
##  Methods for MSslice

##  assayData
##  Get the MSdata objects.
setMethod("assayData", "MSslice", function(object){
setReplaceMethod("assayData", "MSslice", function(object, value){
    if(is(value, "MSdata"))
        value <- list(value)
    if(!is(value, "list"))
        stop("'value' has to be a 'list' of 'MSdata' objects.")
    if(!all(unlist(lapply(value, function(z){
        return(is(z, "MSdata"))
        stop("'value' has to be a 'list' of 'MSdata' objects.")
    ## Update the mzrange and the rtrange.
    if(length(value) > 0){
        mzrs <- lapply(value, mzrange)
        rtrs <- lapply(value, rtrange)
        rtrange <- range(unlist(mzrs))
        mzrange <- range(unlist(rtrs))
        rtrange <- numeric()
        mzrange <- numeric()
    object@assayData <- value
    object@mzrange <- mzrange
    object@rtrange <- rtrange

##  $
##  Access columns in the phenoData data.frame.
setMethod("$", "MSslice", function(x, name){
    vals <- eval(substitute(phenoData(x)$NAME_ARG, list(NAME_ARG=name)))

##  phenoData
setMethod("phenoData", "MSslice", function(object){
setReplaceMethod("phenoData", "MSslice", function(object, value){
    if(is(value, "data.frame"))
        value <- AnnotatedDataFrame(value)
    if(!is(value, "AnnotatedDataFrame"))
        stop("'value' has to be an AnnotatedDataFrame!")
    object@phenoData <- value

##  pData
setMethod("pData", "MSslice", function(object){
setReplaceMethod("pData", "MSslice", function(object, value){
    if(!is(value, "data.frame"))
        stop("'value' has to be an data.frame!")
    pData(object@phenoData) <- value

##  show
setMethod("show", "MSslice", function(object){
    cat(class(object), " object:\n", sep="")
    cat("| Number of MSdata objects: ", length(assayData(object)), "\n", sep="")
    if(length(object@mzrange) == 2)
        cat("| m/z range: ", object@mzrange[1], " - ", object@mzrange[2], "\n", sep="")
    if(length(object@rtrange) == 2)
        cat("| RT range: ", object@rtrange[1], " - ", object@rtrange[2], "\n", sep="")

##  names
##  Get the names of the MSdata inside.
setMethod("names", "MSslice", function(x){
    ## if(length(x@names) == 0)
    ##     return(NULL)
    ## return(x@names)
setReplaceMethod("names", "MSslice", function(x, value){
    ## if(!is(value, "character"))
    ##     value <- as.character(value)
    ## x@names <- value
    ## validObject(x)
    if(length(value) != length(assayData(x))){
        stop("The number of provided names does not match the number of internal MSdata objects!")
    names(assayData(x)) <- value

##  rtrange
##  Getter the rtrange slot.
setMethod("rtrange", "MSslice", function(object){

##  mzrange
##  Getter the mzrange slot.
setMethod("mzrange", "MSslice", function(object){

##  intrange
##  Get the intensity range.
setMethod("intrange", "MSslice", function(object){
    ints <- range(unlist(lapply(msData(object), intrange)))

##  msData
##  Get the MSdata object.
setMethod("msData", "MSslice", function(object, ...){

##  length
##  Get the number of MSdata objects
setMethod("length", "MSslice", function(x){

##  getChromatogram
##  Extracts the chromatogram and returns a matrix with the values.
setMethod("getChromatogram", "MSslice",
          function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, ...){
              if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
                  stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive!")
              ## Argument checking
                  if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
                      stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
                           " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
                  if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
                      stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
                  if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
                      stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
              ## Extract a list with a chromatogram-matrix for each sample.
              chrL <- .getChromList(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
## That one extracts the chromatogram and returns a list with matrices,
## one for each MSdata.
.getChromList <- function(x, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
        if(!is.null(nbin) | !is.null(binSize)){
            bins <- .getBins(rtrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
            nbin <- NULL
            binSize <- NULL
    resList <- lapply(msData(x), FUN=function(z, theFun){
        return(getChromatogram(z, FUN=theFun, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
    }, theFun=FUN)
## This function converts a list into a matrix.
.list2mat <- function(x){
    ## Get the list of unique time points
    unt <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(x, function(z)z[,1]))))
    vals <- lapply(x, function(z){
        tmp <- rep(NA, length(unt))
        tmp[match(z[, 1], unt)] <- z[, 2]
    Res <- do.call(cbind, vals)
    rownames(Res) <- unt

