# xts: eXtensible time-series
# Copyright (C) 2008 Jeffrey A. Ryan jeff.a.ryan @ gmail.com
# Contributions from Joshua M. Ulrich
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' Get and Replace the Class of an xts Index
#' Functions to get and replace an xts object's index values and it's
#' components.
#' An xts object's index is stored internally as the number of seconds since
#' UNIX epoch in the UTC timezone. The `.index()` and `.index<-` functions get
#' and replace the internal numeric value of the index, respectively. These
#' functions are primarily for internal use, but are exported because they may
#' be useful for users.
#' The replacement method also updates the [`tclass()`] and [`tzone()`] of the
#' index to match the class and timezone of the new index, respectively. The
#' `index()` method converts the internal numeric index to the class specified
#' by the 'tclass' attribute and with the timezone specified by the 'tzone'
#' attribute before returning the index values to the user.
#' The `.indexXXX()` functions below extract time components from the internal
#' time index. They return values like the values of [POSIXlt] components.
#' \describe{
#' \item{`.indexsec`}{0 - 61: seconds of the minute (local time)}
#' \item{`.indexmin`}{0 - 59: minutes of the hour (local time)}
#' \item{`.indexhour`}{0 - 23: hours of the day (local time)}
#' \item{`.indexDate`}{date as seconds since the epoch (UTC *not local time*}
#' \item{`.indexday`}{date as seconds since the epoch (UTC *not local time*}
#' \item{`.indexwday`}{0 - 6: day of the week (Sunday - Saturday, local time)}
#' \item{`.indexmday`}{1 - 31: day of the month (local time)}
#' \item{`.indexweek`}{weeks since the epoch (UTC *not local time*}
#' \item{`.indexmon`}{0 - 11: month of the year (local time)}
#' \item{`.indexyear`}{years since 1900 (local time)}
#' \item{`.indexyday`}{0 - 365: day of the year (local time, 365 only in leap years)}
#' \item{`.indexisdst`}{1, 0, -1: Daylight Saving Time flag. Positive if
#' Daylight Saving Time is in effect, zero if not, negative if unknown.}
#' }
#' Changes in timezone, index class, and index format internal structure, by
#' \pkg{xts} version:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Version 0.12.0:}{The `.indexTZ`, `.indexCLASS` and `.indexFORMAT`
#' attributes are no longer stored on xts objects, only on the index itself.
#' \cr\cr
#' The `indexTZ()`, `indexClass()`, and `indexFormat()` functions (and
#' their respective replacement methods) are deprecated in favor of their
#' respective `tzone()`, `tclass()`, and `tformat()` versions. The previous
#' versions throw a warning that they're deprecated, but they will continue
#' to work. They will never be removed or throw an error. Ever.
#' \cr\cr
#' The new versions are careful to look for the old attributes on the xts
#' object, in case they're ever called on an xts object that was created prior
#' to the attributes being added to the index itself.
#' \cr\cr
#' You can set `options(xts.warn.index.missing.tzone = TRUE)` and
#' `options(xts.warn.index.missing.tclass = TRUE)` to identify xts objects
#' that do not have a 'tzone' or 'tclass' attribute on the index, even if
#' there is a 'tzone' or 'tclass' attribute on the xts object itself. The
#' warnings will be thrown when the object is printed.
#' Use `x <- as.xts(x)` to update these objects to the new structure.}
#' \item{Version 0.9.8:}{The index timezone is now set to "UTC" for time classes
#' that do not have any intra-day component (e.g. days, months, quarters).
#' Previously the timezone was blank, which meant "local time" as determined by
#' \R and the OS.}
#' \item{Version 0.9.2:}{There are new get/set methods for the timezone, index
#' class, and index format attributes: `tzone()` and, `tzone<-`, `tclass()`
#' and `tclass<-`, and `tformat()` and `tformat<-`. These new functions are
#' aliases to their `indexTZ()`, `indexClass()`, and `indexFormat()`
#' counterparts.}
#' \item{Version 0.7.5:}{The timezone, index class, and index format were added
#' as attributes to the index itself, as 'tzone', 'tclass', and 'tformat',
#' respectively. This is in order to remove those three attributes from the xts
#' object, so they're only on the index itself.
