
Defines functions drc_4p

Documented in drc_4p

#' Dose response curve helper function
#' This function peforms the four-parameter dose response curve fit. It is the helper function
#' for the fit in the \code{fit_drc_4p} function.
#' @param data a data frame that contains at least the dose and response column the model should
#' be fitted to.
#' @param response a numeric column that contains the response values.
#' @param dose a numeric column that contains the dose values.
#' @param log_logarithmic a logical value indicating if a logarithmic or log-logarithmic model is
#' fitted. If response values form a symmetric curve for non-log transformed dose values, a
#' logarithmic model instead of a log-logarithmic model should be used. Usually biological dose
#' response data has a log-logarithmic distribution, which is the reason this is the default.
#' Log-logarithmic models are symmetric if dose values are log transformed.
#' @param pb progress bar object. This is only necessary if the function is used in an iteration.
#' @return An object of class \code{drc}. If no fit was performed a character vector with content
#' "no_fit".
drc_4p <- function(data, response, dose, log_logarithmic = TRUE, pb = NULL) {
  if (!requireNamespace("drc", quietly = TRUE)) {
    message("Package \"drc\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(pb)) pb$tick()
  if (log_logarithmic == TRUE) {
    result <- tryCatch(
          stats::as.formula(paste(ensym(response), "~", ensym(dose))),
          data = data,
          fct = drc::LL.4(names = c("hill", "min_value", "max_value", "ec_50")),
          control = drc::drmc(otrace = TRUE)
      error = function(error) {
  if (log_logarithmic == FALSE) {
    result <- tryCatch(
          stats::as.formula(paste(ensym(response), "~", ensym(dose))),
          data = data,
          fct = drc::L.4(names = c("hill", "min_value", "max_value", "ec_50")),
          control = drc::drmc(otrace = TRUE)
      error = function(error) {
jpquast/protti documentation built on June 9, 2024, 10:40 a.m.