test_that(".genome_to_tx and genomeToTranscript works", {
edbx <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "X")
res_lst <- list()
## TODO: 1) compare .genome_to_tx2 to .genome_to_tx.
## 2) add all results to a result list.
## 3) run the analysis on a GRanges length > 1, adding also bogus
## /failing ranges.
## 4) Check that the final version also works.
## 1) ENST00000381578, + strand last four nt of CDS.
## Position in ENST00000381578: 259 + 709 + 209 + 58 + 89 + 245 = 1569
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 605370, end = 605374))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 644635, end = 644639), info = "Others")
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, db = edbx)
res_lst <- c(res_lst, list(res))
expect_true(length(res) == 2)
expect_true(is(res, "IRanges"))
expect_equal(start(res["ENST00000381578"]), 1569)
expect_equal(width(res["ENST00000381578"]), 5)
## Restrict to negative strand - nothing there.
strand(gnm) <- "-"
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, db = edbx)
expect_equal(length(res), 1)
expect_equal(start(res), -1)
expect_true(is(res, "IRanges"))
## 2) ENST00000486554, - strand, nt 1-3 of tx
## gnm <- GRanges("X:106959629-106959631")
gnm <- GRanges("X:107716399-107716401")
gnm$info <- "Others"
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, db = edbx)
res_lst <- c(res_lst, list(res))
expect_equal(names(res), c("ENST00000372390", "ENST00000486554"))
expect_equal(start(res["ENST00000486554"]), 1)
expect_equal(width(res["ENST00000486554"]), 3)
## 3) ENST00000486554, - strand, nt 1-3 of CDS, nt 501-503 of tx
## gnm <- GRanges("X:106959129-106959131")
gnm <- GRanges("X:107715899-107715901")
gnm$info <- "Others"
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, db = edbx)
res_lst <- c(res_lst, list(res))
expect_equal(length(res), 11)
expect_equal(start(res["ENST00000486554"]), 501)
expect_equal(width(res["ENST00000486554"]), 3)
## 4) As above, just not all within the exon.
## gnm <- GRanges("X:106959629-106959635")
gnm <- GRanges("X:107716399-107716405")
gnm$info <- "Others"
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, db = edbx)
res_lst <- c(res_lst, list(res))
expect_true(length(res) == 1)
expect_equal(names(res), "ENST00000372390")
## 5) ENST00000486554, - strand, nts 5-8 in exon 2
## exon 1: 503nt: region is expected at 508-511.
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(end = 106957975, width = 4))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(end = 107714745, width = 4))
gnm$info <- "Others"
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, db = edbx)
res_lst <- c(res_lst, list(res))
expect_true(length(res) == 9) # overlapping many tx...
expect_equal(start(res["ENST00000486554"]), 508)
expect_equal(end(res["ENST00000486554"]), 511)
## 6) ENST00000372397, - strand, last 3nt
## exon 3: 446 + 52 + 1529 total length: 2025
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 106956451, width = 3))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 107713221, width = 3))
gnm$info <- "Others"
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, db = edbx)
res_lst <- c(res_lst, list(res))
expect_true(length(res) == 3)
expect_equal(start(res["ENST00000372397"]), 2025)
expect_equal(end(res["ENST00000372397"]), 2027)
## 7) A region with a tx/exon on both strands.
## gnm <- GRanges("7", IRanges(start = 127231550, width = 5))
gnm <- GRanges("7", IRanges(start = 127591496, width = 5))
gnm$info <- "Others"
edb7 <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "7")
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, edb7)
res_lst <- c(res_lst, list(res))
tx <- transcripts(edb7, filter = TxIdFilter(names(res)))
expect_equal(as.character(strand(tx)), c("+", "+", "+", "-"))
expect_true(all(names(tx) %in% c("ENST00000473728", "ENST00000463733",
"ENST00000000233", "ENST00000478328")))
## 7) Check with input being a GRanges of length > 1
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(605370, 106959629),
## end = c(605374, 106959631) ))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(644635, 107716399),
end = c(644639, 107716401) ))
names(gnm) <- c("a", "b")
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, edbx)
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(length(res) == 2)
expect_equal(start(res[[1]]["ENST00000381578"]), 1569)
expect_equal(width(res[[1]]["ENST00000381578"]), 5)
expect_equal(names(res[[2]]), c("ENST00000372390", "ENST00000486554"))
expect_equal(start(res[[2]]["ENST00000486554"]), 1)
expect_equal(width(res[[2]]["ENST00000486554"]), 3)
## Larger example
gnm <- GRanges(
IRanges(start = c(644635, 107716399, 107715899, 107716399, 107714742,
107713221, 127591496, 127591496, 127591496),
end = c(644639, 107716401, 107715901, 107716405, 107714745,
107713223, 127591500, 127591996, 127591497)),
seqnames = c("X", "X", "X", "X", "X", "X", "7", "7", "Z"))
gnm$info <- "Others"
res <- ensembldb:::.genome_to_tx(gnm, edb)
expect_equal(res[[1]], res_lst[[1]])
expect_equal(res[[2]], res_lst[[2]])
expect_equal(res[[3]], res_lst[[3]])
expect_equal(res[[4]], res_lst[[4]])
expect_equal(res[[5]], res_lst[[5]])
expect_equal(res[[6]], res_lst[[6]])
expect_equal(res[[7]], res_lst[[7]])
expect_equal(start(res[[8]]), -1)
expect_equal(start(res[[9]]), -1)
