
Defines functions plotVariantsForCNV

Documented in plotVariantsForCNV

#' plotVariantsForCNV
#' @description
#' Plots a CNV with all the variants in it
#' @param cnvfilter.results S3 object returned by \code{filterCNVs} function
#' @param cnv.id CNV id for which to plot variants
#' @param points.cex Points cex (size). (Defaults to 1)
#' @param points.pch Points pch (symbol). (Defaults to 19)
#' @param legend.x.pos Legend x position. (Defaults to 0.08)
#' @param legend.y.pos Legend y position. (Defaults to 0.25)
#' @param legend.cex Legend cex. (Defaults to 0.8)
#' @param legend.text.width Legend text width (Defaults to NULL)
#' @param legend.show Whether to show the legend (Defaults to TRUE)
#' @param karyotype.cex karyotype cex: affects top title and chromosome text (at bottom). (Defaults to 1)
#' @param cnv.label.cex "CNV" text cex. (Defaults to 1)
#' @param x.axis.bases.cex X-axis bases position cex. (Defaults to 0.7)
#' @param x.axis.bases.digits X-axis bases position number of digits. (Defaults to 5)
#' @param y.axis.title.cex Y-axis title cex. (Defaults to 0.8)
#' @param y.axis.label.cex Y-axis labels cex. (Defaults to 0.8)
#' @param cnv.zoom.margin If TRUE, the zoom leaves an small margin at both sides of the CNV. False otherwise. (Defaults to TRUE)
#' @return invisibly returns a \code{karyoplot} object
#' @examples
#' # Load CNVs data
#' cnvs.file <- system.file("extdata", "DECoN.CNVcalls.csv", package = "CNVfilteR", mustWork = TRUE)
#' cnvs.gr <- loadCNVcalls(cnvs.file = cnvs.file, chr.column = "Chromosome", start.column = "Start", end.column = "End", cnv.column = "CNV.type", sample.column = "Sample")
#' # Load VCFs data
#' vcf.files <- c(system.file("extdata", "variants.sample1.vcf.gz", package = "CNVfilteR", mustWork = TRUE),
#'                system.file("extdata", "variants.sample2.vcf.gz", package = "CNVfilteR", mustWork = TRUE))
#' vcfs <- loadVCFs(vcf.files, cnvs.gr = cnvs.gr)
#' # Filter CNVs
#' results <- filterCNVs(cnvs.gr, vcfs)
#' # Check CNVs that can be filtered out
#' as.data.frame(results$cnvs[results$cnvs$filter == TRUE])
#' # Plot one of them
#' plotVariantsForCNV(results, "3")
#' @importFrom CopyNumberPlots plotCopyNumberCalls
#' @import karyoploteR
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width start end
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import assertthat
#' @export plotVariantsForCNV
plotVariantsForCNV <- function(cnvfilter.results, cnv.id,
                               points.cex = 1, points.pch = 19,
                               legend.x.pos = 0.08, legend.y.pos = 0.25, legend.cex = 0.8,
                               legend.text.width = NULL, legend.show = TRUE,
                               karyotype.cex = 1, cnv.label.cex = 1,
                               x.axis.bases.cex = 0.7, x.axis.bases.digits = 5,
                               y.axis.title.cex = 0.8, y.axis.label.cex = 0.8,
                               cnv.zoom.margin = TRUE) {

  # Check input
  assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(cnvfilter.results, "CNVfilteR_results"))
  assertthat::assert_that(is.null(legend.text.width) || is.numeric(legend.text.width))

  # Get filter params values for later use
  params <- cnvfilter.results$filterParameters

  # Add cn column (required by CopyNumberPlots)
  cnvs.gr <- auxAddCNcolumn(cnvfilter.results$cnvs)
  cnv <- cnvs.gr[cnvs.gr$cnv.id == cnv.id,]

  # Build main title
  title <-  paste0(cnv$cnv, " at ", toString(cnv))
  if (cnv$filter == "TRUE"){
    if (cnv$cnv == "deletion") {
      title <- paste0(title, ", it can be filtered out")
    } else if (cnv$cnv == "duplication") {
      title <- paste0(title, ", it can be filtered out with a score of ", round(as.numeric(cnv$score), 4))

  # Prepare vars
  r0 = 0.1; r1=0.95;
  duphtmean1 <- params$expected.dup.ht.mean1 / 100.0
  duphtmean2 <- params$expected.dup.ht.mean2 / 100.0
  htmean <- params$expected.ht.mean / 100.0
  zoomGR <- cnv
  if (cnv.zoom.margin) {
    GenomicRanges::start(zoomGR) <- GenomicRanges::start(zoomGR) - GenomicRanges::width(cnv) * 0.1
    GenomicRanges::end(zoomGR) <- GenomicRanges::end(zoomGR) + GenomicRanges::width(cnv) * 0.1

