#' @title Creates "bayts" time series data frame for multiple input time series
#' @description Creates "bayts" time series data frame from multiple input time series and calculates time series of normalised conditional non-forest probabilities (PNF).
#' @details Short method description: PNF is estimated for each individual time series observation, using the corresponding sensor specific probability density functions (pdfs) for forest (F) and non-forest (NF).
#' In case of multiple observation at the same date, PNF is interatively updated using Bayesian probability updating (\code{\link{calcPosterior}}).
#' A detailed description is provided in \href{http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/7/5/4973}{Reiche et al. 2015} (Chapter 2.1.2 and 2.1.3).
#' @references \href{http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/7/5/4973}{Reiche et al. (2015): A Bayesian Approach to Combine Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Time Series for Near Real-Time Deforestation Detection. Remote Sensing. 7(5), 4973-4996; doi:10.3390/rs70504973}
#' @author Johannes Reiche (Wageningen University)
#' @param tsL list of object(s) of class \code{\link{ts}}
#' @param pdfL list of "pdf" object(s) describing F and NF distributions (see \code{\link{calcPNF}}).
#' "pdf" object: pdf[1] = pdf type F, pdf[2] = pdf type NF, pdf[3] and pdf[4] = pdf parameter describing F, pdf[5] and pdf[6] = pdf parameter describing NF. pdf types supported: Gaussian or Weibull.
#' @param bwf block weighting function to truncate the NF probability; Default=c(0.1,0.9); (c(0,1) = no truncation)
#' @return "bayts" time seris data frame including: time series observation (ts1, ts2 ...), conditional non-forest probabilties (PNF), empty Flag (Flag) and empty Change probability (PChange).
#' @examples
#' #TBD
#' @export
createBayts <- function (tsL=list(NULL,...), pdfL=list(NULL,...), bwf = c(0.1, 0.9)) {
# step 1: add time series to data frame
#number of ts
l <- length(tsL)
#get first ts as zoo object
ts1 <- merge.zoo(na.omit(as.zoo(tsL[[1]])))
#add remaining ts as zoo objects
if (l>1){
for(i in 2:l){
#if ts is empty add empty ts
if (length(na.omit(as.zoo(tsL[[i]])))==0){
ts2 <- as.double(merge.zoo(na.omit(as.zoo(tsL[[1]]))))
ts2[!is.na(ts2)] <- NA
ts1 <- merge.zoo(ts1, ts2)
names(ts1)[i] <- paste("ts", i, sep = "")
#otherwise add ts
} else {
ts1 <- merge.zoo(ts1, na.omit(as.zoo(tsL[[i]])))
names(ts1)[i] <- paste("ts", i, sep = "")
# step 2: calc conditional non-forest probability (PNF)
# update PNF using Bayesian updating in case of multiple
# observations at same date
#calc PNF for the first ts and add
PNF <- calcPNF(na.omit(as.zoo(tsL[[1]])), pdfL[[1]], bwf)
ts1 <- merge.zoo(ts1,PNF)
#calc PNF for remaining ts &
#update PNF in case of multiple observations at the same date
if (l>1){
for(i in 2:l){
ts2 <- merge.zoo(ts1, calcPNF(ts1[,i], pdfL[[i]], bwf))
names(ts2)[l+2] <- paste("PNF2")
#updating PNF using Bayesioan updating
ts1$PNF[which(!is.na(ts2$PNF)==!is.na(ts2$PNF2))] <- calcPosterior(ts2$PNF[which(!is.na(ts2$PNF)==!is.na(ts2$PNF2))],ts2$PNF2[which(!is.na(ts2$PNF)==!is.na(ts2$PNF2))])
ts1$PNF[is.na(ts1$PNF)] <- ts2$PNF2[is.na(ts1$PNF)]
# step 3: add empty flag and Pchange row to data frame
Flag <- ts1[, 1]
Flag[!is.na(Flag)] <- NA
PChange <- ts1[, 1]
PChange[!is.na(PChange)] <- NA
ts1 <- merge(ts1, PChange, Flag)
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