##  plotChromatogram
##  Basically, plotting a chromatogram for each of the samples.
setMethod("plotChromatogram", "MSslice",
          function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL,
                   main=paste(format(mzrange(object), 2), collapse="-"),
                   xlab="Retention time", ylab="Intensity", col=1, lty=1,
              ## col and lty check
              if(length(col) > 1){
                  if(length(col) != length(object)){
                      warning("Length of 'col' does not match length of 'object';",
                              " using only the first value.")
                      col <- rep(col[1], length(object))
                  col <- rep(col, length(object))
              if(length(lty) > 1){
                  if(length(lty) != length(object)){
                      warning("Length of 'lty' does not match length of 'object';",
                              " using only the first value.")
                      lty <- rep(lty[1], length(object))
                  lty <- rep(lty, length(object))
              chrM <- getChromatogram(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
              ## Do some rounding here???
              xVals <- round(as.numeric(rownames(chrM)), digits=2)
              xlim <- range(xVals)
              ylim <- range(chrM, na.rm=TRUE)
              ## Plot the empty plot.
              plot(3, 3, pch=NA, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
              ## plot the individual chromatograms; for loop.
              for(i in 1:ncol(chrM)){
                  ## We might want to remove the "NA" values here, though.
                  nas <- is.na(chrM[, i])
                  points(xVals[!nas], chrM[!nas, i], col=col[i], lty=lty[i], ...)

##  getSpectrum
##  The same as getChromatogram, but for the spectrum.
setMethod("getSpectrum", "MSslice",
          function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, ...){
              if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
                  stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive!")
              ## Argument checking
                  if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
                      stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
                           " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
                  if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
                      stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
                  if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
                      stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
              ## Extract a list with a chromatogram-matrix for each sample.
              spcL <- .getSpecList(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
## That one extracts the chromatogram and returns a list with matrices,
## one for each MSdata.
.getSpecList <- function(x, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
        if(!is.null(nbin) | !is.null(binSize)){
            bins <- .getBins(mzrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
            nbin <- NULL
            binSize <- NULL
    resList <- lapply(msData(x), FUN=function(z, theFun){
        return(getSpectrum(z, FUN=theFun, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
    }, theFun=FUN)

##  plotSpectrum
##  Basically, plotting a spectrum for each of the samples.
setMethod("plotSpectrum", "MSslice",
          function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL,
                   main=paste(format(rtrange(object), 2), collapse="-"),
                   xlab="M/Z", ylab="Intensity", col=1, lty=1,
              ## col and lty check
              if(length(col) > 1){
                  if(length(col) != length(object)){
                      warning("Length of 'col' does not match length of 'object';",
                              " using only the first value.")
                      col <- rep(col[1], length(object))
                  col <- rep(col, length(object))
              if(length(lty) > 1){
                  if(length(lty) != length(object)){
                      warning("Length of 'lty' does not match length of 'object';",
                              " using only the first value.")
                      lty <- rep(lty[1], length(object))
                  lty <- rep(lty, length(object))
              spcM <- getSpectrum(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
              xVals <- as.numeric(rownames(spcM))
              xlim <- range(xVals)
              ylim <- range(spcM, na.rm=TRUE)
              ## Plot the empty plot.
              plot(3, 3, pch=NA, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
              ## plot the individual chromatograms; for loop.
              for(i in 1:ncol(spcM)){
                  nas <- is.na(spcM[, i])
                  points(xVals[!nas], spcM[!nas, i], col=col[i], lty=lty[i], ...)