#' \cr\cr
#' The `indexTZ()`, `indexClass()`, and `indexFormat()` functions (and their
#' respective replacement methods) will continue to work as in prior \pkg{xts}
#' versions. The attributes on the index take priority over their respective
#' counterparts that may be on the xts object.}
#' \item{Versions 0.6.4 and prior:}{Objects track their timezone and index class
#' in their '.indexTZ' and '.indexCLASS' attributes, respectively.}
#' }
#' @param x An xts object.
#' @param value A new time index value.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed to other methods.
#' @author Jeffrey A. Ryan
#' @seealso [`tformat()`] describes how the index values are formatted when
#' printed, [`tclass()`] documents how \pkg{xts} handles the index class, and
#' [`tzone()`] has more information about index timezone settings.
#' @keywords ts utilities
#' @examples
#' x <- timeBasedSeq('2010-01-01/2010-01-01 12:00/H')
#' x <- xts(seq_along(x), x)
#' # the index values, converted to 'tclass' (POSIXct in this case)
#' index(x)
#' class(index(x)) # POSIXct
#' tclass(x) # POSIXct
#' # the internal numeric index
#' .index(x)
#' # add 1 hour (3600 seconds) to the numeric index
#' .index(x) <- index(x) + 3600
#' index(x)
#' y <- timeBasedSeq('2010-01-01/2010-01-02 12:00')
#' y <- xts(seq_along(y), y)
#' # Select all observations in the first 6 and last 3 minutes of the
#' # 8th and 15th hours on each day
#' y[.indexhour(y) %in% c(8, 15) & .indexmin(y) %in% c(0:5, 57:59)]
#' i <- 0:60000
#' focal_date <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2018-02-01", tz = "UTC"))
#' y <- .xts(i, c(focal_date + i * 15), tz = "UTC", dimnames = list(NULL, "value"))
#' # Select all observations for the first minute of each hour
#' y[.indexmin(y) == 0]
#' # Select all observations on Monday
#' mon <- y[.indexwday(y) == 1]
#' head(mon)
#' tail(mon)
#' unique(weekdays(index(mon))) # check
#' # Disjoint time of day selections
#' # Select all observations between 08:30 and 08:59:59.9999 or between 12:00 and 12:14:59.99999:
#' y[.indexhour(y) == 8 & .indexmin(y) >= 30 | .indexhour(y) == 12 & .indexmin(x) %in% 0:14]
#' ### Compound selections
#' # Select all observations for Wednesdays or Fridays between 9am and 4pm (exclusive of 4pm):
#' y[.indexwday(y) %in% c(3, 5) & (.indexhour(y) %in% c(9:15))]
#' # Select all observations on Monday between 8:59:45 and 09:04:30:
#' y[.indexwday(y) == 1 & (.indexhour(y) == 8 & .indexmin(y) == 59 & .indexsec(y) >= 45 |
#' .indexhour(y) == 9 &
#' (.indexmin(y) < 4 | .indexmin(y) == 4 & .indexsec(y) <= 30))]
#' i <- 0:30000
#' u <- .xts(i, c(focal_date + i * 1800), tz = "UTC", dimnames = list(NULL, "value"))
#' # Select all observations for January or February:
#' u[.indexmon(u) %in% c(0, 1)]
#' # Select all data for the 28th to 31st of each month, excluding any Fridays:
#' u[.indexmday(u) %in% 28:31 & .indexwday(u) != 5]
#' # Subset by week since origin
#' unique(.indexweek(u))
#' origin <- xts(1, as.POSIXct("1970-01-01"))
#' unique(.indexweek(origin))
#' # Select all observations in weeks 2515 to 2517.