## Check errors etc.
expect_error(genomeToTranscript(x = 4, db = edbx))
expect_error(genomeToTranscript(x = gnm))
expect_error(genomeToTranscript(x = gnm, db = 5))
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 605370, end = 605374))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 644635, end = 644639))
res <- genomeToTranscript(gnm, edbx)
expect_equal(length(gnm), length(res))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(605370, 106959629, 50),
## end = c(605374, 106959631, 50) ))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(644635, 107716399, 50),
end = c(644639, 107716401, 50) ))
names(gnm) <- c("a", "b", "c")
expect_warning(res <- genomeToTranscript(gnm, edbx))
expect_equal(length(gnm), length(res))
expect_equal(names(res), names(gnm))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(start(res[[3]]) < 0)
# test with pre-loaded data
exons <- exonsBy(edb)
gnm <- GRanges(
IRanges(start = c(644635, 107716399, 107715899, 107716399, 107714742,
107713221, 127591496, 127591496, 127591496),
end = c(644639, 107716401, 107715901, 107716405, 107714745,
107713223, 127591500, 127591996, 127591497)),
seqnames = c("X", "X", "X", "X", "X", "X", "7", "7", "Z"))
gnm$info <- 'Others'
expect_warning(expect_true(identical(genomeToTranscript(gnm,edb), genomeToTranscript(gnm,exons))))
test_that("genomeToProtein works", {
edbx <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "X")
## 1) ENST00000381578, + strand first 5nt of the CDS:
## 591633: 5'UTR: 259 + 432 (691); 591,201 + 432 = 591633 is first nt of CDS
## 605371: last nt of CDS: 605126 + 246 - 1
## 605368: last nt prior to the stop codon
## 595564: range that is within the intron
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(591633, 605371, 605368, 595564),
## width = c(5, 1, 1, 3)))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(630898, 644636, 644633, 634829),
width = c(5, 1, 1, 3)))
names(gnm) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_equal(length(res), 4)
## Elements 2 and 4 can not be mapped
expect_equal(start(res[[2]]), c(-1, -1))
expect_equal(start(res[[4]]), c(-1))
## Check that order is correct
expect_true(mcols(res[[1]])$seq_start[1] == 630898)
expect_true(mcols(res[[2]])$seq_start[1] == 644636)
expect_true(mcols(res[[3]])$seq_start[1] == 644633)
expect_true(mcols(res[[4]])$seq_start[1] == 634829)
## Check coords within the protein:
expect_true(start(res[[1]])[1] == 1)
expect_true(end(res[[1]])[1] == 2)
prt <- proteins(edbx, filter = ProteinIdFilter(names(res[[3]])[1]))
expect_equal(start(res[[3]])[1], nchar(prt$protein_sequence))
## 2) ENST00000486554, - strand, nt 1-3
## gnm <- GRanges("X:106959629-106959631")
gnm <- GRanges("X:107716399-107716401")
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, db = edbx))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(length(res) == length(gnm))
## gnm <- GRanges("X:106959629-106959931")
gnm <- GRanges("X:107716399-107716701")
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, db = edbx))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(length(res) == length(gnm))
expect_true(start(res[[1]]) < 0)