##  binMz
##  Bin each of the internal MSdata objects based on the range of the
##  full data set.
setMethod("binMz", "MSslice",
          function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
              if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
                  stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive")
              ## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
                  if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
                      stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
                           " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
                  if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
                      stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
                  if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
                      stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
              if(is.null(nbin) & is.null(bins) & is.null(binSize)){
                  ## Well, just return the object.
                  ## Define the bins; ideally using the full M/Z
                      bins <- .getBins(mzrange(object), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
                  tmp <- MSslice(lapply(msData(object), function(z, theFun){
                      return(binMz(z, bins=bins, FUN=theFun))
                  }, theFun=FUN))
                  ##tmp@call <- match.call()

##  binRtime
##  Bin each of the internal MSdata objects based on the range of the
##  full data set.
setMethod("binRtime", "MSslice",
          function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
              if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
                  stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive")
              ## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
                  if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
                      stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
                           " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
                  if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
                      stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
                  if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
                      stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
              if(is.null(nbin) & is.null(bins) & is.null(binSize)){
                  ## Well, just return the object.
                  ## Define the bins; ideally using the full M/Z
                      bins <- .getBins(rtrange(object), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
                  tmp <- MSslice(lapply(msData(object), function(z, theFun){
                      return(binRtime(z, bins=bins, FUN=theFun))
                  }, theFun=FUN))
                  ##tmp@call <- match.call()

##  binMzRtime
##  Bin each of the internal MSdata objects based on the range of the
##  full data set.
setMethod("binMzRtime", "MSslice",
          function(object, FUN=max, mzNbin=NULL, mzBinSize=NULL,
                   rtNbin=NULL, rtBinSize=NULL){
              ## Argument checking.
              if(!is.null(mzNbin) & !is.null(mzBinSize))
                  stop("Arguments 'mzNbin' and 'mzBinSize' are mutually exclusive.")
              if(!is.null(rtNbin) & !is.null(rtBinSize))
                  stop("Arguments 'rtNbin' and 'rtBinSize' are mutually exclusive.")
                  if(!is.numeric(mzNbin) | length(mzNbin) > 1)
                      stop("'mzNbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
                  if(!is.numeric(mzBinSize) | length(mzBinSize) > 1)
                      stop("'mzBinSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
                  if(!is.numeric(rtNbin) | length(rtNbin) > 1)
                      stop("'rtNbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
                  if(!is.numeric(rtBinSize) | length(rtBinSize) > 1)
                      stop("'rtBinSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
              ## Do the stuff.
              ## NAF, have really to runem sequentially????
              tmp <- binMz(object, nbin=mzNbin, binSize=mzBinSize)
              return(binRtime(tmp, nbin=rtNbin, binSize=rtBinSize))

##  subset
##  Subset an MSslice object by mz and/or rtrange
setMethod("subset", "MSslice",
          function(x, mzrange=NULL, rtrange=NULL){
              if(is.null(mzrange) & is.null(rtrange)){
              ## Subset each of the internal MSdata objects.
              return(MSslice(lapply(msData(x), FUN=subset, mzrange=mzrange, rtrange=rtrange),

##  [
##  Subset the MSslice by name or index. Returns always an MSslice
##  object.
.bracketMSsliceSubset <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop){
        stop("Subsetting by columns ('j') is not supported.")
    haveEls <- length(msData(x))
    if(haveEls == 0){
        warning("Can not subset an empty object.")
        i <- 1:haveEls
    i <- .checkElementIndices(i, haveEls, names(x))
    if(nrow(pData(x)) > 0){
        pd <- phenoData(x)[i, , drop=FALSE]
        pd <- AnnotatedDataFrame()
    return(MSslice(msData(x)[i], phenoData=pd))
setMethod("[", "MSslice", .bracketMSsliceSubset)

##  [[
##  Subset, extract a single MSdata.
.dbracketMSsliceSubset <- function(x, i, j, ...){
        stop("Subsetting by 'j' ([[ i, j ]] is not supported!")
    if(length(i) > 1)
        stop("Can only extract a single element with [[, but ", length(i),
             " indices were submitted.")
    x <- x[i]
setMethod("[[", "MSslice", .dbracketMSsliceSubset)

##################### OLD STUFF BELOW ##########################

## ####============================================================
## ##  show
## ##
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("show", "MSslice", function(object){
##     cat(class(object), " object:\n", sep="")
##     cat("| Number of MSdata objects: ", length(object@data), "\n", sep="")
##     if(length(object@mzrange) == 2)
##         cat("| m/z range: ", object@mzrange[1], " - ", object@mzrange[2], "\n", sep="")
##     if(length(object@rtrange) == 2)
##         cat("| RT range: ", object@rtrange[1], " - ", object@rtrange[2], "\n", sep="")
## })

