
Defines functions colonist_species_type_to_str

Documented in colonist_species_type_to_str

#' Convert a `colonist_species_type` to a string
#' Convert a `colonist_species_type` to a string:
#' Value|String
#' -----|-----------------------------
#' `A`  | `Anagenetic recolonist`
#' `C`  | `Cladogenetic recolonist`
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @return the `colonist_species_type` as a string
#' @examples
#' DAISIEmainland:::colonist_species_type_to_str("A")
#' DAISIEmainland:::colonist_species_type_to_str("C")
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
colonist_species_type_to_str <- function(colonist_species_type) { # nolint Indeed a long internal function name
  testthat::expect_equal(length(colonist_species_type), 1)
  if (colonist_species_type == "A") {
    return("Anagenetic recolonist")
  } else if (colonist_species_type == "C") {
    return("Cladogenetic recolonist")
    "Invalid 'colonist_species_type' with value ", colonist_species_type, " \n",
    "Tip: values can be 'A' or 'C'"
joshwlambert/DAISIEmainland documentation built on July 14, 2024, 5:40 p.m.