
Defines functions BiV.Tbl

Documented in BiV.Tbl

#' Function to get a Bivariate table
#' @param Data A data frame with the variables
#' @param x a string with the name of the variable
#' @param y the name of the response variable
#' @export

BiV.Tbl <- function(Data, x, y){
  D <- Data %>%
    count(eval(parse(text = x)), eval(parse(text = y))) %>%
    group_by(`eval(parse(text = x))`) %>%
    mutate(Proportion=round(n/(sum(n))*100, 2))
  names(D)[1:2] <- c(x, y)
jpablo91/Pabloverse documentation built on April 11, 2024, 2:54 p.m.