Man pages for joshwlambert/DAISIEmainland
Simulates Data for Phylogenetic Data on Islands for DAISIE with the Addition of Mainland Dynamics

add_metadata_to_daisie_dataFormats simulation output into standard DAISIE list output.
all_endemic_cladesChecks if all island species are endemic clades. Clade are...
all_endemic_singletonsChecks if all island species are endemic singletons....
ana_eventUpdates the island_tbl and max_spec_id when an anagenesis...
any_recolsDetermines if the island contains any recolonisations that...
branch_code_to_yConvert a 'branch_code' to a y coordinat in range [0, 1]
calc_cttCalculates the delta colonisation through time (CTT)...
calc_empirical_colCalculates whether colonisations from different mainland...
calc_endemic_percentCalculates what percentage of island species are endemic.
calc_errorCalculates the colonisation through time (CTT) statistic,...
calc_island_endemicsCalculates the number of endemic and non-endemics species on...
calc_max_age_percentCalculates the percent of max age species on the island for...
calc_num_colCalculates summary metrics from a simulation
calc_num_specCalculates summary metrics from a simulation
calc_outliersSubsets the data to those less than the 5th percentile and...
calc_param_diffsCalculates the differences in parameter estimates...
calc_param_ratiosCalculates the ratio in parameter estimates (cladogenesis,...
calc_quantilesCalculates the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentile of...
calc_ratesCalculate rates for island processes
calc_sim_metricsCalculates the summary metrics for the entire parameter space
check_analysis_resultChecks whether the analysis results read by...
check_branch_codeCheck if a 'branch_code' is valid.
check_branching_timesCheck if a 'branching_times' is valid.
check_daisie_dataCheck if a 'daisie_data' (i.e. a 'DAISIE' 'datalist') is...
check_daisie_mainland_dataCheck if a 'daisie_mainland_data' is valid. Will stop if not.
check_event_timesCheck if a 'event_times' is valid.
check_island_tblCheck if an 'island_tbl' is valid.
check_mainland_cladeCheck if an 'mainland_clade' is valid.
check_missing_speciesCheck if a 'missing_species' is valid.
check_multi_daisie_dataCheck if an 'multi_daisie_data' is valid for both...
check_multi_mainland_cladeCheck if an 'multi_mainland_clade' is valid. Will stop if...
check_species_typeCheck if a 'species_type' is valid.
check_stacCheck if a 'stac' is valid.
choose_scientificDecides whether number should be in normal or scientific form...
clado_eventUpdates the island_tbl and max_spec_id when a cladogenesis...
colonist_species_type_to_strConvert a 'colonist_species_type' to a string
common_ancestor_timeCalculates the branching time of the common ancestor of two...
count_extant_mainland_speciesCount the number of extant mainland species
create_daisie_dataConverts simulation output into island output
create_empirical_islandConvert intermediate output to final simulation output for...
create_false_clade_brtsCreates a vector of branching times when empirical data is a...
create_ideal_islandConvert intermediate output to final simulation output for...
create_ihs_breaksCreates the axis numbers (breaks) for plotting with an...
create_labelsCreates labels for plots by calling 'scientific'.
create_non_empty_islandCreates an ideal and empirical data set for a single non...
create_test_island_tblCreates an island community for testing purposes
create_test_mainland_cladeCreates a clade on the mainland for testing purposes
daisie_data_colonist_info_to_braching_times_tableInternal function
daisie_data_colonist_info_to_colonisation_times_tableInternal function
daisie_data_colonist_info_to_general_tableInternal function
daisie_data_to_tablesConvert 'daisie_data' into a tabular format
daisie_header_to_tableConvert a 'daisie_data_header' into a tabular format
DAISIEmainland'DAISIEmainland': A package to simulate phylogenetic data on...
default_params_docDocumentation for function arguments in the DAISIEmainland...
event_to_strConvert an event to a string
ext_eventUpdates the island_tbl when an extinction event occurs
group_multi_daisie_dataTakes mixed multi_daisie_data produced by the looping over...
immig_eventUpdates the island_tbl when an immigration event occurs
is_daisie_dataDetermine if a 'daisie_data' is valid.
param_spaceParameter space for the analysis of the DAISIE mainland...
plot_ctt_boxplotPlots a boxplot of the delta colonisation through time...
plot_ctt_heatmapPlots a heatmap of the colonisation through time statistic...
plot_ctt_scatterPlots points of the mean delta colonisation through time...
plot_daisie_dataPlot the 'daisie_data'.
plot_daisie_mainland_dataPlot the 'daisie_mainland_data' for a certain replicate
plot_endemicsPlots two faceted boxplots of the percent of endemics on the...
plot_inf_kPlots the percentage of carrying capacity (K') estimates that...
plot_k_estimatesBoxplots of the estimated carrying capacity faceted for ideal...
plot_log_param_ratiosPlots a grid of density plots of parameter estimates on the...
plot_mainlandPlot the simulated mainland.
plot_mainland_cladePlot the simulated mainland.
plot_max_agePlots two faceted boxplots of the percent of max age...
plot_param_diffsPlots a grid of density plots of parameter estimates on the...
plot_sim_metricsPlots metrics from simulations
read_analysis_resultsReads all the the results from a directory, with path is...
sample_eventSamples what event to happen next on the island.
sample_mainlandSamples the mainland clade with the mainland sampling...
scientificCreates the axis numbers (labels) for plotting with...
sim_islandSimulates the island given rates and a mainland clade
sim_island_with_mainlandSimulate oceanic islands with mainland extinction given...
sim_mainlandSimulates mainland extinction as a species-level moran...
species_type_to_strConvert an 'species_type' to a string, where the...
stac_to_english_strConvert a 'stac' (status of colonist) to an...
stac_to_strConvert a 'stac' (status of colonist) to a string
str_to_eventConvert a string to an event
str_to_stacConvert a string to a 'stac'
update_island_endemicsChecks and updates if any changes on the mainland change the...
update_stateUpdates state of island given sampled event for a constant...
joshwlambert/DAISIEmainland documentation built on July 14, 2024, 5:40 p.m.