
Defines functions spca

Documented in spca

#' Supervised (and unsupervised) principal components
#' Computes dimension reduction based on the supervised principal components
#' algorithm. In essense, algorithm performs a screening step based on univariate
#' scores for the features, and then computes standard PCA on using only the retained
#' features.
#' @param x The original feature matrix, columns denoting the features and rows the instances.
#' @param y A vector with the observed target values we try to predict using \code{x}.
#' Can be factor for classification problems. If missing, then this function computes
#' standard unsupervised principal components.
#' @param nctot Total number of latent features to extract.
#' @param ncsup Maximum number of latent features to extract that use supervision.
#' If \code{nctot > ncsup}, then the remaining \code{nctot-ncsup} features are computed in
#' unsupervised manner (or ignored if \code{sup.only=TRUE}).
#' @param window Maximum number of features that will survive the screening and from which
#' the supervised components are computed. Affects also how the \code{screenthresh}-argument
#' is interpreted.
#' @param exclude Columns (variables) in \code{x} to ignore when extrating the new features.
#' @param verbose Whether to print some messages along the way.
#' @param normalize Whether to scale the extracted features so that they all have standard deviation
#'  of one.
#' @param preprocess Whether to center and scale the features before extracting the new features.
#' @param alpha Significance level for the p-values of the univariate scores used to determine
#'  which features survive the screening and are used to compute the supervised components.
#' @param perms Number of permutations to estimate the p-values for univariate scores.
#' @param screenthresh Value between 0 and 1 (or \code{NULL}). If not \code{NULL}, then no permutation tests are
#' run, and the supervised components
#' are computed among those features that have their univariate score equal or larger than this.
#' Value 1 means that only the feature with the highest score survives the screening, whereas value 0 means that
#' the top \code{min(window, ncol(x))} survive the screening. Overwrites also \code{nfeat}-argument.
#' @param nfeat Number of features to retain in the screening step. If this option is used, then
#' the algorithm does not perform the permutation tests for the p-values, but instead computes the
#' supervised components from those features that have their univariate score among the \code{nfeat}
#' highest scores (in this case \code{perms} and \code{alpha} are ignored).
#' @param sup.only If \code{TRUE}, then no unsupervised components are ever computed even if the number of
#' supervised components that could be extracted was less than \code{nctot}.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return spca-object that is similar to the object returned by \code{\link[stats]{prcomp}}.
#' The object will have the following elements:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{w}}{The projection (or rotation) matrix W, that transforms the original data
#'  \eqn{X} into the new features \eqn{Z = X W} .}
#'  \item{\code{z}}{The extracted latent features corresponding to the training inputs \eqn{X}.}
#'  \item{\code{v}}{Matrix \eqn{V} that is used to compute \eqn{W} when combining supervised and
#'  unsupervised components (see the Piironen and Vehtari (2018) for more information).}
#'  \item{\code{sdev}}{Standard deviations of the new features.}
#'  \item{\code{centers}}{Mean values for the original variables.}
#'  \item{\code{scales}}{Scales of the original variables.}
#'  \item{\code{exclude}}{Excluded variables.}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' In the original paper, the authors proposed estimating the screening threshold
#' using cross-validation for the model obtained when the extracted features are used
#' for regression or classification. This implementation performs the screening
#' based on the estimated p-values for the univariate scores (these are estimated using
#' a permutation test) and the screening step retains only those features with p-value
#' less than the specified level \code{alpha}.
#' @section References:
#' Bair, E., Hastie, T., Paul, D., and Tibshirani, R. (2006).
#' Prediction by supervised principal components. \emph{Journal
#' of the American Statistical Association}, 101(473):119-137.
#' Piironen, J. and Vehtari, A. (2018). Iterative supervised principal components.
#' In \emph{Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial
#' Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) PMLR 84: 106-114}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ###
#' # load data
#' data("ovarian", package = "dimreduce")
#' x <- ovarian$x
#' y <- ovarian$y
#' # dimension reduction
#' dr <- spca(x, y, nctot = 2)
#' z <- predict(dr, x) # the latent features
#' }
#' @export
spca <- function(x, y = NULL, nctot = NULL, ncsup = NULL, window = 500,
                 exclude = NULL, verbose = TRUE, normalize = FALSE,
                 preprocess = TRUE, alpha = NULL, perms = 1000,
                 screenthresh = NULL, nfeat = NULL, sup.only = FALSE, ...) {
  n <- NROW(x)
  d <- NCOL(x)

  if (!is.null(screenthresh)) {
    # a relative screening threshold given, so find out what is the number of features this
    # threshold corresponds to
    scores <- featscore(x, y, exclude = exclude)
    scores_sorted <- sort(scores, decreasing = T)
    smax <- scores_sorted[1]
    smin <- scores_sorted[min(length(scores), window)]
    nfeat <- sum(scores >= smin + screenthresh * (smax - smin))

  if (is.null(alpha)) {
    alpha <- 0.001
  if (is.null(nctot)) {
    if (!is.null(nfeat)) {
      nctot <- min(nfeat, min(n - 1, d))
    } else {
      nctot <- min(n - 1, d)
  else if (nctot > min(n - 1, d)) {
    stop("nctot cannot exceed min(n-1,d)")
  if (is.null(ncsup)) {
    ncsup <- nctot
  } # ceiling(nctot/2)
  if (is.null(y)) {
    ncsup <- 0

  if (preprocess) {
    # center and scale x for computation
    centers <- colMeans(x)
    scales <- apply(x, 2, "sd")
    x <- scale(x) # this may produce NaNs in x if some columns have zero variance
  } else {
    centers <- rep(0, d)
    scales <- rep(1, d)