  ## Plot ##

  # Plot different elements
  pp <- karyoploteR::getDefaultPlotParams(4)
  pp$leftmargin <- 0.15
  pp$ideogramheight <- 2
  pp$topmargin <- 40
  kp <- karyoploteR::plotKaryotype(zoom = zoomGR, plot.type = 4, cex = karyotype.cex,
                                   plot.params = pp, main = title)
  karyoploteR::kpAddBaseNumbers(kp, tick.dist = GenomicRanges::width(cnv) / 5.0,
                                cex = x.axis.bases.cex, digits = x.axis.bases.digits,
                                add.units = TRUE)
  CopyNumberPlots::plotCopyNumberCalls(kp, cnv, cn.colors = CNV_COLORS, r0=0, loh.values = FALSE,
                                       label.cex = cnv.label.cex,
                                       r1=0.03, labels = "CNV")
  karyoploteR::kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = r0, r1 = r1, labels = c("variant allele frequency"),
                           srt = 90, pos = 3, cex = y.axis.title.cex, label.margin = 0.1)

  # Add guide lines depending on CNV type
  if (cnv$cnv == "deletion") {
    karyoploteR::kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=1, r0=r0, r1=r1, col="gray50",
                        cex = y.axis.label.cex,
                        labels = c("0", htmean, "1"), tick.pos = c(0, htmean, 1))
    karyoploteR::kpAbline(kp, h=c(htmean), col="gray80", ymin=0, ymax=1, r0=r0,
                          r1=r1, lty=2, lwd = 1)
  } else if (cnv$cnv == "duplication"){
    karyoploteR::kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=1, r0=r0, r1=r1, col="gray50",
                        cex = y.axis.label.cex,
                        labels = c("0", duphtmean1, htmean, duphtmean2, "1"),
                        tick.pos = c(0, duphtmean1, htmean, duphtmean2, 1))
    karyoploteR::kpAbline(kp, h=c(duphtmean1, htmean, duphtmean2), col="gray80",
                          ymin=0, ymax=1, r0=r0, r1=r1, lty=2, lwd = 1)

  # Draw legend
  if (legend.show){
    graphics::legend(x=legend.x.pos, y=legend.y.pos, legend=c("Discard CNV", "Confirm CNV", "Neutral", "CNV deletion", "CNV duplication"),
          pch = c(points.pch, points.pch, points.pch, NA, NA), pt.cex=1, bg = "white",  box.col = "gray",
          border = "white", cex = legend.cex, text.width = legend.text.width,
          fill = c(NA, NA, NA, CNV_COLORS[2], CNV_COLORS[4]), ncol=2,

  # Load variants for desired cnv
  vars <- cnvfilter.results$variantsForEachCNV[[cnv.id]]
  if (!is.null(vars)){

    # Move freq values to the 0-1 interval
    vars$alt.freq <- vars$alt.freq / 100.0

    # Add points depending o CNV type
    if (cnv$cnv == "deletion") {
      v_sub <- vars[vars$type=="ht",]
      karyoploteR::kpPoints(kp, chr = as.character(v_sub$seqnames), x=v_sub$start, y=v_sub$alt.freq, col=DISCARD_COLOR, r0 = r0, r1=r1, cex=points.cex, pch=points.pch)
      v_sub <- vars[vars$type=="hm",]
      karyoploteR::kpPoints(kp, chr = as.character(v_sub$seqnames), x=v_sub$start, y=v_sub$alt.freq, col=NEUTRAL_COLOR, r0 = r0, r1=r1, cex=points.cex, pch=points.pch)
    } else if (cnv$cnv == "duplication") {
      v_sub <- vars[vars$score == 0,]
      karyoploteR::kpPoints(kp, chr = as.character(v_sub$seqnames), x=v_sub$start, y=v_sub$alt.freq, col=NEUTRAL_COLOR, r0 = r0, r1=r1, cex=points.cex, pch=points.pch)
      v_sub <- vars[vars$score > 0,]
      karyoploteR::kpPoints(kp, chr = as.character(v_sub$seqnames), x=v_sub$start, y=v_sub$alt.freq, col=DISCARD_COLOR, r0 = r0, r1=r1, cex=points.cex, pch=points.pch)
      v_sub <- vars[vars$score < 0,]
      karyoploteR::kpPoints(kp, chr = as.character(v_sub$seqnames), x=v_sub$start, y=v_sub$alt.freq, col=CONFIRM_COLOR, r0 = r0, r1=r1, cex=points.cex, pch=points.pch)

jpuntomarcos/CNVfilteR documentation built on Oct. 6, 2023, 12:37 a.m.