## ENST00000486554
## 106959629:3: first 3 nt of transcript
## 106959629:700: spans exon 1 and part of intron 1
## 106959130:2: first two nt of CDS.
## 106957979:1 first nt in exon 2, second amino acid.
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(106959629, 106959629, 106959130,
## 106957979),
## width = c(3, 700, 2, 1)))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(107716399, 107716399, 107715900,
width = c(3, 700, 2, 1)))
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, db = edbx))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(all(start(res[[1]]) < 0))
expect_true(all(start(res[[2]]) < 0))
expect_equal(start(res[[3]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
expect_equal(width(res[[3]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
expect_equal(start(res[[4]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 2)
expect_equal(width(res[[4]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 106959130, width = 2))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 107715900, width = 2))
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(length(res) == length(gnm))
expect_equal(start(res[[1]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
## That's from issue #69
edb_2 <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "19")
## grg <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr19")), IRanges(51920103, width=1, names = "good1"))
grg <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr19")), IRanges(51416849, width=1, names = "good1"))
expect_warning(genomeToProtein(grg, db = edb_2))
edb_2 <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "chr19")
seqlevelsStyle(edb_2) <- "UCSC"
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(grg, db = edb_2))
expect_true(length(res[[1]]) == 4)
## grg <- GRanges("chr19", IRanges(c(51920103, 51919998), width = 1,
## names = c("good1","bad1")))
grg <- GRanges("chr19", IRanges(c(51416849, 51416744), width = 1,
names = c("good1","bad1")))
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(grg, edb_2))
expect_equal(length(res), length(grg))
## Preloaded data test
proteins <- proteins(edb)
exons <- exonsBy(edb)
transcripts <- transcripts(edb)
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(630898, 644636, 644633, 634829),
width = c(5, 1, 1, 3)))
names(gnm) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
expect_error(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx, proteins = proteins, exons = exons))
expect_error(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx, exons = exons))
expect_warning(expect_error(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = exons)))
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_equal(length(res), 4)
## Elements 2 and 4 can not be mapped
expect_equal(start(res[[2]]), c(-1, -1))
expect_equal(start(res[[4]]), c(-1))
## Check that order is correct
expect_true(mcols(res[[1]])$seq_start[1] == 630898)
expect_true(mcols(res[[2]])$seq_start[1] == 644636)
expect_true(mcols(res[[3]])$seq_start[1] == 644633)
expect_true(mcols(res[[4]])$seq_start[1] == 634829)
## Check coords within the protein:
expect_true(start(res[[1]])[1] == 1)
expect_true(end(res[[1]])[1] == 2)
prt <- proteins(edbx, filter = ProteinIdFilter(names(res[[3]])[1]))
expect_equal(start(res[[3]])[1], nchar(prt$protein_sequence))
## 2) ENST00000486554, - strand, nt 1-3
## gnm <- GRanges("X:106959629-106959631")
gnm <- GRanges("X:107716399-107716401")
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, db = edbx, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(length(res) == length(gnm))
## gnm <- GRanges("X:106959629-106959931")
gnm <- GRanges("X:107716399-107716701")
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, db = edbx, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(length(res) == length(gnm))
expect_true(start(res[[1]]) < 0)
## ENST00000486554
## 106959629:3: first 3 nt of transcript
## 106959629:700: spans exon 1 and part of intron 1
## 106959130:2: first two nt of CDS.
## 106957979:1 first nt in exon 2, second amino acid.
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(106959629, 106959629, 106959130,
## 106957979),
## width = c(3, 700, 2, 1)))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(107716399, 107716399, 107715900,
width = c(3, 700, 2, 1)))
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, db = edbx, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(all(start(res[[1]]) < 0))
expect_true(all(start(res[[2]]) < 0))
expect_equal(start(res[[3]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
expect_equal(width(res[[3]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
expect_equal(start(res[[4]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 2)
expect_equal(width(res[[4]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
## gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 106959130, width = 2))
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = 107715900, width = 2))
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
expect_true(is(res, "IRangesList"))
expect_true(length(res) == length(gnm))
expect_equal(start(res[[1]]["ENSP00000425414"]), 1)
## That's from issue #69
edb_2 <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "19")
## grg <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr19")), IRanges(51920103, width=1, names = "good1"))
grg <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr19")), IRanges(51416849, width=1, names = "good1"))
expect_warning(genomeToProtein(grg, db = edb_2, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
edb_2 <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "chr19")
seqlevelsStyle(edb_2) <- "UCSC"
proteins <- proteins(edb_2)
exons <- exonsBy(edb_2)
transcripts <- transcripts(edb_2)
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(grg, db = edb_2, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
expect_true(length(res[[1]]) == 4)
## grg <- GRanges("chr19", IRanges(c(51920103, 51919998), width = 1,
## names = c("good1","bad1")))
grg <- GRanges("chr19", IRanges(c(51416849, 51416744), width = 1,
names = c("good1","bad1")))
expect_warning(res <- genomeToProtein(grg, edb_2, proteins = proteins, exons = exons, transcripts = transcripts))
expect_equal(length(res), length(grg))
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