
Defines functions obsPlot

Documented in obsPlot

### Function obsPlot ###
#' Function obsPlot
#' Provides a summary plot for each observation (gene), showing data for each
#' experiment group. The plot can optionally include one or more of the
#' following layers: boxplot, violin plot, individual points and/or mean of all
#' points.  The layers are built up in the order listed with user settable
#' transparency, colors etc.  By default, the Boxplot, Point and Mean layers are
#' active. Also, by default, the plots are faceted.  Facet plot can be turned
#' off to return a list of individual ggplot graphics for each gene.
#' Input is a dataframe or matrix of observations (rows; usually genes) by
#' Samples (columns) and requires rownames to identify the observations (genes).
#' A Block vector is required to define which Samples (columns) belong to the
#' same group and generate a summary plot by group with a separate plot for
#' each observation (gene).
#' Rownames are required and all the data columns should be numeric.  Each
#' observation (gene) generates a separate plot, so you should pass a smallish
#' list of genes unless you want alot of output.  By default the plot is
#' faceted. You should turn facet off if you have more than ~25 genes to plot.
#' Colnames and Rownames will be used to label the plots by default but custom
#' col/row names can also be supplied as separate vectors.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{jrt@@thompsonclan.org}
#' @keywords boxplot violinplot ggplot2 logratio
#' @param data matrix or dataframe of whatever data you want to plot with
#'   samples in columns and observations (genes) in rows (with rownames and colnames).  Bug: Currently requires at least 2 rows of data.
#' @param block Character or numeric vector. Determines which samples belong to the same group.  Must be same
#'   length as ncol(data).  Assign the same value to each member of a group.
#'   Note that the block values are used to label the X Axis to identify the
#'   groups.  Thus short pneumonic labels are useful here.
#' @param blockOrder Character vector. Use this to explicitly set the display order of the blocks
#'   in the plots.  blockOrder should contain unique(block) in the order you
#'   wish to items to be arranged along the X-axis.  (Optional: Default = unique(block))
#' @param obsNames Character vector of row (observation) names to use instead of actual
#'   rownames. (Default = NULL)
#' @param sampNames Character vector of column (sample) names to use instead of actual
#'   colnames. (Default = NULL)
#' @param plotBy Name for the type of observation being plotted (Default = "Gene")
#' @param valType name for the Value being plotted.  (Default = "Log2CPM")
#' @param boxLayer Adds a boxplot layer (Default = TRUE)
#' @param violinLayer Adds a violin layer (Default = FALSE)
#' @param pointLayer Adds a point layer (Default = True)
#' @param meanLayer Adds a mean layer (Default = True)
#' @param xlab X axis label (defaults to "Block")
#' @param ylab Y axis label (defaults to valType)
#' @param title Plot title (optional; Defaults = NULL)
#' @param boxColor Color for the boxplot layer (Default = "grey30")
#' @param boxFill Fill Color for the boxplot layer (Default = "deepskyblue3")
#' @param boxAlpha Transparency for the box layer (Default = 0.5)
#' @param violinColor Color for the violin layer (Default = "grey30")
#' @param violinFill Fill Color for the violin (Default = "yellow")
#' @param violinAlpha Transparency for the box layer (Default = 0.5)
#' @param pointColor Color for the point layer (Default = "grey30")
#' @param pointFill Fill color for the point layer (Default = "dodgerblue4")
#' @param pointShape Shape for the point layer (Default = 21; fillable circle)
#' @param pointAlpha Transparency for the box layer (Default = 1)
#' @param boxNotch turn on/off confidence interval notches on boxplots (Default = FALSE)