## ####============================================================
## ##  names
## ##
## ##  Get the names of the MSdata inside.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("names", "MSslice", function(x){
##     ## if(length(x@names) == 0)
##     ##     return(NULL)
##     ## return(x@names)
##     return(names(x@data))
## })
## setReplaceMethod("names", "MSslice", function(x, value){
##     ## if(!is(value, "character"))
##     ##     value <- as.character(value)
##     ## x@names <- value
##     ## validObject(x)
##     if(length(value) != length(x@data)){
##         stop("The number of provided names does not match the number of internal MSdata objects!")
##     }
##     names(x@data) <- value
##     validObject(x)
##     return(x)
## })

## ####============================================================
## ##  rtrange
## ##
## ##  Getter the rtrange slot.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("rtrange", "MSslice", function(object){
##     return(object@rtrange[1:2])
## })

## ####============================================================
## ##  mzrange
## ##
## ##  Getter the mzrange slot.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("mzrange", "MSslice", function(object){
##     return(object@mzrange[1:2])
## })

## ####============================================================
## ##  intrange
## ##
## ##  Get the intensity range.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("intrange", "MSslice", function(object){
##     ints <- range(unlist(lapply(msData(object), intrange)))
##     return(ints)
## })

## ####============================================================
## ##  msData
## ##
## ##  Get the MSdata object.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("msData", "MSslice", function(object, ...){
##     return(object@data)
## })

## ####============================================================
## ##  length
## ##
## ##  Get the number of MSdata objects
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("length", "MSslice", function(x){
##     return(length(x@data))
## })

## ####============================================================
## ##  getChromatogram
## ##
## ##  Extracts the chromatogram and returns a matrix with the values.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("getChromatogram", "MSslice",
##           function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, ...){
##               if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
##                   stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive!")
##               ## Argument checking
##               if(!is.null(bins)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
##                       stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
##                            " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(nbin)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
##                       stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(binSize)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
##                       stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               ## Extract a list with a chromatogram-matrix for each sample.
##               chrL <- .getChromList(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
##                                     binSize=binSize)
##               return(.list2mat(chrL))
##           })
## ## That one extracts the chromatogram and returns a list with matrices,
## ## one for each MSdata.
## .getChromList <- function(x, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
##     if(is.null(bins)){
##         if(!is.null(nbin) | !is.null(binSize)){
##             bins <- .getBins(rtrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
##             nbin <- NULL
##             binSize <- NULL
##         }
##     }
##     resList <- lapply(msData(x), FUN=function(z, theFun){
##         return(getChromatogram(z, FUN=theFun, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
##                                binSize=binSize))
##     }, theFun=FUN)
##     return(resList)
## }
## ## This function converts a list into a matrix.
## .list2mat <- function(x){
##     ## Get the list of unique time points
##     unt <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(x, function(z)z[,1]))))
##     vals <- lapply(x, function(z){
##         tmp <- rep(NA, length(unt))
##         tmp[match(z[, 1], unt)] <- z[, 2]
##         return(tmp)
##     })
##     Res <- do.call(cbind, vals)
##     rownames(Res) <- unt
##     return(Res)
## }

## ####============================================================
## ##  plotChromatogram
## ##
## ##  Basically, plotting a chromatogram for each of the samples.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("plotChromatogram", "MSslice",
##           function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL,
##                    main=paste(format(mzrange(object), 2), collapse="-"),
##                    xlab="Retention time", ylab="Intensity", col=1, lty=1,
##                    ...){
##               ## col and lty check
##               if(length(col) > 1){
##                   if(length(col) != length(object)){
##                       warning("Length of 'col' does not match length of 'object';",
##                               " using only the first value.")
##                       col <- rep(col[1], length(object))
##                   }
##               }else{
##                   col <- rep(col, length(object))
##               }
##               if(length(lty) > 1){
##                   if(length(lty) != length(object)){
##                       warning("Length of 'lty' does not match length of 'object';",
##                               " using only the first value.")
##                       lty <- rep(lty[1], length(object))
##                   }
##               }else{
##                   lty <- rep(lty, length(object))
##               }
##               chrM <- getChromatogram(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
##                                       binSize=binSize)
##               ## Do some rounding here???
##               xVals <- round(as.numeric(rownames(chrM)), digits=2)
##               xlim <- range(xVals)
##               ylim <- range(chrM, na.rm=TRUE)
##               ## Plot the empty plot.
##               plot(3, 3, pch=NA, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
##               ## plot the individual chromatograms; for loop.
##               for(i in 1:ncol(chrM)){
##                   ## We might want to remove the "NA" values here, though.
##                   nas <- is.na(chrM[, i])
##                   points(xVals[!nas], chrM[!nas, i], col=col[i], lty=lty[i], ...)
##               }
##           })

