### Function runIHW ###
#' Function runIHW
#' This is a wrapper around the independent hypothesis weighting package that
#' takes a list of topTable dataframes and applies Independent Hypothesis
#' Weighting (IHW) to each topTable dataframe in the list.
#' IHW is a method developed by N. Ignatiadis (http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/034330)
#' to weight FDR values based on a covariate (AveExpr in this case).
#' The IHW FDR values are added as additional columns to the topTable dataframes.
#' Note that it is impractical to run IHW on a list of genes less than ~5000
#' because operationally, it breaks the data into bins of 1500 genes for the
#' analysis if bins = 1, IHW converges on the BH FDR value and there's no point.
#' So we run IHW on the complete set of detected genes from topTable results
#' (not topTreat).
#' @author John Thompson, \email{jrt@@thompsonclan.org}
#' @keywords ggplot2, png, bmp, tiff, jpeg, pdf
#' @param contrastList A list of topTable dataframes.
#' @param alpha The alpha value is the FDR level you wish to interogate (range 0-1; default = 0.1)
#' @param ... other arguments are passed directly to the ihw function (see ?ihw).
#' @return A list of lists. The first element is the original contrastList with
#' additional IHW columns added to each dataframe. The TopTable dataframes
#' will contain additional columns added by the ihw analysis and prefixed with
#' "ihw." The second list element is the IHW result dataframe.
#' @examples
#' IHWresults <- runIHW(MyContrastList)
#' MyContrastList <- IHWresults[[1]]
#' IHWdf <- IHWresults[[2]]
#' @importFrom IHW ihw
#' @export
runIHW <- function(contrastList,
FDRthreshold = 0.1,
#Function def
getProportion <- function(ttdf, threshold) {
#get the proportion for one df
bhfdrproportion <- (sum(ttdf$adj.P.Val <= threshold)) / nrow(ttdf)
#note proportion is passed below in runIHWon1DF but not used!?!?
#Leave for now but consider trimming later.
#Function def
runIHWon1DF <- function(ttdf, alpha, proportion, ...){
#run ihw on one df
#return an ihwResult object
if (is.null(ttdf$P.Value) || is.null(ttdf$AveExpr)){
stop ("Expected both P.Value and AveExpr columns in data.frame")
IHWresult <- IHW::ihw(ttdf$P.Value,
covariates = ttdf$AveExpr,
alpha = alpha, ...)
#run IHW on each dataframe, collect the result objects in a list which
#is added to the result object.
proportion <- sapply(contrastList, getProportion, threshold=FDRthreshold)
ihwList <- list()
contrastNames <- names(contrastList)
for (i in 1:length(contrastList)){
# message(paste("Running ihw on contrast", contrastNames[i], sep=" "))
ihwResult <- runIHWon1DF(contrastList[[i]],
proportion=proportion[i], ...)
#capture the ihwResult object
ihwList[[i]] <- ihwResult
#cbind adj_pvalue, weight and weighted_pvalue columns to topTable DF
# contrastList[[i]] <- cbind (contrastList[[i]],
# as.data.frame(ihwResult)[,2:4])
contrastList[[i]] <- cbind (contrastList[[i]],
#prefix the colnames of those three columns with "ihw."
cnames <- colnames(contrastList[[i]])
numcol <- length (cnames)
cnames[(numcol-2):numcol] <- paste ("ihw.", cnames[(numcol-2):numcol], sep="")
colnames(contrastList[[i]]) <- cnames
#add documentation
attr(contrastList[[i]], "ihw") = TRUE
result <- list(contrasts=contrastList, ihwObj=ihwList)
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