#' u2 <- u[.indexweek(u) %in% 2515:2517]
#' head(u2); tail(u2)
#' # Select all observations after 12pm for day 50 and 51 in each year
#' u[.indexyday(u) %in% 50:51 & .indexhour(u) >= 12]
index.xts <-
function(x, ...) {
value <- tclass(x)
if(is.null(value) || !nzchar(value[1L])) {
warning("index does not have a ", sQuote("tclass"), " attribute\n",
" returning c(\"POSIXct\", \"POSIXt\")")
ix <- .index(x)
attr(ix, "tclass") <- attr(ix, "class") <- c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
# if tclass is Date, POSIXct time is set to 00:00:00 GMT. Convert here
# to avoid ugly and hard to debug TZ conversion. What will this break?
if(value[[1]] == "Date")
#return( as.Date(.index(x)/86400) )
return( structure(.index(x) %/% 86400, class="Date"))
#x.index <- structure(.index(x), class=c("POSIXct","POSIXt"))
x.index <- .POSIXct(.index(x), tz=attr(.index(x), "tzone"))
value <- as.list(value)
multitime = as.Date(as.character(x.index)),
POSIXt = {
# get specific ct/lt value
POSIXct = as.POSIXct(x.index),
POSIXlt = as.POSIXlt(x.index),
timeDate = {
if(!requireNamespace("timeDate", quietly=TRUE))
stop("package:",dQuote("timeDate"),"cannot be loaded.")
chron = ,
dates = {
if(!requireNamespace("chron", quietly=TRUE))
stop("package:",dQuote("chron"),"cannot be loaded.")
#Date = as.Date(as.character(x.index)), # handled above
yearmon = as.yearmon(x.index),
yearqtr = as.yearqtr(x.index),
stop(paste('unsupported',sQuote('tclass'),'indexing type:',value[[1]]))
#' @rdname index.xts
`index<-.xts` <- function(x, value) {
if(length(index(x)) != length(value)) stop('length of index vectors does not match')
if( !timeBased(value) )
'index type of class',sQuote(class(value))))
# copy original index attributes
ixattr <- attributes(attr(x, 'index'))
# set index to the numeric value of the desired index class
attr(x, 'index') <- structure(unclass(value)*86400, tclass="Date", tzone="UTC")
else attr(x, 'index') <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(value))
# ensure new index is sorted
if(!isOrdered(.index(x), strictly=FALSE))
stop("new index needs to be sorted")
# set tclass attribute to the end-user specified class
attr(attr(x, 'index'), 'tclass') <- class(value)
# set tzone attribute
if(isClassWithoutTZ(object = value)) {
attr(attr(x, 'index'), 'tzone') <- 'UTC'
} else {
if (is.null(attr(value, 'tzone'))) {
# ensure index has tzone attribute if value does not
attr(attr(x, 'index'), 'tzone') <- ixattr[["tzone"]]
} else {
attr(attr(x, 'index'), 'tzone') <- attr(value, 'tzone')
#' @rdname index.xts
`time<-.xts` <- `index<-.xts`
#' @rdname index.xts
time.xts <- index.xts
#' @rdname index.xts
`.index` <- function(x, ...) {
if(is.list(attr(x, "index"))) {
attr(x, 'index')[[1]]
} else attr(x, "index")
#' @rdname index.xts
`.index<-` <- function(x, value) {
if(timeBased(value)) {
if(inherits(value, 'Date')) {
attr(x, 'index') <- as.numeric(value)
} else {
attr(x, 'index') <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(value))
} else
if(is.numeric(value)) {
attr(value, 'tclass') <- tclass(x)
attr(value, 'tzone') <- tzone(x)
attr(x, 'index') <- value
} else stop(".index is used for low level operations - data must be numeric or timeBased")
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexsec` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$sec
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexmin` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$min
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexhour` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$hour
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexmday` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$mday
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexmon` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$mon
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexyear` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$year
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexwday` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$wday
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexbday` <- function(x) {
# is business day T/F
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$wday %% 6 > 0
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexyday` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$yday
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexisdst` <- function(x) {
as.POSIXlt(.POSIXct(.index(x), tz=tzone(x)))$isdst }
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexDate` <- function(x) {
.index(x) %/% 86400L
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexday` <- .indexDate
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexweek` <- function(x) {
(.index(x) + (3 * 86400)) %/% 86400 %/% 7
#' @rdname index.xts
`.indexyweek` <- function(x) {
((.index(x) + (3 * 86400)) %/% 86400 %/% 7) -
((startOfYear() * 86400 + (3 * 86400)) %/% 86400 %/% 7)[.indexyear(x) + 1]
#' @rdname index.xts
`convertIndex` <-
function(x,value) {
tclass(x) <- value
.update_index_attributes <- function(x) {
tclass(x) <- tclass(x)
tzone(x) <- tzone(x)
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