## ####============================================================
## ##  getSpectrum
## ##
## ##  The same as getChromatogram, but for the spectrum.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("getSpectrum", "MSslice",
##           function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, ...){
##               if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
##                   stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive!")
##               ## Argument checking
##               if(!is.null(bins)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
##                       stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
##                            " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(nbin)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
##                       stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(binSize)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
##                       stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               ## Extract a list with a chromatogram-matrix for each sample.
##               spcL <- .getSpecList(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
##                                    binSize=binSize)
##               return(.list2mat(spcL))
##           })
## ## That one extracts the chromatogram and returns a list with matrices,
## ## one for each MSdata.
## .getSpecList <- function(x, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
##     if(is.null(bins)){
##         if(!is.null(nbin) | !is.null(binSize)){
##             bins <- .getBins(mzrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
##             nbin <- NULL
##             binSize <- NULL
##         }
##     }
##     resList <- lapply(msData(x), FUN=function(z, theFun){
##         return(getSpectrum(z, FUN=theFun, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
##                            binSize=binSize))
##     }, theFun=FUN)
##     return(resList)
## }

## ####============================================================
## ##  plotSpectrum
## ##
## ##  Basically, plotting a spectrum for each of the samples.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("plotSpectrum", "MSslice",
##           function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL,
##                    main=paste(format(rtrange(object), 2), collapse="-"),
##                    xlab="M/Z", ylab="Intensity", col=1, lty=1,
##                    ...){
##               ## col and lty check
##               if(length(col) > 1){
##                   if(length(col) != length(object)){
##                       warning("Length of 'col' does not match length of 'object';",
##                               " using only the first value.")
##                       col <- rep(col[1], length(object))
##                   }
##               }else{
##                   col <- rep(col, length(object))
##               }
##               if(length(lty) > 1){
##                   if(length(lty) != length(object)){
##                       warning("Length of 'lty' does not match length of 'object';",
##                               " using only the first value.")
##                       lty <- rep(lty[1], length(object))
##                   }
##               }else{
##                   lty <- rep(lty, length(object))
##               }
##               spcM <- getSpectrum(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
##               xVals <- as.numeric(rownames(spcM))
##               xlim <- range(xVals)
##               ylim <- range(spcM, na.rm=TRUE)
##               ## Plot the empty plot.
##               plot(3, 3, pch=NA, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
##               ## plot the individual chromatograms; for loop.
##               for(i in 1:ncol(spcM)){
##                   nas <- is.na(spcM[, i])
##                   points(xVals[!nas], spcM[!nas, i], col=col[i], lty=lty[i], ...)
##               }
##           })

## ####============================================================
## ##  binMz
## ##
## ##  Bin each of the internal MSdata objects based on the range of the
## ##  full data set.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("binMz", "MSslice",
##           function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
##               if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
##                   stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive")
##               ## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
##               if(!is.null(bins)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
##                       stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
##                            " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(nbin)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
##                       stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(binSize)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
##                       stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(is.null(nbin) & is.null(bins) & is.null(binSize)){
##                   ## Well, just return the object.
##                   return(object)
##               }else{
##                   ## Define the bins; ideally using the full M/Z
##                   if(missing(bins)){
##                       bins <- .getBins(mzrange(object), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
##                   }
##                   tmp <- MSslice(lapply(msData(object), function(z, theFun){
##                       return(binMz(z, bins=bins, FUN=theFun))
##                   }, theFun=FUN))
##                   tmp@call <- match.call()
##                   return(tmp)
##               }
##           })