#' @param boxNotchWidth Set the width of boxnotches (0-1) (Default = 0.8)
#' @param pointSize Size of the points (Default = 4)
#' @param pointJitter Amount to jitter the points (Default = 0) Try 0.2 if you
#'   have alot of points.
#' @param meanColor Color for the mean layer (Default = "red2")
#' @param meanFill Fill color for the mean layer (Default = "goldenrod1")
#' @param meanShape Shape for the mean layer (Default = 21; fillable circle)
#' @param meanAlpha Transparency for the mean layer (Default = 0.7)
#' @param meanSize Size of the mean points (Default = 3)
#' @param baseFontSize The smallest size font in the figure in points. (Default =
#'   12)
#' @param themeStyle "bw" or "grey" which correspond to theme_bw or theme_grey
#'   respectively. Default = bw"
#' @param facet Specifies whether to facet (TRUE) or print individual plots
#'   (FALSE)  (Default = TRUE)
#' @param facetRow Explicitly set the number of Rows for the facet plot.
#'   Default behavior will automatically set the columns. (Default = NULL)
#' @param xAngle Angle to set the sample labels on the Xaxis. (Default =  30; Range = 0-90)
#' @param scales Specify same scales or independent scales for each subplot (Default = "free_y";
#'   Allowed values: "fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free")
#' @param returnPlotDat Returns the dataframe used for the plot as a list member (default=FALSE)
#' @param debug Used to open a breakpoint just before the melt step (default=FALSE)
#' @return ggplot If Facet=TRUE (default) returns a facetted ggplot object. If
#'   facet=FALSE or returnPlotDat=TRUE, returns a list of ggplot objects indexed
#'   by observation (gene) names. If returnPlotDat=TRUE, the last element
#'   of the list is the dataframe used to generate the plot.
#' @examples
#'    Simple faceted plot with custom title
#'    #get Log2CPM from an DGEobj object
#'    dgeObj = readRDS("MyDGEobj.RDS")
#'    dgelist <- getItem(dgeObj, "DGEList")
#'    Log2CPM <- cpm(dgelist, log=TRUE)
#'    genes = Log2CPM[1:12,] #first dozen genes
#'    #define six treatment groups in triplicate
#'    MyBlock = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6)
#'    MyPlot = obsPlot(genes, MyBlock, title = "Plot Title")
#' @import ggplot2 magrittr
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
obsPlot <- function(data,
                      obsNames,  #e.g. rownames(data)
                      plotBy = "Gene",  #separate plot for each of these
                      valType = "Log2CPM",  #value being plotted
                      boxLayer = TRUE,
                      violinLayer = FALSE,
                      pointLayer = TRUE,
                      meanLayer = TRUE,
                      xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, title=NULL,
                      boxColor = "grey30",
                      boxFill = "deepskyblue3",
                      boxAlpha = 0.5,
                      boxNotch = FALSE,
                      boxNotchWidth = 0.8,
                      violinColor = "grey30",
                      violinFill = "goldenrod1",
                      ViolinAlpha = 0.5,
                      pointColor = "grey30",
                      pointFill = "dodgerblue4",
                      pointShape = 21, #fillable circle
                      pointAlpha = 1,
                      pointSize = 2,
                      pointJitter = 0,
                      meanColor = "red2",
                      meanFill = "goldenrod1",
                      meanShape = 22, #fillable square
                      meanAlpha = 0.7,
                      meanSize = 3,
                      legenPosition = "right",
                      baseFontSize = 12,
                      themeStyle = "grey",
                      facet = TRUE,
                      facetCol = NULL,
                      xAngle = 30,
                      scales = "free_y",
                      returnPlotDat = FALSE,
                      debug = FALSE