  # check if there are NA/NaNs in some columns, exclude those
  exclude <- c(exclude, which(is.na(colSums(x))))
  ok <- setdiff(1:d, exclude)

  v_all <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = nctot)
  b_all <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = nctot)
  latent <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = nctot)
  rotation <- matrix(nrow = d, ncol = nctot)
  pval <- NULL

  # Procedure:
  # 1) compute the marginal scores
  # 2) threshold alpha for the permutation tests => compute ncsup SPCs
  # 3) subtract the variation explained by the SPCs from x
  # 4) compute nctot - ncsup unsupervised PCs
  # 5) compute the rotation matrices

  if (ncsup > 0) {
    if (verbose) {
      print("Performing permutation tests for the marginal scores..")

    if (!is.null(nfeat)) {
      # screen out all except those among nfeat most relevant (based on the univariate scores)
      scores <- featscore(x, y, exclude = exclude)
      indsup <- order(scores, decreasing = T)[1:nfeat]
      indsup <- setdiff(indsup, exclude)
    } else {
      # permutation test for the marginal scores, find out subset for the supervised PCs
      pval <- featscore.test(x, y, exclude = exclude, perms = perms)
      indsup <- which(pval < alpha)
      if (length(indsup) > window) {
        # more than window significant features, so choose only the window most relevant ones
        scores <- featscore(x, y, exclude = exclude)
        indsup <- order(scores, decreasing = T)[1:window]

    if (length(indsup) > 0) {
      if (verbose) {
        print("Computing the supervised principal components..")

      # supervised PCs
      spcs <- stats::prcomp(x[, indsup], center = F, scale. = F)

      if (NCOL(spcs$rotation) < ncsup) {
        ncsup <- NCOL(spcs$rotation)

      v_all[indsup, 1:ncsup] <- spcs$rotation[, 1:ncsup]
      latent[, 1:ncsup] <- spcs$x[, 1:ncsup]

      # subtract the variation explained by the SPCs from x
      for (k in 1:ncsup) {
        z <- latent[, k]
        b <- rep(0, d)
        b[ok] <- colSums(x[, ok, drop = F] * z) / sum(z^2)
        x <- x - t(t(matrix(z, nrow = n, ncol = d)) * b)
        b_all[, k] <- b
    } else {
      # none of the variables passed the permutation test
      ncsup <- 0

  rotation <- v_all

  if (!sup.only) {
    if (ncsup < nctot) {
      if (verbose) {
        print("Computing the unsupervised principal components..")

      # compute standard pc with the rest of the data variation
      if (length(ok) < nctot - ncsup) {
        nctot <- length(ok) - ncsup
      } # how many unsupervised PCs we can compute
      pcs <- stats::prcomp(x[, ok], center = F, scale. = F)
      v_all[ok, (ncsup + 1):nctot] <- pcs$rotation[, 1:(nctot - ncsup)]
      latent[, (ncsup + 1):nctot] <- pcs$x[, 1:(nctot - ncsup)]

      # compute the rotation matrix from vs
      # v <- v_all # store the original vs
      rotation <- v_all
      if (ncsup > 0 && nctot > 1) {
        for (j in seq(nctot, ncsup + 1)) {
          for (h in seq(ncsup, 1)) {
            rotation[, j] <- rotation[, j] - sum(b_all[, h] * rotation[, j]) * v_all[, h]
  } else {
    # remove the NA-columns from the matrices that will be returned
    if (nctot > ncsup) {
      v_all <- v_all[, 1:ncsup, drop = F]
      b_all <- b_all[, 1:ncsup, drop = F]
      latent <- latent[, 1:ncsup, drop = F]
      rotation <- rotation[, 1:ncsup, drop = F]

  if (normalize) {
    sz <- apply(latent, 2, "sd")
    ok <- sz > 1e-6
    latent <- t(t(latent[, ok]) / sz[ok])
    rotation <- t(t(rotation[, ok]) / sz[ok])

  if (verbose) {

  res <- list(
    w = rotation, z = latent, v = v_all, sdev = apply(latent, 2, "sd"),
    pval = pval, centers = centers, scales = scales, exclude = exclude

  class(res) <- c("spca", "dimred")
jpiironen/dimreduce documentation built on March 18, 2021, 11:52 p.m.