that the only reasonable explanation is that
  #the validation from should be testing_frame, otherwise having 1-fold cross
  #validation makes no sense.
  if(n_folds == 1 & is.null(testing_frame))
    stop("If n_folds is 1, testing_frame must be provided.")

  #Add a folds column to keep track of CV folds if it's not present already.
  if(n_folds != 1)
    training_frame <- get_cv_folds(training_frame, n_folds = n_folds)
  train <- as.data.table(training_frame)
  test <- as.data.table(testing_frame)
  if(n_folds > 1){
    train_output <- cbind(train[,.(fold_id = fold_id)],
                          train[,response, with = FALSE])#to hold training set output

  for(i in 1:length(model_wrappers)){
    model_wrapper <- names(model_wrappers)[i] #The name of the wrapper.
      model_wrapper <- paste0("Model_", i)
    wrapper_function <- model_wrappers[[i]] #The wrapper itself.
    #track progress with bar.
    if(n_folds != 1){
      cat(paste0("Cross validating and training ", model_wrapper,
                 ". Each tick represents a cross validation.\n" ))
    } else {
      cat(paste0("Generating level 1 data for test set using ", model_wrapper, "\n"))
    progress <- txtProgressBar(max = n_folds, width = n_folds, style = 3)

    #Each loop adds predictions for the fold under consideration, while all
    #subsequent folds have NA placeholders.  Each time the loop repeats the NA's
    #for the current fold are overwritten (by reference, thanks data.table!).
    #You can watch this process occur with the debugger.

    for(fold in 1:n_folds){
      #If n_folds is at least two, the validation frame will be the fold
      #outside the training set.
      if(n_folds != 1){
        train_output[fold_id == fold,
                     (model_wrapper) :=
                       wrapper_function(training_frame =
                                          train[fold_id != fold,][,!"fold_id", with = FALSE], #remove fold_id column
                                        validation_frame =
                                          train[fold_id == fold,][,!"fold_id", with = FALSE],
                                        ...)] #remove fold_id column
      } else {
        test[, (model_wrapper) := wrapper_function(training_frame = train[,!"fold_id", with = FALSE],
                                                   validation_frame = testing_frame,
      setTxtProgressBar(progress, fold)
  if(n_folds != 1){
    train_output[, fold_id := NULL] #Remove fold_id column
    output <- train_output
  } else {
    test[,(names(testing_frame)) := NULL] #Remove original columns
    output <- test

#' Get level 1 training and testing data
#' @param training_frame
#' @param response string, name of the response column
#' @param model_wrappers (named) vector or list of functions. Names are optional, and
#' in their absence names will be automatically generated.  See details below
#' for defining model wrappers.
#' @param testing_frame data.frame, optional.  If present, each model_wrapper
#' is trained on the entire training_frame and then used to predict on the
#' testing_frame.
#' @param n_folds integer, number of cross-validation folds.  May be omitted if
#' training_frame already contains a fold column defined by get_cv_folds
#' @param ... arguments passed to the user defined model wrappers.
#' @import data.table
#' @return a list containing two data frames.  The first is the level 1
#' training data, the second is the level 1 data for the testing set.
#' @details The level 1 data is always generated on data not seen by the
#' training model.
#' Each model wrapper is a function that accepts at least two arguments (training_frame
#' and validation_frame) and returns a numeric vector whose length is nrow(validation_frame).
#' Other arguments may exist, but both training_frame and validation_frame
#' must be present for the wrapper to work correctly.
#' The model wrapper should train on training_frame, predict on validation_frame,
#' and output the result of the prediction as a numeric vector.  Both training_frame
#' and validation_frame are changed internally to data.tables for memory efficiency.  If you're
#' working with smaller data and do not want or need the power of data.table,
#' you can work instead with data.frames by calling
#' training_frame <- as.data.frame(training_frame)
#' validation_frame <- as.data.frame(validation_frame)
#' as the first two lines of your wrapper function.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #First we define a model wrapper that trains a linear model
#' iris_model_wrapper <- function(training_frame, validation_frame){
#'  linear_model <- lm(Petal.Length ~ ., data = training_frame)
#'  predict(linear_model, newdata = validation_frame) #the output
#' }
#' iris_training <- iris[1:100,-5]
#' iris_testing <- iris[101:150,-5]
#' #define a CV fold column for iris_training so we can use it for all future
#' #model wrappers.
#' iris_training <- get_cv_folds(iris_training, n_folds = 10)
#' lv1_data <- get_level_1_data(iris_training,
#'                              response = "Petal.Length",
#'                              model_wrappers = c(iris_model_wrapper = iris_model_wrapper),
#'                              testing_frame = iris_testing)
get_level_1_data <- function(training_frame,
                             testing_frame = NULL,
                             n_folds = 5,
  if(is.null(attributes(training_frame)$cv_column) & !n_folds > 1)
    stop("n_folds must be at least 2 for stacking to work correctly.")
  #Check for a folds column in training frame and use that instead of making a
  #new one.
    message(paste("Detected a cv fold column already present in training_frame. Ignoring n_folds argument and using",
                "as the folds column.\n"))
    #Get the number of folds previously defined.
    n_folds <- attributes(training_frame)$n_folds
  level_1_training <- .get_level_1_data(training_frame =  training_frame,
                                        response = response,
                                        model_wrappers = model_wrappers,
                                        n_folds = n_folds,
    level_1_testing <- NULL
    level_1_testing <- .get_level_1_data(training_frame = training_frame,
                                         response = response,
                                         model_wrappers = model_wrappers,
                                         n_folds = 1,
                                         testing_frame = testing_frame,
  list(level_1_training = level_1_training, level_1_testing = level_1_testing)
josh-whitney/stacker documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:51 p.m.