## ####============================================================
## ##  binRtime
## ##
## ##  Bin each of the internal MSdata objects based on the range of the
## ##  full data set.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("binRtime", "MSslice",
##           function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
##               if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
##                   stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive")
##               ## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
##               if(!is.null(bins)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
##                       stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
##                            " specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(nbin)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
##                       stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(binSize)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
##                       stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(is.null(nbin) & is.null(bins) & is.null(binSize)){
##                   ## Well, just return the object.
##                   return(object)
##               }else{
##                   ## Define the bins; ideally using the full M/Z
##                   if(missing(bins)){
##                       bins <- .getBins(rtrange(object), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
##                   }
##                   tmp <- MSslice(lapply(msData(object), function(z, theFun){
##                       return(binRtime(z, bins=bins, FUN=theFun))
##                   }, theFun=FUN))
##                   tmp@call <- match.call()
##                   return(tmp)
##               }
##           })

## ####============================================================
## ##  binMzRtime
## ##
## ##  Bin each of the internal MSdata objects based on the range of the
## ##  full data set.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("binMzRtime", "MSslice",
##           function(object, FUN=max, mzNbin=NULL, mzBinSize=NULL,
##                    rtNbin=NULL, rtBinSize=NULL){
##               ## Argument checking.
##               if(!is.null(mzNbin) & !is.null(mzBinSize))
##                   stop("Arguments 'mzNbin' and 'mzBinSize' are mutually exclusive.")
##               if(!is.null(rtNbin) & !is.null(rtBinSize))
##                   stop("Arguments 'rtNbin' and 'rtBinSize' are mutually exclusive.")
##               if(!is.null(mzNbin)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(mzNbin) | length(mzNbin) > 1)
##                       stop("'mzNbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(mzBinSize)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(mzBinSize) | length(mzBinSize) > 1)
##                       stop("'mzBinSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(rtNbin)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(rtNbin) | length(rtNbin) > 1)
##                       stop("'rtNbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               if(!is.null(rtBinSize)){
##                   if(!is.numeric(rtBinSize) | length(rtBinSize) > 1)
##                       stop("'rtBinSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
##               }
##               ## Do the stuff.
##               ## NAF, have really to runem sequentially????
##               tmp <- binMz(object, nbin=mzNbin, binSize=mzBinSize)
##               return(binRtime(tmp, nbin=rtNbin, binSize=rtBinSize))
##           })

## ####============================================================
## ##  subset
## ##
## ##  Subset an MSslice object by mz and/or rtrange
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("subset", "MSslice",
##           function(x, mzrange=NULL, rtrange=NULL){
##               if(is.null(mzrange) & is.null(rtrange)){
##                   return(x)
##               }
##               ## Subset each of the internal MSdata objects.
##               return(MSslice(lapply(msData(x), FUN=subset, mzrange=mzrange, rtrange=rtrange)))
##           })

## ####============================================================
## ##  [
## ##
## ##  Subset the MSslice by name or index. Returns always an MSslice
## ##  object.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## .bracketMSsliceSubset <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop){
##     if(!missing(j))
##         stop("Subsetting by columns ('j') is not supported.")
##     haveEls <- length(msData(x))
##     if(haveEls == 0){
##         warning("Can not subset an empty object.")
##         return(x)
##     }
##     if(missing(i))
##         i <- 1:haveEls
##     i <- .checkElementIndices(i, haveEls, names(x))
##     return(MSslice(msData(x)[i]))
## }
## setMethod("[", "MSslice", .bracketMSsliceSubset)

## ####============================================================
## ##  [[
## ##
## ##  Subset, extract a single MSdata.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## .dbracketMSsliceSubset <- function(x, i, j, ...){
##     if(!missing(j))
##         stop("Subsetting by 'j' ([[ i, j ]] is not supported!")
##     if(length(i) > 1)
##         stop("Can only extract a single element with [[, but ", length(i),
##              " indices were submitted.")
##     x <- x[i]
##     return(msData(x)[[1]])
## }
## setMethod("[[", "MSslice", .dbracketMSsliceSubset)
jotsetung/xcmsExtensions documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:42 p.m.