  .addGeoms <- function(MyPlot)
    #note uses global values except for MyPlot

    if (boxLayer==TRUE){
      MyPlot = MyPlot + geom_boxplot(alpha=boxAlpha,
                                     notchwidth = boxNotchWidth,
                                     outlier.shape = outlier.shape,
                                     outlier.size = outlier.size

    if (violinLayer==TRUE){
      MyPlot = MyPlot + geom_violin(alpha=ViolinAlpha,
                                    color = violinColor,
                                    fill = violinFill)

    if (pointLayer==TRUE){
      if (pointJitter > 0) {
        MyPlot <- MyPlot + geom_point(position = position_jitter(width = pointJitter),
                                    shape = pointShape)
      } else {
        MyPlot <- MyPlot + geom_point(

    if (meanLayer==TRUE){
      MyPlot <- MyPlot +
        stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", shape=meanShape, size=meanSize,
                   color="red", fill = "goldenrod1", alpha=meanAlpha)


  ### Argument checks
  if (!class(block) == "character")
    block <- as.character(block)

  if (is.matrix(data)){ #ggplot likes dataframes
    data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  assertthat::assert_that(length(block) == ncol(data))

  if (missing(sampNames)){
    sampNames = colnames(data)
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that(length(sampNames) == ncol(data))

  if (missing(obsNames)){
    obsNames = rownames(data)
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that(length(obsNames) == nrow(data))

  if (missing(blockOrder)){
    blockOrder <- unique(block) #set default blockOrder
    assertthat::assert_that(length(blockOrder) == length(unique(block)))

  #reduce box outliers to a dot if geom_points turned on.
  outlier.size <- 1.5
  outlier.shape <- 19
  if (pointLayer) {
    outlier.size <- 1
    outlier.shape <- "."
  #get axis labels if not provided
  if (is.null(xlab)){
    xlab = "Group"

  if (is.null(ylab)){
    ylab = valType

  if (debug ==TRUE) browser()

  #build tall data
  groupdf = data.frame(cbind(Samples=sampNames, Block=block), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  data[[plotBy]] = as.character(obsNames) #wrap in as.character to tolerate lists
  data %<>% reshape2::melt(variable.name="Samples", value.name = valType, na.rm=TRUE)
  #attach the group info
  data %<>% dplyr::left_join(groupdf)
  # data$Block %<>% as.character %>% as.factor
  data$Block <- factor(data$Block, levels=blockOrder)

  #optionally set the block order for the plot
  # if (!missing(blockOrder)){
  #     data$Block <- factor(data$Block, levels=blockOrder)
  # }

### Plot code here
  if (facet) {

    #set facet columns to sqrt of unique observations (rounded up)
    if (is.null(facetCol)) {
      numcol <- obsNames %>% unique %>% length %>% sqrt %>% ceiling
    } else {
      numcol = facetCol

    if (numcol > 6) {
      warning ("You're putting a lot of plots into a Facet Plot")

    MyPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot (data, aes_string(x="Block", y=valType))
    MyPlot <- .addGeoms(MyPlot)
    MyPlot <- MyPlot + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ Gene, nrow=numcol, scales=scales)

    MyPlot <- MyPlot + ggplot2::xlab(xlab)
    MyPlot <- MyPlot + ggplot2::ylab(ylab)
    MyPlot <- MyPlot + ggplot2::ggtitle(title)
    if (tolower(themeStyle) == "bw" ){
      MyPlot <- MyPlot + theme_bw() + baseTheme(baseFontSize)
    } else {
      MyPlot <- MyPlot + theme_grey() + baseTheme(baseFontSize)

    #rotate xaxis group labels
    if (xAngle > 0){
      MyPlot <- MyPlot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = xAngle, hjust = 1))

  } else { #individual plots for each Gene returned in a list

      plotlist <- list()

      for (obs in data[[plotBy]]) {  #for each gene

        dat <- data[data[[plotBy]] == obs, ] #pull data for one gene
        aplot <- ggplot(dat, aes_string(x="Block", y=valType)) + #Samples vs Log2CPM
          xlab(xlab) +
          ylab(ylab) +
          ggtitle(obs) +
          theme_grey() + facetTheme(baseFontSize)
        aplot <- .addGeoms(aplot)
        if (meanLayer == TRUE){
          aplot <- aplot +
            stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", shape=meanShape, size=meanSize,
                         color="red", fill = "goldenrod1", alpha=1.0)
        #rotate xaxis group labels
        if (xAngle > 0){
          aplot <- aplot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = xAngle, hjust = 1))
        plotlist[[obs]] <- aplot


      MyPlot = plotlist


  # add dataframe as specified by argument returnPlotDat
  if (returnPlotDat == TRUE){
      if(class(MyPlot)[[1]] == "list"){
          MyPlot$PlotDat <- data
      } else {
          MyPlot <- list(MyPlot, data)

jrthompson54/DGE.Tools2 documentation built on May 12, 2021, 8:47 p.m.