
#' Calculate Fictional Observation Weights
#' Determines the coeffiicients for terms in the fictional observations,
#' to ensure a given weight relative to the normal observations.
#' @param formula lm-style formula
#' @param label the term to be used in fictional observations
#' @param ratio desired ratio of observed and fictional data
#' @param data optional data frame
#' @return Coefficients for fictional observations
#' @examples
#' calc.fo.weights(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + Sepal.Width : Species,
#'   "Sepal.Width:Species", 5, data=iris)

calc.fo.weights <- function(formula, label, ratio, data) {
    mod.lm <- lm(formula, data)
    sumerr <- sum(mod.lm$residuals^2)

    ## Collect the beta values for all of these
    dummies <- substr(names(mod.lm$coefficients), 1, nchar(label)) == label
    if (sum(dummies) == 0 && grepl(':', label)) {
        ## Try flipping an interaction
        subterms = interaction.term.split(label)
        dummies <- grep(paste(subterms[2], ".*", subterms[1], sep=""), names(mod.lm$coefficients))
        if (length(dummies) == 0)
            dummies <- grep(paste(subterms[1], ".*", subterms[2], sep=""), names(mod.lm$coefficients))
    betas <- mod.lm$coefficients[dummies]
    betas <- betas[!is.na(betas)] # XXX: Not clear what I should do in this case.
    weight <- sumerr / (ratio * sum(dummies) * var(betas))
    if (is.na(weight)) {
        warning("Calculated weight is NA.  Using 1/ratio instead.")
        weight <- 1 / ratio
    if (weight == 0) {
        warning("Calculated weight is zero.  Using 1/ratio instead.")
        weight <- 1 / ratio
jrising/hierlm documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:08 a.m.