
Defines functions check_spelling make_wordlist get_words get_r_imports get_pkg_imports check_wordlist

Documented in check_spelling

# Checks that WORDLIST is in alphabetical order
check_wordlist = function() {
  fname = file.path(get_root_dir(), "WORDLIST")
  if (!file.exists(fname)) return(TRUE)

  words = readLines(fname, warn = FALSE)
  if (!all(words == sort(words))) {
    msg_error("WORDLIST is not in alphabetical order", padding = TRUE)

get_pkg_imports = function(pkg) {
  imports = utils::packageDescription(pkg)[["Imports"]]
  if (is.null(imports)) {
  imports = stringr::str_split(imports, ",")[[1]]
  imports = stringr::str_squish(imports)
  imports = stringr::str_split(imports, " ")
  unlist(lapply(imports, function(import) import[1]))

get_r_imports = function() {
  pkgs = get_r_pkg_name()
  imports = unlist(lapply(pkgs, get_pkg_imports))

get_words = function() {
  ## Get Global spelling file
  words = c(get_r_imports(), get_r_pkg_name(), get_python_pkg_name(), get_deb_pkgs())
  fname = system.file("WORDLIST", package = "jrNotes")
  words = c(words, readLines(fname, warn = FALSE))

  ## Check for local spelling file
  fname = file.path(get_root_dir(), "WORDLIST")
  if (file.exists(fname)) {
    words = c(words, readLines(fname, warn = FALSE))
  } else {
    msg_info("WORDLIST file not found in the root directory", padding = TRUE)

  # Remove comments & blank lines
  words = words[stringr::str_starts(words, pattern = "#", negate = TRUE)]
  words = words[nchar(words) > 0]

#' @importFrom glue glue_collapse
make_wordlist = function(spelling_results) {
  # Creates a spelling_issues file with exceptions
  # Intentionally doesn't put it in the root - make the user look at it
  f = file("spelling_issues.txt", "w")
  words = sort(unique(spelling_results$word))
  words = glue::glue_collapse(words, sep = "\n")
  cat(words, file = f, append = TRUE)
  msg_error("Spelling mistakes have been found in the notes", padding = TRUE)
  msg_error("The file spelling_issues contains a list of potential spelling mistakes",
            padding = TRUE)
  msg_error("Any words that are not errors should be added to ../WORDLIST", padding = TRUE)

#' @title Spell checkers
#' @description check_spelling runs a spell check on all c*.Rmd files.
#' @importFrom spelling spell_check_files
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @export
check_spelling = function() {
  msg_start("Spell check...check_spelling()")

  if (!check_wordlist()) {

  words = get_words()
  fnames = list.files(pattern = "^c.*\\.Rmd$")
  in_words = spelling::spell_check_files(fnames, lang = "en_GB", ignore = words)
  ## Spell check main.tex with LaTeX filter
  main_words = spelling::spell_check_files("main.tex", lang = "en_GB", ignore = words)
  ## Words that don't appear in main are OK
  in_words = in_words[in_words$word %in% main_words$word, ]

  if (nrow(in_words) == 0L) {
    msg_success("Spell check passed")

  # Order spelling mistakes grouped by chapter
  in_words = tidyr::unnest(in_words, cols = .data$found)
  in_words = dplyr::arrange(in_words, .data$found, .data$word)
  # Work out the required amount of padding needed for _each_ word
  pad = 20 - nchar(in_words$word)
  pad = pad - min(pad) + 4
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(in_words))) {
    msg_error(glue("{in_words[i, 1]}{paste(character(pad[i]), collapse = ' ')}{in_words[i, 2]}"),
              padding = TRUE)
jr-packages/jrNotes documentation built on Dec. 18, 2020, 11:07 p.m.